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Re: 9/11

Dany Mortal;2124625 said:
Have you ever seen a plane hit a skyscraper?


On 9/11?

And it didn't come out the way the other plane-crash-into-tower scenarios you seen did?

oh wait you haven't seen it any other way then 911...

So what you're saying is you THINK that if you take the 85-90th floor out of a 94 floor building that the 10 floors falling down can't collapse the other floors.... at least you're being logical

you can proceed.

no I was saying that the way it hit it at that angle it would tumble over not fall straight to the ground. is what I'm saying

Dany Mortal;2124626 said:
Am I angering you with my analogys of what you are saying is the same as bible thumpers?

Let it out, son.

bible thumpers ? WTF
no you are not angering me by any means
Re: 9/11

Insano the Clown;2124627 said:
no I was saying that the way it hit it at that angle it would tumble over not fall straight to the ground. is what I'm saying

Wanna know why it won't tumble over? because the floors collapsed causing the floors under them to collapse causing the building to go down, the plane acted like the dynamite INSTANTLY knocking out the support.
Re: 9/11

Dany Mortal;2124629 said:
Wanna know why it won't tumble over? because the floors collapsed causing the floors under them to collapse causing the building to go down, the plane acted like the dynamite INSTANTLY knocking out the support.

So your saying that it wasn't planned ? it was terrorist


Re: 9/11

Think about it man, just for a second. What sense would it make for a building like that to get TOPPLED OVER by a plane like it was a fucking tree?

It only makes sense that the support was knocked out therefor causing it to collapse.


Re: 9/11

Insano the Clown;2124623 said:
well if I was flown into a sky scraper would I be here ? no so stfu

I'm not worked up by any means he has no reason to call me an idiot based of my opinion

as i stated in another thread, i celebrate bring your plane to work day every year, tis quite fun, don't forget the full body heat sheild.


Re: 9/11

Insano the Clown;2124624 said:

whoa whoa whoa someones mad jesus it was just an attack carried out by people who really hate us, point in case : get the fuck over it you fat cow?
Re: 9/11

Pete Liv;2124761 said:
whoa whoa whoa someones mad jesus it was just an attack carried out by people who really hate us, point in case : get the fuck over it you fat cow?

hahahahahahah fat cow hahahahhaha that really made me laugh.


Re: 9/11

Pete Liv;2124760 said:
as i stated in another thread, i celebrate bring your plane to work day every year, tis quite fun, don't forget the full body heat sheild.

LOL bring your plane to work day, that made me rofl
Re: 9/11

I dont know if this was already said because i didn't read it all, but the towers went down as if it were a controlled demolition. floor after floor after floor. In a video you can see an explosion on the building before the plane even hit. Watch the documentary called "Zeitgeist". Bush didnt have to plan it, he had his little bitch slaves to plan it for him. He knew what was going to happen that day.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: 9/11

Dany Mortal;2124315 said:
Glad someone challenged me.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets examine the Persian Gulf War sometimes called "Operation Desert Storm"

Fact 1 : Iraq invaded Kuwait
Fact 2 : The UN and our President got angry and deployed our troops[Whom of which made up a "great majority" of the Coalition of the Gulf War henceforth referred to as the CotGW]
Fact 3 : Our overwhelming Aid in this war was due to conflict we had with Iraq being the Soviet Unions ally during the Cold War.

The invasion of Kuwait by Iraqi troops that began 2 August 1990 was met with international condemnation, and brought immediate economic sanctions against Iraq by members of the UN Security Council. U.S. President George H. W. Bush deployed American forces to Saudi Arabia almost 6 months afterwards, and urged other countries to send their own forces to the scene. An array of nations joined the Coalition of the Gulf War. The great majority of the military forces in the coalition were from the United States, with Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and Egypt as leading contributors, in that order. Around US$40 billion of the US$60 billion cost was paid by Saudi Arabia.

Throughout much of the Cold War, Iraq had been an ally of the Soviet Union, and there was a history of friction between it and the United States. The U.S. was concerned with Iraq's position on Israeli–Palestinian politics, and its disapproval of the nature of the peace between Israel and Egypt.
The United States also disliked Iraqi support for various Arab and Palestinian militant groups such as Abu Nidal, which led to its inclusion on the developing U.S. list of State Sponsors of Terrorism on 29 December 1979. The U.S. remained officially neutral after the invasion of Iran, which became the Iran–Iraq War, although it assisted Iraq covertly. In March 1982, however, Iran began a successful counteroffensive - Operation Undeniable Victory, and the United States increased its support for Iraq to prevent Iran from forcing a surrender.

Let us conclude :

Iraq helps Soviet Union in the Cold War, to the US disliking.
Cold War ends
Iraq invades Kuwait over an Oil dispute.
We decide to put a bunch of our troops there to aid Kuwait[And get back at Iraq for their part in the cold war]

Is it then to far fetched to see Saddam retaliating at us with 9/11?

You don't see 2 people fighting and you and all your friends go over and start beating on one of them and expect no retaliation ever, espicially when his friends are watching.

Good job completely ignoring the Iran-Iraq War, the Twin Pillars Policy, and Dual Containment, to name a few key issues. The U.S. actually aided Iraq during the Iran-Iraq War, which did not conclude until 1988 - just one year before the Soviet Union shed the burdens of empire.

Saddam had little if anything to do with 9/11. That's a big part of why the 2003 invasion of Iraq was so controversial. It has been suggested that he helped to fund Al Qaeda, though I don't know how true or significant that is.

Your argument is based on two premises. First, that Saddam Hussein is responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Find me any evidence to support that; I would love to be able to point it out to anti-war people who claim we're in Iraq for oil. Until you do, I will have to say this premise is unfounded. Your second premise is that Saddam's reason for orchestrating 9/11 was in retaliation for U.S. foreign policy in Iraq - namely, Cold War politics. But the U.S. aided Iraq during the Cold War, so this premise is completely untrue.

I have researched this subject exhaustively, as I have a BA in political science and I wrote my senior thesis on U.S. Cold War intervention in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East. The issue is far, far more complex than you suggest and you have overlooked 50 years of history. If you're going to analyze the impact of U.S. intervention in the Middle East, you need to go back to WWII or at the very least the 1947 UN Partition Plan.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: 9/11

Angela Bloodcrow;2124845 said:
I dont know if this was already said because i didn't read it all, but the towers went down as if it were a controlled demolition. floor after floor after floor. In a video you can see an explosion on the building before the plane even hit. Watch the documentary called "Zeitgeist". Bush didnt have to plan it, he had his little bitch slaves to plan it for him. He knew what was going to happen that day.

Are you fucking serious? You really believe the conspiracy theories?

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - World Trade Center 7, Building 7

Go here. Educate yourself. Then delete your post and I promise to pretend you never said anything that stupid.
Re: 9/11

Iddio;2124251 said:
Bring your punk ass to NY so I can break your jaw.
So on this day YOU will never forget.

"9/11 showed us what human beings are capable of. The evil, yeah, sure. But it also brought out the goodness we forgot could exist. People taking care of each other for no other reason than it was the right thing to do. It's important for us to talk about that good, to remember. 'Cause we saw all of it that day."

You threaten alot.

I bet I could take you.

Dany Mortal;2124271 said:
So you're saying you don't care when people you don't know die, specifically thousands..I see.

I can honestly say that I do not.


Forum Member of the year 09'
Re: 9/11

After browsing a couple more pages of this thread, I can't believe just how gullible you conspiracy mooks are.

Read my previously posted link. Any pro-conspiracy argument you can point out is easily, easily debunked.

"Steel has a higher melting point than the temperature at which jet fuel burns:" True, but at that temperature, steel does lose over 50% of its structural strength.

"It [sounded like] a missile:" Okay, so how many of these witnesses have heard a missile coming directly at them before? If the hole in the building wasn't in the shape of a plane, maybe that's because the plane's frame wasn't designed for the amount of stress it was put under by being flown at full speed at such low altitude, which would easily have torn the wings from it even prior to impact.

"The building pancaked like a controlled demolition:" This happened because of the way the building was designed. Pancaking may be consistent with controlled demolition, but it is also consistent with what actually happened. Planes were flown into buildings by terrorists.

Stop believing what you want to believe and buying arguments from untrained morons like yourselves and see what the experts have to say.


Re: 9/11

I was away from the computer , and I hate being late from this thread!
Sorry for your loss guys, I still remember where I was when i heard the news and I'm from scandinavia!

first of all. i read through the entire thread and messages like "iran, iraq etcetc should all be blown to pieces"
nothing rages me more than this.
it's like saying Hey lets nuke usa because they have the Ku Klux Klan

second of all. since this is now about conspiracy theories.
I love reading / watching conspiracy documentaries, even though I don't take them seriously! It's like watching Horror! WHAT IF! and Zeitgeist is the perfect conspiracy theory for that :D I don't really care at all (sorry if this sounds cold but like stated before usa's politics are none of my business) if it was a conspiracy theory or the terrorists, but this movie kept me entertained and even you LKP should see it, with an open mind! even as a fictional movie (like the da vinci code) its good

v free stream of Zeitgeist
Zeitgeist: The Movie - 2007 by Peter Joseph on Vimeo

I read your link LKP it cleared up alot of stuff for me! it's sad how much harder it is to find conspiracy theory debunking stuff on the internet than the actual conspiracy theories. I guess the people who are 'educated' with this kind of stuff do not even bother explaining it to the conspiracy theorists, I'd imagine them being stubborn to the level of utter fustration (kind of like Atheists vs Christians)
Re: 9/11

DragonSlayer69r;2124870 said:
You threaten alot.

I bet I could take you.

I can honestly say that I do not.

Yeh but you wear boots skirts and kilts irl and paint your nails so you're already fucked in the head


Re: 9/11

there are alot of stupid ideas floating around about this shit but the fact remains the buildings fell the way they were constructed to (ZOMG MAYBE THEY PLANNED THIS SINCE THEY BUILT IT ZOMG?(?@?!#!@#$?^%$?) instead of straight toppling over and perhaps crushing the smaller buildings along with the hundreds, thousands of people in the immediate area. were lucky with what we got and that was it. and people will always think what they want to think that is our brain at work, if you deduce the real theory behind 9/11 or any other terroristic attack or accident or whatever theres going to be people with more facts and more opinions that your side of the argument. it is suffice to say that this day will never be forgotten be it for "teh lulz" (i bet you lose the game as well) or for the war it lead to or for the various other reasons

no i don't believe in paragraphs walls of text are win

to quote Megadeth, the legendary legends themselves:
in our life - there's if
in our beliefs - there's lie
in our business - there's sin
in our bodies - there's die

take what you want from it. people have varying beliefs, there is no certainty in our life, big business - corrupt nuff said, and we all die. take your time slowly

and no this day will not be forgotten
Re: 9/11

LKP;2124864 said:
Are you fucking serious? You really believe the conspiracy theories?

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - World Trade Center 7, Building 7

Go here. Educate yourself. Then delete your post and I promise to pretend you never said anything that stupid.

I know!

Ill believe what i wanna believe. LKP can believe what he wants to believe. Pete Liv can believe what he wants to believe. Its all going to lead to one conclusion.

We weren't there when it happened
we weren't there when it was planned
whoever planned it
what kind of plane it was

So NOBODY in this thread knows what happened. So for you to tell me IM wrong, you sirs, are wrong too. Every single one of you.

If i want to believe it was a conspiracy, im going to. You can send me articles debunking it all you want. Its not going to change how I feel about it. Same if i were to send you articles on it BEING a conspiracy, its not going to change your outlook.

So lets all ditch this joint, and grab a brewski and just forget all this who bombed who nonsense. Whattya say?