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Without the ablity to recall directly into me when farming no pk has any chance of killing me. I mean zero, its impossible. I can recall faster than you can run on my screen. This isn't going to lead to more pvp or something epic at all. Its going to be stealth mages and mostly just cowardly pvp and unhealthy griefing. As new player under such an system I would feel bad for them.

I'm not sure how you think this is going to create cowardly pvp and unhealthy griefing, again and again poeple keep pointing to people using the entrances as choke points to kill people. This only works on the way in and you still have a fair chance of getting away.

Stealth mages should be a viable template, why would they not be?

Hybrid hides? Hybrid Mares? Runic Kits?..... You have a playerbase asking for less item based pvp and more skill based pvp.

Hybrid mare didn't just add something for tamers, I mean you could of just added rehued nightmares with no stat changes and got the same effect. a rare mount Nightmares should be reverted back to their old casting patterns. Unicorns and the red ridable casting mount should of been buffed to make them usable. I mean when is the last time you seen someone use a Unicorn in pvm or pvp?

PvP has always been item based, and will continue to be. People who tend to spout off with comments like this believe that playing a 5x mage is the only true pvp spec and everything else is just trash. Removing runic weapons doesn't stop vanq weapons from being used by players. (and yes I know the difference between an exceptional vanq and a regular)

Unicorns and Ki-Rin probably need a rework to make them competitive insted of glamorous, but you can say that about soooo many things in UO. We are trying to make changes slowly over time to bring the shard to a more balanced place.

The Hybrid Mare simply added something new for tamers, and is basically a rehued nightmare. Yes the stats are somewhat better but not glaringly so.

Hybrid hides just seems pretty scarey to me. Remember we want less item based pvp and no more. No one is asking for this anymore than we asked for Hybrid armor.

People are always asking for something to do in this game, when ever we add something new certain people point at it and try to say bad. Adding more and exciting things to do will be the only way to continue the longevity of the shard.

Runic Kits are problem in general. I honestly don't even like them at all. Allowing pvpers to get blessed weapons gives no reason to farm good weapons. Example even for unblessed weapons why would we go farm Vanq weapons when I can just make unlimited gold weapons. Runic bows didn't help archery the skill still sucks adding player made vanq bows didn't help it not suck. Runic kits should be allowed to fade away.

Pretty sure runic kits have charges, but I digress. Even if runic kits were so easy to get ahold of that you can making an infinate supply of weapons so be it, runic weapons are in the shard and will remain on the shard. Which leads me to bows. Who is to say that releasing runic bows isn't a first step into an overhaul of weapons as is?

Honestly I think most of the dungeons should be closed but for a few. No pk wants to run around to a bunch of empty dungeons. The no recall thing shouldn't be dungeon wide, there should just be recall spots. I shouldn't be forced to go 4 levels down to make 10k. and yes 10k is what a normal equiped player holds. I know you said 20k in testing but that isn't true realistically.

A point I can actually agree on and Ryan and I have gone back and forth on. I feel that the current player base does not support the number of dungeons that are available. Recalling and gating are obviously a problem if we want to create bigger rewards for people who do delve 4 levels down into a dungeon.

While you did not say it many have said before how hard it would be to get a dragon down to the lowest level of a dungeon I think the simple fact is that there needs to be a downside to bringing your 800 health, GM Mage, melee's for 50, and breaths fire friend down to kill mr lich for you.

[poppouch and all that stuff Idk why I don't understand why this stuff is important. Are you folks really going to type this out in pvp or what? I don't understand all our programs Razor, Sallos, Steam already do this. Why waste time and energy on it? Same with all the pot commands.

It amazes me that someone who is so out spoken thinks anyone would type [poppouch while playing this game. Total time and energy spent on those commands is miniscual.
One other thing... I just tested it - a player can carry 20,30,40,50k of gold np np
yeh you can hold that much gold but start adding Band/regs wep/armor you loot and other stuff you need you can hold buyt 10 to 15 k you will make that befor you get to the 2 floor then you have to fight ur way out and start all over.this is why you never see any one in Blood dun.i just realy hope you dont do this change . thxs ryan listening


Would defeat the purpose. Remove recall/gate from dungeons.

Well boom idk if your just butt hurt still because i proved your theory wrong or what? Are u so shallow and close minded that you cant see anything unless its right in front of you? Here let me show you......... This will be the last time i break down/explain my post to you.

Recalling and gating are obviously a problem if we want to create bigger rewards for people who do delve 4 levels down into a dungeon.

As you can see boom this is one of the reasons they are removing gate and recall. They want to create bigger rewards for people who go deep in dungeons. A pre schooler would understand that IF they allowed 1-2 dungeons to still be recalled into these would be normal dungeons offering mediocre or normal rewards. Therefor the dungeons with this disabled would still offer players better rewards giving them a "New experience"

This is my last post directed towards you in this thread. I do find the trolling on almost every thread of mine flattering though. :)
-Good day boom-boom
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Have you guys considered the idea of leaving 1-2 dungeons that we could recall in?

Why, in all honesty?

Is it for ease of farming? You're creating an area that every PK on the shard is going to check every 10 minutes to kick the loot pinata that is farming.

if it's for an area to easily farm, those can be found all over the overworld.
To be completely honest, if they were to revamp the loot, all the monsters need a change. There is a newby dungeon IIRC for those new players that can't handle the heat. Ice has a second level with ice fiends in them.

Not to mention there are easily afk farmers in these dungeons today. Leaving 1-2 dungeons open sounds like somebody just wants to AFK gather off some easy monsters.

IMO, if you take recall out of one dungeon, take them out of all. It's pointless to leave any dungeons open for recall, as that gives the tamers an easy out to gather with the ability to recall, ultimately defeating the purpose to dungeon pk/farm.


Why, in all honesty?

Is it for ease of farming? You're creating an area that every PK on the shard is going to check every 10 minutes to kick the loot pinata that is farming.

if it's for an area to easily farm, those can be found all over the overworld.

First off... "kick the loot pinata that is farming." - this made me laugh out loud literally lol

I guess your right and i did think of that in all honesty. I figure this would keep the other half that are against this some what happy. I'm just too nice in all honesty and all im doing is trying to keep both sides happy. I know this is close to impossible, but hell im going to try and throw ideas out!

I know some of my ideas might be total shit, and some may be half ass decent.... I just do this because maybe..... just maybe a better idea will be born off a half -ass idea i had.
First off... "kick the loot pinata that is farming." - this made me laugh out loud literally lol

I guess your right and i did think of that in all honesty. I figure this would keep the other half that are against this some what happy. I'm just too nice in all honesty and all im doing is trying to keep both sides happy. I know this is close to impossible, but hell im going to try and throw ideas out!

I know some of my ideas might be total shit, and some may be half ass decent.... I just do this because maybe..... just maybe a better idea will be born off a half -ass idea i had.
I'm pretty sure you haven't given any insightful ideas and only shit could be gathered from what you've mumbled.

You'll banter against anybody that has even the slightest refute to you except for a gm which you then slob a knob.


Naw unlike you baby Boom-Boom...... He knows how to talk and have a civilized convo.

I think your jealous! does somebody have a crush on me? :rolleyes:


*done editing

Give me a little bit to correct the post structure and grammar wise. I did it on a phone so it was a pain in the ass. But I just wanted to say thank you for the reply. I know you may not remember me from 2005-2006ish I was newish then but I am pretty sure I remember you. It involves summoning balls, teleport, and 7xgm mares. Please tell me if I have the wrong person.

I'm not sure how you think this is going to create cowardly pvp and unhealthy griefing, again and again poeple keep pointing to people using the entrances as choke points to kill people. This only works on the way in and you still have a fair chance of getting away.

Stealth mages should be a viable template, why would they not be?

Well let first say what player killers will be doing if this system is fully put in place. Before you enter any cave or dungeon there is that black space that holds one or two tiles underneath it. Within that space you can crack box's of objects stacked on one title. Similar to what douchebags do in factions but the blackness completely hides it.

This would fully stop any player from entering the dungeon. In turn making recalling into a dungeons entrances a death trap. I will already be attacking you before your screen even changes to your current location. The player first reaction upon getting attacked would be to run for the dungeon to break line of sight and possibly get recall off inside the dungeon. This won't be possible as I blocked it. They will panic and in their panic they will die without even casting a spell in most cases.

This is just one example and I share it because commonly known by old school pks. We used to do it on Altantic in Shame because earth elems at the entrance were popular early on in Ultima Online.

Dont even get me started about how players will use ghosts to monitor spawns. I dont honestly understand how you folks dont get that this will be nothing but problems. It is a bit scarey to see both admins believing this is a good idea at all.

There is many other tactics that I am withholding sharing. We can talk more in private about if you wish to know the other methods but you won't even get into the dungeon. Other pks and I dont care about 10k, so it doesn't matter if the player hasn't farmed anything yet. Hence the cowardly PvP and griefing comment of mine.

Stealth mages are a viable template if dungeons were more active as is. This change would lead to dungeon PvP being a one template show... Because as I said earlier you have zero chance of killing me without recalling almost directly on top of me. No alchy stun, dexxer, bola tamer, etc is going to kill me in a dungeon by running from off screen.

PvP has always been item based, and will continue to be. People who tend to spout off with comments like this believe that playing a 5x mage is the only true pvp spec and everything else is just trash. Removing runic weapons doesn't stop vanq weapons from being used by players. (and yes I know the difference between an exceptional vanq and a regular)

Unicorns and Ki-Rin probably need a rework to make them competitive insted of glamorous, but you can say that about soooo many things in UO. We are trying to make changes slowly over time to bring the shard to a more balanced place.

The Hybrid Mare simply added something new for tamers, and is basically a rehued nightmare. Yes the stats are somewhat better but not glaringly so.

Removing runic weapons doesn't stop people from using vanq weapons but that was my point if you reread what I wrote.

With runic weapons as they are I have no reason to farm weapons in dungeons. Why would I go farm for vanq weapons in a dungeon when I can just make a golden runic weapon? Yes PvP will always be item based to a degree but there is no need to compound that and at the same time you would give me a reason to farm these retarded AI monsters. I didn't say remove runic hammers just let them slowly fade away as they currently are doing on their own.

Note all I play is dexxers and I am asking for runic weapons to be slowly faded out. In no way does this benefit me. Blessed weapons are a joke, nothing PvP related should be blessed.

People are always asking for something to do in this game, when ever we add something new certain people point at it and try to say bad. Adding more and exciting things to do will be the only way to continue the longevity of the shard.

That is all fine but I dont do that. I normally give suggestions and furthermore I do my very best to explain myself. I welcome change but that doesn't mean I welcome what is in my opinion bad changes such as readding t2a.

Pretty sure runic kits have charges, but I digress. Even if runic kits were so easy to get ahold of that you can making an infinate supply of weapons so be it, runic weapons are in the shard and will remain on the shard. Which leads me to bows. Who is to say that releasing runic bows isn't a first step into an overhaul of weapons as is?

I look forward to it but I can't comment on future changes you haven't told us about. You are more than welcome to share your future plans with us but I can only comment on what I know and see.

It amazes me that someone who is so out spoken thinks anyone would type [poppouch while playing this game. Total time and energy spent on those commands is miniscual.

I didn't think that. I said that as a point of saying "wtf" I know it didn't take long that's why it was done.
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Do what An Corp did and disable recalling from dungeons but add a gate on each level of dungeons that returns you to town. The threat of being pked in a dungeon was the only thing that made farming somewhat entertaining. Sure it sucks to die with a backpack full of loot, but that's what UO is all about.


Do what An Corp did and disable recalling from dungeons but add a gate on each level of dungeons that returns you to town. The threat of being pked in a dungeon was the only thing that made farming somewhat entertaining. Sure it sucks to die with a backpack full of loot, but that's what UO is all about.
There is one in khal actually a town gate. one that cant be used in the heat of battle


Give me a little bit to correct the post structure and grammar wise. I did it on a phone so it was a pain in the ass. But I just wanted to say thank you for the reply. I know you may not remember me from 2005-2006ish I was newish then but I am pretty sure I remember you. It involves summoning balls, teleport, and 7xgm mares. Please tell me if I have the wrong person.

Not sure what you are talking about, but I have always been known as Alkiser.

Well let first say what player killers will be doing if this system is fully put in place. Before you enter any cave or dungeon there is that black space that holds one or two tiles underneath it. Within that space you can crack box's of objects stacked on one title. Similar to what douchebags do in factions but the blackness completely hides it.

This is something we are specifically looking into, from a cursory glance it doesn't seem as simple to change as we hoped.

This would fully stop any player from entering the dungeon. In turn making recalling into a dungeons entrances a death trap. I will already be attacking you before your screen even changes to your current location. The player first reaction upon getting attacked would be to run for the dungeon to break line of sight and possibly get recall off inside the dungeon. This won't be possible as I blocked it. They will panic and in their panic they will die without even casting a spell in most cases.

The time and effort spent to setup this death trap and waiting for people to come is admirable. We are careful about how we curb griefing as Ryan and I both believe it to be a part of UO, but we will always make sure the game is fun to play.

Dont even get me started about how players will use ghosts to monitor spawns.

Monitor all you want.

I dont honestly understand how you folks dont get that this will be nothing but problems. It honestly scares me that you even believe this is a good idea at all.

Everything is a problem, moving faction bases is a problem, removing damage from explosion pots is a problem, duel ladders are a problem. At the end of the day the biggest problem is a stagnant shard.

There is many other tactics that I am withholding sharing. We can talk more in private about if you wish to know the other methods but you won't even get into the dungeon. Other pks and I dont care about 10k, so it doesn't matter if the player hasn't farmed anything yet. Hence the cowardly PvP and griefing comment of mine.

Still not seeing how this is cowardly pvp. Griefing is griefing, see my above comment. What we think this will do is create points of contest, which is something we are sorely lacking outside of factions.

Stealth mages are a viable template if dungeons were more active as is. This change would lead to dungeon PvP being a one template show... Because as I said earlier you have zero chance of killing me without recalling almost directly on top of me. No alchy stun, dexxer, bola tamer, etc is going to kill me in a dungeon by running from off screen.

I don't believe that even slightly stealth mages will be that prevelent. And so be it if you can run away, that's great, good job.

Removing runic weapons doesn't stop people from using vanq weapons but that was my point if you reread what I wrote.

With runic weapons as they are I have no reason to farm weapons in dungeons. Why would I go farm for vanq weapons in a dungeon when I can just make a golden runic weapon? Yes PvP will always be item based to a degree but there is no need to compound that and at the same time you would give me a reason to farm these retarded AI monsters. I didn't say remove runic hammers just let them slowly fade away as they currently are doing on their own.

Note all I play is dexxers and I am asking for runic weapons to be slowly faded out. In no way does this benefit me. Blessed weapons are a joke, nothing PvP related should be blessed.

Hopefully our dungeon revamps will give you a reason, but we will have to see.


There's more retarded blue ganks then there is reds on this shard. I assure you there will be blue gank squads with gm detect hidden rolling through these dungeons. Reds will be having just as a hard time as the PvM players.


There's more retarded blue ganks then there is reds on this shard. I assure you there will be blue gank squads with gm detect hidden rolling through these dungeons. Reds will be having just as a hard time as the PvM players.

next to guards lines. thats bout it lol


How about the suggestion to make trash barrels in houses able to be placed by friends.

Why? just wondering. Just seems like that would make it easier for people who hide houses on dumby accounts. What would be the benefit of doing this?
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Why? just wondering. Just seems like that would make it easier for people who hide houses on dumby accounts. What would be the benefit of doing this?

Have you never ran into your house for protection since what u said 2005 lol, or I mean what you think it is "hiding". I'm pretty sure houses are there for a reason and its protection, so if I can help out a FRIEND to get protection in my house from a gank or cause they out of stock FUCK YA BRO. I would not want to be your friend tho :(