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Changes to Test Center

I don't think this is the best idea ... I think it will discourage dungeon hunting. It's a huge pain in the ass to run to level 4-5 of a dungeon, make 10k then have to run all the way out and repeat every 10 minutes. Would be even worse with a tamer having your pets attacking everything you walk by.

It would be terrible for the noobs to the shard who are trying to make money farming. All a pk has to do is sit by the entrance of a dungeon and camp and get ready to smash the people going in/out of the dungeon which (for noobs) will be really discouraging. PK's wouldn't have to go searching through the dungeons, just sit and wait at entrances.

Just my 2 cents - hopefully testing helps see how it would affect things. I don't even know what is wrong with having people able to recall out now, if you're in heat of battle you can't leave... and I agree with the second point "Remove Gate Travel while in Heat of Combat"
You can still recall out of dungeons if I read the notes correctly. I miss the old day of taming 200 unicorns and doing champs for a few days at a time :(


Upcoming Changes Tonight (1 September 2014):

  • Remove Gate and Recall into Dungeons
  • Remove Gate from Dungeons while still allowing Recall From Dungeons
  • Remove Gate Travel while in Heat of Combat

Test Center Address:


A good memory from classic UO; 1997,1998,1999 was
the continued *every single container in dungeon* spawn
and I remember making a good amount of money from
magic armor and wands from the crates I recalled to and
from on an hourly basis, the dungeon was lvl 3 crate room
of covetous.

Too bad nobody here has similar memories, it seems every
single 'old school' player magically has zero memory on
what 1997,1998,1999 was like, like they were in a continual
haze, I guess being sober through all of those years is why
I have a perfect memory of it but it's too bad such pre-tram
era details have been lost and forgotten.
Upcoming Changes Tonight (1 September 2014):
  • Remove Gate from Dungeons while still allowing Recall From Dungeons

My friend plays a dexxer, he likes to come w/ me to make money... he's definitely not going to come anymore. So we are now promoting solo play in an online game...??


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
No, according to your thread, you will not be able to gate out of dungeons.
When reds show up normally I'd gate us out.
Now when a red shows up, I'd have to recall out and leave my friend to die... or we both die.

Couple of simple responses to that:

1 - Risk vs. Reward
2 - Recall Scrolls
3 - Dying is part of the game?
4 - Do you really think that a red is just going to go run the dungeons as easily now? I'm just curious?


IMO Way to many changes WAY to quickly, but hey its not my shard i just play here.

PKing has always been my favorite part of the game, and this ruined PKing on OSI on almost the same level trammel did. I dunno what it will do here but i think were heading in a odd direction. I want more incentive to go into dungeons i really do.

But i just dont personally agree with not being able to recall into them. You wont see me spend a hour to get to level 3 shame Balron with a slow dragon walking behind me thats for sure.


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
IMO Way to many changes way to WAY to quickly, but hey its not my shard i just play here.

These changes are on test center, not on production. They're on test center so that you can get a feel for where we are heading.

As for way to many way to quick... Hybrid's been suffering for a long time and needed a lot of changes for a while... we're working on shit and making changes... the population is going up, up and up... I'm not sure what the problem is. No changes on TC get promoted to prod without full testing.... how many players test is up to you.

Also - we make these threads so that we can get your feedback - if you have specific feedback about specific changes I'd love to hear that kind of feedback... otherwise conjecture really does no one any good.
Couple of simple responses to that:

1 - Risk vs. Reward
2 - Recall Scrolls
3 - Dying is part of the game?
4 - Do you really think that a red is just going to go run the dungeons as easily now? I'm just curious?

1. Better be damn good reward but my post isn't about that, its about forcing me to play solo instead of with my friend.
2. Still very high fizzle chance at 0 mage
3. I guess, but dying and losing what you worked for is not fun.. people play games for fun.
4. Absolutely, knowing its harder for people to escape gives them incentive. It hasn't gotten any harder for a red to run through a dungeon unless I missed something.


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
1. Better be damn good reward but my post isn't about that, its about forcing me to play solo instead of with my friend.
2. Still very high fizzle chance at 0 mage
3. I guess, but dying and losing what you worked for is not fun.. people play games for fun.
4. Absolutely, knowing its harder for people to escape gives them incentive. It hasn't gotten any harder for a red to run through a dungeon unless I missed something.

1. - Agreed
2. - Maybe that's something we can look at, perhaps we do allow gating, I'm not sure... we can figure it out but we can't do it without testing, which is why it's on TC
3. - Fair enough, point taken.
4. - I don't think so... rolling a dungeon is going to be more difficult. I could see a group perhaps but I dont know... we will see.


These changes are on test center, not on production. They're on test center so that you can get a feel for where we are heading.

As for way to many way to quick... Hybrid's been suffering for a long time and needed a lot of changes for a while... we're working on shit and making changes... the population is going up, up and up... I'm not sure what the problem is. No changes on TC get promoted to prod without full testing.... how many players test is up to you.

Also - we make these threads so that we can get your feedback - if you have specific feedback about specific changes I'd love to hear that kind of feedback... otherwise conjecture really does no one any good.

#1 A dungeon overhaul i can get behind but i dont agree with the no recalling in. It causes issues bringing a dragon to farm with you to the right spot could take hours. Maybe there will have to be Dungeon teleporters like OSI did but i dont agree with basically anything OSI did after 1999 and we seem to be taking OSI changes and putting them here, Like the Ore Eles dropping 2 ore for example. Lastnight i went and farmed them on my old Dexxer Miner and after a 1 1/2 hours i made about 6 valorite ingots, 12 verite, 16 agapite and 17,000gold. YAY!

#2 IPY didn't have recall into dungeons and it worked there, but an Air ele also dropped 500g and level 8 spells WERE WORTH SOMETHING on that shard.
(my point) Make a template that can farm dungeons that isn't just a Tamer. Revamping these worthless lvl 8 spells is a good start. Maybe theres a skill out there we can attached to lvl 8 spells making them hard to dispel like Spirit Speak. I mean you get GM Margery for what? so you fizzle flame strike less, get a dmg bonus and can summon a daemon for KotH? Lets get these lvl 8 spells cooking please.

#3 im glad the ideas are tested first and you already know when you announce this kind of stuff im personally on TC testing it and giving feedback, but i think we need to address PvP and make it more interesting and rewarding BEFORE anything els. I cant think of any idea's off the top of my head right now except adding maybe items to buy with a new faction point system, adding a item type system to order/chaos. Not allowing a faction guild to be order/chaos at the same time as in a faction. Maybe making a home base for Order and a home base for Chaos and allow it to be a mini faction system for players who are not ready for the huge faction zerg yet but still gives them incentive to pvp.

#4 Maybe consider this, no recalling into dungeons, but being able to summon a 2 way gate out of a dungeon if you have a certain skill or something.

That is my feedback, i hope it helps.

-Ryan, what is your idea on where exactly this shard is heading? If we are heading towards a pixel more and pvp less shard i would be upset.

On the other Hand, Thank you to all the staff that are running so many PvP events lately. I saw someone log on the other night, who hadnt played in a few years and we were talking at the BR sign up after the match and he said "what is going on here they are hosting so many events this is great!!"

Yes it is GREAT!!! The Staff is doing a amazing job right now, and i would like to personally thank the staff for this because its currently the most fun im having on the shard.

I think a BR league with a large gold sink to sign up and a per player charge and players must be in guild would be a GREAT idea for the shard. I think this event would be coded so it happened at the same time daily and staff wouldnt always have to monitor it. That way we would know "Ok in X hours there will be some really fun PvP lets get ready guys"
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UOGamers Founder
Staff member
#3 im glad the ideas are tested first and you already know when you announce this kind of stuff im personally on TC testing it and giving feedback, but i think we need to address PvP and make it more interesting and rewarding BEFORE anything els. I cant think of any idea's off the top of my head right now except adding maybe items to buy with a new faction point system, adding a item type system to order/chaos. Not allowing a faction guild to be order/chaos at the same time as in a faction. Maybe making a home base for Order and a home base for Chaos and allow it to be a mini faction system for players who are not ready for the huge faction zerg yet but still gives them incentive to pvp.

That is my feedback, i hope it helps.

We're going to do stuff to jazz up PVP - redoing a lot of faction stuff, some changes to guilds etc... adding runic bows and staves was a big change for pvp... people pretend that it was no big deal and have already forgotten about it.

Hybrid has it's root sin PVP, we will not forget them... but more importantly UO has it's roots in PVP. It's just a part of this game that you cannot and should not forget about. It's required for this game to be fun.

We are not going to destroy PVP or make a ton of changes and leave PVP behind.

Look - let's be honest our PVP here is some of the most well tweaked and tested code in the freeshard world. It's more than ten years in the making and it doesnt need a lot of work... there are a few things that need changed and we will do that but the thing people seem to forget is we are working on PVP. If you've been on test center you know this. There's also other things going on behind the scenes.

We're also adding some commands to the game to help the newbies PVP... maybe they dont understand steam, razor or sallos and simple in game commands will make it all easier for them. We are doing our best but you've got to be patient and help us test :) On one hand you say we're doing too much too fast but then you tell us to do more :)



I want more, everyone wants more. I agree that Hybrid has the best PvP but it needs more incentive. Imagen if there was a incentive for Bank Sitters to PvP like a SUPER PIXEL item reward. We would have to most PvP any free shard has ever had, even more then IPY (IPY is the only shard i can compare to hybrid which is why i use it to compare, even though the shards were 100% different they were both BASED in PvP so thats why i bring up IPY its the only other free shard u can compare with Hybrid PvP wise.)

Please dont extract the thought from my posts that i am ungrateful for the changes and time you are putting into the shard because that is NOT what im trying to convey even 1 bit. I think your working really hard to make UOG a better home for all of us and for that sir i am truely greatful.

I also think its time to take gold off the donation store and maybe skillballs as well.


Upcoming Changes Tonight (1 September 2014):

  • Remove Gate and Recall into Dungeons
  • Remove Gate from Dungeons while still allowing Recall From Dungeons
  • Remove Gate Travel while in Heat of Combat
  • Added [drinkcure - Drinks Greater Cure Potions (Only GreaterCure)
  • Added [drinkagility - Drinks Greater Agility Potions (Only GreaterAgility)
  • Added [drinkheal - Drinks Greater Heal Potions (Only GreaterHeal)
  • Added [drinkstrength - Drinks Greater Strength Potions (Only Greater Strength)
  • Added [drinkrefresh - Drinks Total Refresh Potions (Only Total Refersh)

Test Center Address:


I do commend you on these changes and the ones you just made, and im sure you have put alot of thought into these.
I just think this is a slippery slope.

Make pet balls non newbiefied. - this will prevent people from running to bottoms of dungeons and using summoning balls with no risk. IMO these never needed to be newbiefied to begin with

There is a reason the newest dungeons are the least used. (cant recall into them) the lower levels of dungeons will be used very rarely. PKS will no longer really have to hunt down people. THey will just sit at the front of the most popular dungeons. If your going to take away from the farming community you need to take away from the pk community. Such as temp statloss when killed in dungeons or near the entrance. maybe if hes been in a dungeon with in last 2-4 mins (similar to factions but loss that lasts longer imo)

. because in my eyes this just makes it easier for pks,trolls,and griefers. I know this isnt tram and im not a big farmer, but we do need to consider their views on a matter this big. Why make it tougher for one group and not all?

Then we have dungeons like Hyloth and Shame that take a very long time to run through. These will not be used near near as much.What tamer is going to want to run through an entire dungeon as the two i mention with ghost animals SO slow? instead now they can gate them out on an alt.

i like the Added [drinkrefresh and so on.
what about [usepouch..... Most major shards added this along with a hue# 34-36 on pouches when trapped with the magic trap.
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#2 IPY didn't have recall into dungeons and it worked there

True... I used to play there and it was like this from the start. This is something new to a decade old shard. many of these people never played IPY. I promote this change i just think its a very very slippery slope with the shard being so old. I can see this being a good thing or a very bad thing.

didnt they have a paladin or something when a pked killed by one in a dungeon something negative would happen or in general?
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I beleive IPY2 did have some type of bonus for killing PKs ONLY INSIDE DUNGEONS its a long time ago though and i forget.

I agree with Anti.Christ that this is a slipepry slope and will either be a incredible idea or a terrible one. Hopefully this creates groups of roaming PKs forcing people to farm together and know how to pvp if they are gonna step foot out of BB.

But at the same time, im afraid this will promote even MORE bank sitting.... And now with NO TOWN KILLING? srsly.... ugh.