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A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

Should the veteran reward system be overhauled and rebuilt?

  • Yes

    Votes: 286 75.7%
  • No

    Votes: 92 24.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

maybe have the veteran reward ethys a different hues 1 year red 2year blue ....etc? and acc age must be a certain age to ride? jus an idea... leave regular ethy age where its at...donation the same where everyone could ride...

can still buy donation ethys for gold ...


Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

fanti said:
THE reason is simple I join the shard because it doesnt have all the fucking lame shit that osi has. and its EASY TO CATCH UP with the easy skill gain and i be able to ride an ethy within 3 month. IF you punish the new players from making new accounts, while the old players farming vet rewards with their god knows how many old blank accounts. It will definitly make new comer think twice before joining hybrid.

I know majority of the uogamers on hybrid is fucking hardcore UO lover, but you do need new population to keep shard going. You have to get 1 thing straight you wont have tooo many people that is fucking dedicated enough to wait 6 month to just ride the ethy and i assume you have to wait a much longer period of time to claim the new mounts that just introduced like polarbear/dragon/wolf. UO is pushing 10 years old. The fan base is getting smaller and smaller.

Maybe you should consider rewarding new comer for joining hybrid. Instead making obstacles.

Wrong. This isn't going to decrease the player-base at all. If they'll play for 3 months to get an ethereal mount, they'll wait 6. Besides, people have been saying UOGamers will lose it's population from a lot of things, but has it? No. It's only gained in population.


Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

If you do a server wipe on all the vet rewards. may i suggest do an account age wipe as well? i wanna see if the poll still stands rofl.....

And the server population has grow. The main reason is because the lack of competition, its hard to populate a server now the reason is simple like i stated before true uo fan base is shrinking.

Hybrid has lot to offer a complete team of dedicated staff and the best era in uo (IMO) but that doesnt mean its perfect... I joined hybrid because the GOOD outweights the BAD.

IF you do an acccount age wipe as well i will stfu. simple as that


Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

Im both for this and against this. Point blank...the 3 million statues on this shard are really obnoxious and need to go. Also..."real" vet rewards for the guys that have been here for a long time would be nice. However, no ethys is really a disadvantage for newer players. It is a serious pain in the ass to have to buy horse after horse (remember...416 gp is a lot for a lot of new players) everytime you get ganked by reds (which happens all the time on this shard). While im sure most of the people that post regularly in this forum are all for this due mostly to the fact that they only stand to gain with a revamp, a lot of young players are really going to get the short stick here. I got my ethys a month ago and I cant even believe how much nicer it is to get ressed, click that statue, and be on my way again. Wipe the statues, sure. Clear the robes..no big deal. But trying to group pvp when everytime you get killed you have to run to town to buy a horse, while the reds your fighting are all old enough to ride ethys really really sucks. Perhaps leave just ethy horses or llamas at 3 months as a kind of "thanks for contributing to Hybrid" and wiping everything else for a revamped vet reward system. Is part of this because I dont want to lose my ethys? Damn right it is! But with a vet wipe I stand to lose a lot more than most of the other fanboys here cheering on a vet wipe with their 80 million dollar bank accounts. Granted this may not be everyone here, but im sure the ingame poll responce is quite a bit more revealing than the one posted up in here. If im wrong...then who am I to argue with what the majority of this shard wnats.

shaded death

Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

This seems like a realy good idea imo, allthough i think it would be better to keep a horse or ostard ethereal mount avalible at 3 months as said in previous post as not to damage new players to much, and then make the others available at 6-9-12 etc


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

fanti said:
THE reason is simple I join the shard because it doesnt have all the fucking lame shit that osi has. and its EASY TO CATCH UP with the easy skill gain and i be able to ride an ethy within 3 month. IF you punish the new players from making new accounts, while the old players farming vet rewards with their god knows how many old blank accounts. It will definitly make new comer think twice before joining hybrid.


fanti said:
I know majority of the uogamers on hybrid is fucking hardcore UO lover, but you do need new population to keep shard going. You have to get 1 thing straight you wont have tooo many people that is fucking dedicated enough to wait 6 month to just ride the ethy and i assume you have to wait a much longer period of time to claim the new mounts that just introduced like polarbear/dragon/wolf. UO is pushing 10 years old. The fan base is getting smaller and smaller.

3 vs. 6 big deal.

fanti said:
Maybe you should consider rewarding new comer for joining hybrid. Instead making obstacles.

We reward them with the best damn shard out there. We reward them with events every day. No one says they _have_ to have an ethereal horse. If that's a requirement for them to play they should find a test center server.

We have constantly strived to provide the best possible shard ever. Sometimes this requires us to make hard decisions. This is one of them. We know that making it take 6 months to get an ethereal actually makes it a little more difficult for a new player, however we temper that with the possibility of changes in the future that may provide them some kind of reward for being new to the shard...

You dont know the entire roadmap of development so don't comment on anything other than this change.


Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

I think this is a good idea and a bad idea which i'll explain each.

Its a good idea cause the vet reward system is very old and alot of the items are useless, the only items of use are the robes and ethy's. If you introduced items that helps players or that they can interact with would improve the value of them 10 fold.

It is a bad idea because 3/4 of the active accounts on the server are past the suggested beginning date to receive vet rewards so this proposed time to receive vet rewards is meaningless to anyone other that new players. Your poll shows this fact as well as your database. All the vets vote "yes" all the newbies vote "no"

Now if you propose to reset the account creation dates with the vet reward system changes i think your polls and peoples responses will be a bit different. everyone will disagree with the proposal cause they will loose the ability to ride ethy's, whereas the majority of people are at the moment responding positively cause your changes will not effect their use of ethy's. just like my vote as a newbie is NO!! if you reset everyones account creation and start everyone off on the same foot i would vote YES!! and all the vets would say "#@$% that"

Everyone knows this is 100% true but not many will say anything about it, i am one of those new players this will effect, i am counting down the days until i can get my ethy mounts and stop having to get a horse for my red character ( which is a real pain in the ass ) with my other account.

I will play here regardless of whatever changes you guys make, but it is unfair to all new players who have started here b4 you change this to have to wait 2x as long to get what was planned to be given to them in 3 months.

A compromise to this issue of unfairness to new players is to give all accounts that were created before your proposed changes, which fall under the 6 month timeframe, one donation ethy. this would please the vets who will be able to use all their vet points on all the new goodies AND please all the new players that have already started who will have felt cheated out of getting the 3 month ethy rewards.

I hope you read and consider my proposed compromise as it will please everyone, not just those that have been here for years.

zlatan fulgere

Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

Ryan said:
We know that making it take 6 months to get an ethereal actually makes it a little more difficult for a new player, however we temper that with the possibility of changes in the future that may provide them some kind of reward for being new to the shard...

I know for me the ethy is probably less of a deal than say the furniture dye tub. An ethy I can donate for if it really comes down to it (not that 6 months is a real killer). If I've got five brown kegs and I can't dye them for two years (I don't know the actual time for that particular item), that's just annoying.

Bottom line for me is that it sounds worse for me (3 months) than it'd be for an established player but you guys have been running things for years now and look at what we've got. I'm not overly concerned about it.


Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

Ministry said:
I think this is a good idea and a bad idea which i'll explain each.

Its a good idea cause the vet reward system is very old and alot of the items are useless, the only items of use are the robes and ethy's. If you introduced items that helps players or that they can interact with would improve the value of them 10 fold.

It is a bad idea because 3/4 of the active accounts on the server are past the suggested beginning date to receive vet rewards so this proposed time to receive vet rewards is meaningless to anyone other that new players. Your poll shows this fact as well as your database. All the vets vote "yes" all the newbies vote "no"

Now if you propose to reset the account creation dates with the vet reward system changes i think your polls and peoples responses will be a bit different. everyone will disagree with the proposal cause they will loose the ability to ride ethy's, whereas the majority of people are at the moment responding positively cause your changes will not effect their use of ethy's. just like my vote as a newbie is NO!! if you reset everyones account creation and start everyone off on the same foot i would vote YES!! and all the vets would say "#@$% that"

Everyone knows this is 100% true but not many will say anything about it, i am one of those new players this will effect, i am counting down the days until i can get my ethy mounts and stop having to get a horse for my red character ( which is a real pain in the ass ) with my other account.

I will play here regardless of whatever changes you guys make, but it is unfair to all new players who have started here b4 you change this to have to wait 2x as long to get what was planned to be given to them in 3 months.

A compromise to this issue of unfairness to new players is to give all accounts that were created before your proposed changes, which fall under the 6 month timeframe, one donation ethy. this would please the vets who will be able to use all their vet points on all the new goodies AND please all the new players that have already started who will have felt cheated out of getting the 3 month ethy rewards.

I hope you read and consider my proposed compromise as it will please everyone, not just those that have been here for years.

POINT WELL MADE. HOW ABOUT RUN A POLL WITH reset the account creation dates and show me some statistics.


Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

fanti said:
POINT WELL MADE. HOW ABOUT RUN A POLL WITH reset the account creation dates and show me some statistics.

If the staff decided that was best, so be it. But they are called Veteran rewards for a reason.


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

Countessa said:
If the staff decided that was best, so be it. But they are called Veteran rewards for a reason.



Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

I don't mind the six months thing as long as we can ride ethy's in three months to be honest. One thing I liked that I read in this thread is the part about being able to use vet rewards no matter what age you are, but you still need the required vet years to claim the reward. Seriously, what is this hurting if all the vet rewards are wiped? And I highly disagree with having to pay for vet rewards when you claim them, not everyone has been playing for three years and can afford a whole town for themselves...


Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

Countessa said:
If the staff decided that was best, so be it. But they are called Veteran rewards for a reason.

POINT WELL MADE. But what good is this poll ? why pretend democratic? When staff already decided what to do. Well just do it then. enough said
Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

I still think there should be rewards available after the first month of play, even if its just a Black Dye tub or some AR robes or statues. Of course those things are worthless and not on the market, so it wouldn't hurt anything to still be able to get them as "newbie rewards" just to get started, and then afterwards continue with 6 months.

Also... I really, really think the Rewards should only be available to one account per IP (unless they already are?) That way people would actually have to think about what they wanted instead of getting half or more than half of everything available from multiple accounts.


UOGamers: Divinity Forum Moderator
Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

I'd love to see this change. Vet rewards are totally meaningless atm.

fanti said:
POINT WELL MADE. But what good is this poll ? why pretend democratic? When staff already decided what to do. Well just do it then. enough said



Re: A poll here should help too (Vet Rewards):

Mazer-187 said:
I'd love to see this change. Vet rewards are totally meaningless atm.


How is that going to help the matter?

My suggestion to the matter is how about just leave the ethy as it is(the basic 3rd year reward ones). seems that is what most people care about. what you do with other vet reward is completely irrelevant to the game play.