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A Gift To I P

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Forum Member of the Year 2008
Re: A Gift To I P

Sammich;1896693 said:
all guilds mentioned in this thread are garbage.

So you are saying 90% of the shard population is garbage?

What would you do if you only had the remaining 10% left? Sounds boring :(
Re: A Gift To I P

DirtyBird[aS];1894418 said:
I think if cheating in poker isnt a ban worthY offense it damn well should be. The hole guild was based around the fact that they cheat poker. Come on its in the name.

idocs and poker

Also anytime i go aganst them even numbers at a idoc i win.
but you can be sure they are gonna come back with even more noob blues they recruit from the bank
like ants they multiply
and they dont even have everyone on the stone bc they are ashamed to wear the tag or join the guild at all.

there is really about 10 of em and they use noobs as human shields and filler bc they cant handle shit without everybody and their brother

thats all i got to say about that

raped by IP i assume?

come on man, "cheat at poker"? did you even think for a second before you just started typing such a stupid hypothesis? go eat more lead paint
Re: A Gift To I P

DirtyBird[aS];1895108 said:

and geting on your reds to kill week noob idocers is not "rolling reds"

everyone knows ip cant pvp
its practically a fucking fact

and you use eq more often then not

Sometimes i masturbate with hotsauce, everyone stfu.


Re: A Gift To I P

I would love to see IP and +20 to war each other.

Would be interesting to see what they can do fighting inside of a towns and all around, so they can't hide on their blues and talk crap about how good they're at PvP.

*Rides away on an emu*
Re: A Gift To I P

sssuuu;1898385 said:
I would love to see IP and +20 to war each other.

Would be interesting to see what they can do fighting inside of a towns and all around, so they can't hide on their blues and talk crap about how good they're at PvP.

*Rides away on an emu*

i would too man. but they would only do it if parliament got on. they look at him and josey like they are gods and its funny.

Raab Himself

Re: A Gift To I P

incubusfan1413;1898696 said:
i would too man. but they would only do it if parliament got on. they look at him and josey like they are gods and its funny.

they pretty much run the guild


Re: A Gift To I P

incubusfan1413;1898696 said:
i would too man. but they would only do it if parliament got on. they look at him and josey like they are gods and its funny.

I could've sworn I seen him at the idoc a couple days ago at that cross roads one.

But then again, there are always clones.

*Rides away on an emu*
Re: A Gift To I P

Nashces;1895473 said:
I have seen IP or +20 at about 90% of the IDOC's I have done. It's always exciting and they have it down pat for sure.

I have respect for both the guilds just cause they have a good system in place to handle the IDOC's. Me and my brother are just a two man guild named BBinc. We have beaten both IP and +20 on multiple placements. But 90% of the time it's due to just plain luck.

We are both stealther's and move around between all the pk's and blues with ease. To date the biggest we have placed against them is a 13x8 which isn't shit honestly. But it's ok for 2 guys against 2 or 3 guilds.

When it comes to IP/+20 or even GG at IDOC's you have to decide if you want to loot or place. Don't try both. If ya loot get in and get out quick. If you want to place your best bet is a IDOC Stealther. If you are visible you will die quickly on foot :)

The best part with IP or +20 is they are cocky enough to think no-one is around when they drop the Classic holder to go bigger . Stick around a bit and sometimes you can get real lucky :)

Most of the times after the placement is done and they are hanging around outside they will shoot the shit with ya. Sometimes their reds will attack ya. Just depends on how bad ya pissed in their cheerios.

Anyways my two cents about two guilds that win alot but sometimes loose :)

Captain Kidd

christ this is one of the only mature posts i've ever read in this forum.
much respect!
i dig your two-man idoc warfare as well. that's how i started...solo idocing against massive guilds like MS and still coming out with the loot and the placements.


Re: A Gift To I P

Joe1324536;1898259 said:
Sometimes i masturbate with hotsauce, everyone stfu.

No I will not STFU because that is dangerous!

Didn't your dad explain to you the wonders of K-Y!


Re: A Gift To I P

To update my two cents. +20 was on a IDOC right below my brothers house. They ran up to our place with 6 or 7 -20 guys and EQ'd/MS'd us to death then outside were talking about how they raped us.

We're two IDOC stealther with only 1 magery skill each :)

Yep their bad-ass

Needless to say IP came in with Even numbers and chased them off their reds so they came back on blue's and talked the talk :)

SO IP then came in on thier reds and repeated the slaughter.

Was fun to watch from the safety of my house. I didn't ress any +20 cause they "Raped" us but did ress a few IP who thanked us and got back into it.

My thing is it comes down to respect. You kill me in a good fight then you get it. You Earn it and you Give it. To those who talk or act like 12 year olds..... well usually they don't get it and probably never will.

Just my two cents


Re: A Gift To I P

I dont Res the 20s cause they dont deserve it, they dont try nor want respect, they are to me the new EQ, just plain dicks.

I P owns you guys everytime i see anything go down, and have earned my respect as players.


Re: A Gift To I P

i like how all you scrubs act like your respect is worth anything.

*rides away on your soul*


Re: A Gift To I P

Ajax;1894191 said:
arent you a role player?

This is what I've been saying forever! Roleplayers are faggots! Glad to know the administration is on my side with this.