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31d vs. mdk

DoPe/Nutbag said:
I think all of you guys should do what I did. Take a month break or so from UO, and then just log on to actually enjoy it for maybe an hour a week or so. I think you'll give alot less of a shit. 3ID is good, MDK might be, I don't have a clue. But honestly, who gives a shit? Anytime you see us pvping, we're probably not even sober. Who gives a shit that you owned us? We probably giggled about it :(

for sure


haha seriously all u guys think u are so fucking good..... u all think your king shit "laugh" get out guys its a game scripts 4 teh win


You just said it's a game, but at the same time it seems like you're taking it more seriously than anyone else. Check yo self nigga


This is getting out of hand, i know i started it and i expected flames but not this bad lol. This puppy needs to be shut down.
Atreyu The Curse said:
ull never get a pic of me on here loseing in a actual 1v1 and now ims post a pic of not my gf but of me openmouth kissing a horse .... why? because i can

i saw you at the graveyard, began attacking you, after i disturbed your magic reflect 6 or 7 times you began running to your house, and died via axe/explo/eb

shoulda took a screenshot huh :(


grape-soda said:
This is getting out of hand, i know i started it and i expected flames but not this bad lol. This puppy needs to be shut down.

Why? Its better than 17 billion shitbag threads on 31D by mdk or threads on mdk by 31D.


Spriggan said:
Can we just shut this crap up?

look on MY UOG
whos the top guild?
oh yea, we are... so STFU.... these threads are getting old.... the facts talk for themselfs, and they say we win...

2 words dipshit...point mules.

Sigh...that one was way too easy...so while were at it Wu Wei Mule is better than your entire guild combined...congrats.


Spriggan said:
we earned every point on that mule....
hell, half of them are from your guild....

Yes, you may have earned them...but youre also too scared to lose them. If MdK point muled...we'd have the top spot easy. How is this? Well lets see here...Daz's point mule alone has 388 points... i've temporarily retired RacecaR, as i enjoy the title of Avenger of Mondain and im enjoying my stun/scribe mage...but, each time i die im worth 5,6, or 7 points on that char, worth 2 on the other right now...jenova is always near 40 points, mini me is fluctuates from 20-40...the list goes on, but if we whored them over, we wouldnt lose as much, gain the same amount.


Want to hear a stat that would burst your ego bubble about those muled points? With Daz and Rdoggs point mules alone (2 people out of our entire guild) we'd have more points than your guild does with a mule for the entire guild.
Jenova said:
Want to hear a stat that would burst your ego bubble about those muled points? With Daz and Rdoggs point mules alone (2 people out of our entire guild) we'd have more points than your guild does with a mule for the entire guild.

Casper (my alt) used to run around with 120+ points on him, I was in P F and the only person I ran with was Elton John, we pretty much were TB. This was before I quit for several months and came back to all the new ways to get gayed in factions. I like it a lot better that the person who gays me gets 1 point instead of 12.