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Changes to Test Center


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
We are actually adding the pouch command - the major difference is that making it hued so that the code can find it is the cheap way to do it. We're doing it the right way and it's not completely done but it's already on test [poppouch I believe. You can use [help to find it.


Basicly this just calls for farming on a bola tamer instead of a peace/vet tamer in dungeons now.
I could see the pvp aspect work, but since everybody on this shard plays a dexxer, it would be hard to implement. :)

About the rewards, I think adding champ spawns to dungeons would be awesome, especially some with lets say liches, lichlords, and other hardcore mobs that is hard to kill :)


I was wondering if test center is available for sallos users?
and do you copy your characters from hybrid or can you make your own character 7x of your choosing? :)
Things I would like to see in this kind of "PVM" rework.
1.) High levels of fame and karma. For example maybe the person with the highest fame can be a king/queen depending on gender :eek:
2.) I love my corns. I'd love to see unicorns returned to their former glory :>

Also I think this is the most productive thread I have seen in months. +1 hybrid community!


One other thing... I just tested it - a player can carry 20,30,40,50k of gold np np

A player could carry this much gold without having much of anything else .

But why would you want to carry so much ?

I get overloaded from 2 Balrons in double loot hours and I usually recall to the bank after just one .....

There are'nt very many people in dungeons to begin with , and if these changes come , no matter how good the loot , no one is going to go except the reds , to the entrances .


Well personally ive already started macroing my PKs for hiding and stealth mages so i can log out right in the dungeons and check spawns and Lwand/pot my way to victory loots! Now that ive thought this over im actually excited.

I would just REALLY like to see level 8 spells become useful for farming in dungeons.


We are actually adding the pouch command - the major difference is that making it hued so that the code can find it is the cheap way to do it. We're doing it the right way and it's not completely done but it's already on test [poppouch I believe. You can use [help to find it.

nvm i understand what u mean by the cheap way, lol i guess i just liked the hue alot because it would show me what pouches need to be trapped.
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UOGamers Founder
Staff member
nvm i understand what u mean by the cheap way, lol i guess i just liked the hue alot because it would show me what pouches need to be trapped.

Tell you what, I dont mind changing the hue so you know... let me think about it to ensure it doesnt cause any other issues. The main concern I have right away is that someone could macro opening your pack and popping all pouches of a hue etc.. essentially griefing you.


Tell you what, I dont mind changing the hue so you know... let me think about it to ensure it doesnt cause any other issues. The main concern I have right away is that someone could macro opening your pack and popping all pouches of a hue etc.. essentially griefing you.

yea vice versa a thief could "omit" the trapped hue pouch. either way honestly i dont think its that bad because thiefs pop all pouches now lol :(
thanks tho


Without the ablity to recall directly into me when farming no pk has any chance of killing me. I mean zero, its impossible. I can recall faster than you can run on my screen. This isn't going to lead to more pvp or something epic at all. Its going to be stealth mages and mostly just cowardly pvp and unhealthy griefing. As new player under such an system I would feel bad for them.

Lets toss out some ideas:
Hybrid Hides? Hybrid Mares? Runic Kits as rare drops deep in dungeons? Runic Hammers deep in them? Theres tons of stuff it could be :)

Hybrid hides? Hybrid Mares? Runic Kits?..... You have a playerbase asking for less item based pvp and more skill based pvp.

Hybrid mare didn't just add something for tamers, I mean you could of just added rehued nightmares with no stat changes and got the same effect. a rare mount Nightmares should be reverted back to their old casting patterns. Unicorns and the red ridable casting mount should of been buffed to make them usable. I mean when is the last time you seen someone use a Unicorn in pvm or pvp?

Hybrid hides just seems pretty scarey to me. Remember we want less item based pvp and no more. No one is asking for this anymore than we asked for Hybrid armor.

Runic Kits are problem in general. I honestly don't even like them at all. Allowing pvpers to get blessed weapons gives no reason to farm good weapons. Example even for unblessed weapons why would we go farm Vanq weapons when I can just make unlimited gold weapons. Runic bows didn't help archery the skill still sucks adding player made vanq bows didn't help it not suck. Runic kits should be allowed to fade away.

Honestly I think most of the dungeons should be closed but for a few. No pk wants to run around to a bunch of empty dungeons. The no recall thing shouldn't be dungeon wide, there should just be recall spots. I shouldn't be forced to go 4 levels down to make 10k. and yes 10k is what a normal equiped player holds. I know you said 20k in testing but that isn't true realistically.

[poppouch and all that stuff Idk why I don't understand why this stuff is important. Are you folks really going to type this out in pvp or what? I don't understand all our programs Razor, Sallos, Steam already do this. Why waste time and energy on it? Same with all the pot commands.

PS I will edit this later to make it easier to read the concept easier to understand. I just had a long red light. I won't change what I wrote tho so feel free to tell me I am wrong.
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either a hue to the pouches would be nice or a warning (letting a player know if hes down to his last one)

Btw gimp it works more smooth tbh. i will edit my macros to say [poppouch or [drink whatevr


UOGamers Founder
Staff member
Without the ablity to recall directly into me when farming no pk has any chance of killing me. I mean zero, its impossible. I can recall faster than you can run on my screen. This isn't going to lead to more pvp or something epic at all. Its going to be stealth mages and mostly just cowardly pvp and unhealthy griefing. As new player under such an system I would feel bad for them.

Hybrid hides? Hybrid Mares? Runic Kits?..... You have a playerbase asking for less item based pvp and more skill based pvp.

Hybrid mare didn't just add something for tamers, I mean you could of just added rehued nightmares with no stat changes and got the same effect. a rare mount Nightmares should be reverted back to their old casting patterns. Unicorns and the red ridable casting mount should of been buffed to make them usable. I mean when is the last time you seen someone use a Unicorn in pvm or pvp?

Hybrid hides just seems pretty scarey to me. Remember we want less item based pvp and no more. No one is asking for this anymore than we asked for Hybrid armor.

Runic Kits are problem in general. I honestly don't even like them at all. Allowing pvpers to get blessed weapons gives no reason to farm good weapons. Example even unblessed why would we go farm Vanq weapons even when I can just make unlimited gold weapons. Runic bows didn't help archery the skill still sucks adding player made vanq bows didn't help it not suck. Runic kits should be allowed to fade away.

Honestly I think most of the dungeons should be closed but for a few. No pk wants to run around to a bunch of empty dungeons. The no recall thing shouldn't be dungeon wide, there should just be recall spots. I shouldn't be forced to go 4 levels down to make 10k. and yes 10k is what a normal equiped player holds. I know you said 20k in testing but that isn't true realistically.

[poppouch and all that stuff Idk why I don't understand why this stuff is important. Are you folks really going to type this out in pvp or what? I don't understand all our programs Razor, Sallos, Steam already do this. Why waste time and energy on it? Same with all the pot commands.

PS I will edit this later to make it easier to read the concept easier to understand. I just had a long red light. I won't change what I wrote tho so feel free to tell me I am wrong.

Jesus... when are players going to realize it's not ALL ABOUT YOU.

Sometimes, yes sometimes we make changes to lessen the learning curve. For new players, sometimes they have trouble understanding how to make a pop pouch macro in Razor, so we lessen the learning curve.... it's also faster for some of the guys with higher pings to use these commands in place of macros that rely on queue delays etc...

Sometimes Gimp et. al.... it's about the whole, not about you as a pvper. People bitch about change, they bitch about stagnant, they bitch about low population... for the staff its a no win situation... and frankly it is what causes people who help with the shard to stop caring.

White Lotus

So i checked out the test center theres alot going on there. I have class the next 2 days but I will do some extensive testing myself and post my findings bad and good to try to help out. But since it is a test center can i throw out a couple ideas to be tested?

-I would like to see something with parrying done to make it strong for pvp. The right changes to parrying could really make all sorts of new pvp templates. I was thinking something along the line of a certain % of all dmg reflected back. Or better yet to make it more skill based a toggle reflect dmg on that reflects a certain amount of dmg for the next lets say 5 seconds?

-I would also like to see weapons have a more balanced dmg output. What i mean is no one uses a scimatar or longsword because hallys and katanas are just a much better choice. If we scail the dmg on weapons a little different then all weapons become viable. Also i would like to see a toggle on conc blow ( or other special weapon hits). Again this makes the game more skill based as you can time you special hits and create better combo chances.


Jesus... when are players going to realize it's not ALL ABOUT YOU.

Sometimes, yes sometimes we make changes to lessen the learning curve. For new players, sometimes they have trouble understanding how to make a pop pouch macro in Razor, so we lessen the learning curve.... it's also faster for some of the guys with higher pings to use these commands in place of macros that rely on queue delays etc...

Sometimes Gimp et. al.... it's about the whole, not about you as a pvper. People bitch about change, they bitch about stagnant, they bitch about low population... for the staff its a no win situation... and frankly it is what causes people who help with the shard to stop caring.

Oh wow really in no way did I make it all about me or even about me at all. You didn't reply to anything outside of the pouch command, that I said and instead make the claim that I think its all about me.

So I'll reply to your pouch comment first not to get off topic

In no way does the commands lessen the learning curve for new players. Understanding how assist programs work is probably the most important thing a new player can do and there are plenty of guides. If there isn't a updated guide let me know and I'll be more than happy to make one. The pouches was such a minor part of all that I said I dont understand why that is all you replied to.

The staff is very much in not a no win situation. Francis is awesome, Chubb's is great, and I have no problem with you at all. I think you guys are doing a great job but that doesn't mean I have to agree with everything. You want feedback and I was giving it to you. In no way did I make my feedback about me at all and if you honestly feel I did I challenge you to point out where I did it.

If you dont want to debate me that's fine but I ask you not to misrepresent what I said. I like you and I respect you for multiple reasons, most of which have nothing to do with this game. In the past you have told me you could rip me to shreds in a debate and that you were being nice by not, closing the thread right afterward. Here is your chance to do that in all respect. I didn't attack you or do anything other then what you asked for and that was for feedback.