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31d vs. mdk


Dough said:
I do. My name is Dough, and I'm here for your loot.

Only way YOU could get my loot is if you stoll it.

According to jenova my moms a horse, so im a centaur, and your a gaynewbirlkthx hahaaha roflroflpwnt


Atreyu The Curse said:
ull never get a pic of me on here loseing in a actual 1v1 and now ims post a pic of not my gf but of me openmouth kissing a horse .... why? because i can

Hmm? seems i just beat u 4 to 3 at the duel pits. JAJAJAJA :cool:


R a c e c a R said:
compared to clicking a mouse button and using two spells...poison and ebolt

I explo ebolt.

But seriously if you cant heal through a macer, axxer etc, your a big floppy vagina, and you suck.


R a c e c a R said:
Omgooses...since hybrids take so much skill. Jackass.

Uhm hes a hybrid also, and did i even say it was skill. He said nobody could beat him 1v1 well i proved him very wrong. We were both hybrids jackass.


I think all of you guys should do what I did. Take a month break or so from UO, and then just log on to actually enjoy it for maybe an hour a week or so. I think you'll give alot less of a shit. 3ID is good, MDK might be, I don't have a clue. But honestly, who gives a shit? Anytime you see us pvping, we're probably not even sober. Who gives a shit that you owned us? We probably giggled about it :(


DoPe/Nutbag said:
I think all of you guys should do what I did. Take a month break or so from UO, and then just log on to actually enjoy it for maybe an hour a week or so. I think you'll give alot less of a shit. 3ID is good, MDK might be, I don't have a clue. But honestly, who gives a shit? Anytime you see us pvping, we're probably not even sober. Who gives a shit that you owned us? We probably giggled about it :(
Yah know nut bag for someone who is always wasted you make alot of sense. ima take your advice i think d;)
i dont care anymore

yeah grape beat me in a couple duels i beat him in a couples duels GG if im who your talking about now who wants to hear more about me open mouth kissing a horse