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Why? just wondering. Just seems like that would make it easier for people who hide houses on dumby accounts. What would be the benefit of doing this?

I just see no reason not to. Personally it's just because not enough co owner slots. Would help people out who have guildhouses a lot I think. Maybe make it so that if you make your house public friends can place barrel. If private they can't. I don't really see any negatives towards adding this and think it would be overall a very positive change.


Have you never ran into your house for protection since what u said 2005 lol, or I mean what you think it is "hiding". I'm pretty sure houses are there for a reason and its protection, so if I can help out a FRIEND to get protection in my house from a gank or cause they out of stock FUCK YA BRO. I would not want to be your friend tho :(

Leave your doors unlocked and they the also ban. Trash barrels were never designed to be removable doors like players have adapted them to be. Houses are not there for mere protection.

What I was talking about was hiding houses to go over the housing limit though, not hiding in houses. If you want to hide in houses go ahead idk but its a trash barrel not a door.

I don't like the idea of making it easier to hide, I don't think that is action we need to increase. So I disagree with both of you for multiple reasons. Doesn't mean I am right maybe staff

does want increased house hiding. I highly doubt it but, good luck with that idea either way. Just my opinion.
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You talk about house hiding/PvP like you are actually involved in the PvP scene. Tell me when was the last time you fought another player?


You talk about house hiding/PvP like you are actually involved in the PvP scene. Tell me when was the last time you fought another player?

Hmm recently not this week because I been working repeated 16 shifts but most likely last week. I haven't been on much lately regardless of when my last fight was. I have no problem admitting that.

I fail to understand how my last fight would matter in something such as this being a good idea or a bad idea. I have played Hybrid 10 years now I think I fully understand how trash barrels work. You didn't reply to my post by anything other than trying to attack me, instead of my argument. I rest my case.
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Rewards need to be increased for PKs . PKing is dead on this server.

PKs arnt rewarded because trammies have figured out u can make a recall maco.

#1 remove bag of sending from the shard and donation store. This is the only acceptable thing i see unless these changes are directly to get people to buy bag of sending off the store.
#2 If you want to recall out of a dungeon you should need a special item like a Crystal of Power to increase the magic in the area that requires setting up just like a Camp fire (This will take away the recall macro and reward PKs again willing to put in the dungeon crawl work)
#3--- #2 will make going into a dungeon WAY more intense because now you know if theres a red YOUR GONNA HAVE TO FIGHT which is the way it should be. IPY hit this on the head and its what made the server so successful.
#4 PLEASE FIX LEVEL 8 SPELLS. Ive posted this SO MANY TIMES AND NEVER HAVE YOU RESPONDED. Level 8 spells the grand daddy of magery are worthless on this shard. Ok yeah we can sometimes summon a deamon for KotH, and we can use EQ scrolls in factions. Thats it? Thats really it for 8th level? This does two things
(#1): Should make a complete new template for us because it should require a skill to make these 8th level spells usefull.
(#2) This adds a new template to dungeons and now you DONT HAVE to drag a dragon the entire way to level 4 just to farm something you have a alternative.

Im not quite sure how this issue is just being 100% ignored and not even 1 GM response to the 1 thread/3 posts ive made about it.

If your increasing rewards for farming then there has to be increased risk of getting player killed, you cant just cater to 1 side of the server thats how servers die and this is the only good UO server left so PLEASE DONT KILL THE ONLY GOOD UO SERVER LEFT.

Polish and sharpen both sides of the sword please, not just one. Because one you day youll find out that the result of having a sword with only 1 sharp edge is death.


I just wanted to add a thought, that i think is EXTREMELY relevent to these changes your making

My favorite part of OSI before it was destoryed was the Dungeon fights. (keep in mind all the posting you got about how fun the Hybrid mare fights were)
On Sonoma the fights were between my guild (409) The Real PKs of Sonoma, and SaS Sinners Among Saints, a guild DEDICATED to protecting farming players from us. Both guilds held the best PvPers on the shard, and when we would show up 4-5 deep rolling thru Deciet from boneknight room to lich lords, by the time we got to the entrance to the bottom of deciet there was SaS ready to fight and kill us on our stat loss chars. These fights were the most fun ive EVER had on UO. The risk of being in stat and having to fight these Anti-PKs was SOOO FUN.

I think making a reward system for PKs and Anti-PKs is the way to go to bring back this style of play. Give PvPers some type of reward please, it helps out both sides of the server. PvPers can sell pixels to BBers for $ to continue to supply themselves and BBers get more pixxels.

Re-add dungeon lockpicking, i cant stress this enough. Magic unlock is a joke. These chests should have UBER loot and require a special tailored char to open them.

FIX LVL 8 SPELLS, Ryan and Alk your both SUPER creative im sure youll think of something.

Add "Ghost Gates" to dungeons so you dont have to help stuck out if you do get PKed.

I think my Crystal of Power recalling item that takes time to setup and goes away after a while like a camp fire is spot on.

Make Chaos/Order more interesting so Factions isnt the only option for Fielding. Chaos/Order special hue and a point reward system is a good place to start. Now that TB base is being moved you can bring back Order castle and Chaos castle and make use of them in a positive way. This will not be factions where you take controll of the castle, but there could be order/chaos guards already in these castles and a King inside that maybe drops a special item if the castle is raided, and chests that have to be lockpicked to loot the castles treasure. Just a thought to get the idea started, but implementing it would be nice.

Lets move in a positive direction and return UOG to its former glory, lets cater to all players and not just one side.

I would also like to see changes to fishing, such as Legendary fishing poles that will fish up EPIC monsters. Give us fishers some love, i mean fishing up barrel staves and skullcaps is cool and all but 100% worthless. Make these items more diverse and rare Maybe some uber rare sunken ship loot, SoSing is VERY time consuming and not many very rewarding ATM, chnage this plzThis is just one idea off the top of my head but im sure you guys can come up with something much better.
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Rewards need to be increased for PKs . PKing is dead on this server.

PKs arnt rewarded because trammies have figured out u can make a recall maco.

#1 remove bag of sending from the shard and donation store. This is the only acceptable thing i see unless these changes are directly to get people to buy bag of sending off the store.
#2 If you want to recall out of a dungeon you should need a special item like a Crystal of Power to increase the magic in the area that requires setting up just like a Camp fire (This will take away the recall macro and reward PKs again willing to put in the dungeon crawl work)
#3--- #2 will make going into a dungeon WAY more intense because now you know if theres a red YOUR GONNA HAVE TO FIGHT which is the way it should be. IPY hit this on the head and its what made the server so successful.
#4 PLEASE FIX LEVEL 8 SPELLS. Ive posted this SO MANY TIMES AND NEVER HAVE YOU RESPONDED. Level 8 spells the grand daddy of magery are worthless on this shard. Ok yeah we can sometimes summon a deamon for KotH, and we can use EQ scrolls in factions. Thats it? Thats really it for 8th level? This does two things
(#1): Should make a complete new template for us because it should require a skill to make these 8th level spells usefull.
(#2) This adds a new template to dungeons and now you DONT HAVE to drag a dragon the entire way to level 4 just to farm something you have a alternative.

Im not quite sure how this issue is just being 100% ignored and not even 1 GM response to the 1 thread/3 posts ive made about it.

If your increasing rewards for farming then there has to be increased risk of getting player killed, you cant just cater to 1 side of the server thats how servers die and this is the only good UO server left so PLEASE DONT KILL THE ONLY GOOD UO SERVER LEFT.

Polish and sharpen both sides of the sword please, not just one. Because one you day youll find out that the result of having a sword with only 1 sharp edge is death.

Dislike button.

First, we are not IPY and neither need to, since it has failed about 4 times after "launched", from that now, we start real talking.

PKing is not dead on the server due to "recall macro", if so, it would be dead 5 years ago, which is also not true.

Its 2014, lets face the truth, a lot of UO community generally quit the game, yet, we can make a better server putting up harder MOBs that would take time and people to do it (such as Champ Spawns, i.e., where people have to work together for a better reason).

1. Why remove it? I dont really see a reason, bag of sendings will be on demand + there will be donations to the server, this is pointless, and also those who wasted TONS of money in the last last christmas, will FINALLY find a way to be making money off what they spent. (i dont got any bag of sending myself).

2. Useless, in your 1 topic, basicly you are trading one thing for another thing... If PKs want to kill people, they have to work on group and reach for them tamers, come with FS precasted or something. The problem is, there isn't enough motivation either to PKs go into dungeons (since theres not many tamers out there) + theres no motivation for tamers to make farming worth it.

3. Intense is a word that you find into good IDOCs, where guilds have to work together to defeat their enemys and find the success, wouldn't be different with dungeons, make the loot worth it and you will see people coming around and having Intense fights, and no, i am not talking about adding rare drops (even tho those could be cool in certain places and something small but cool at same time), im talking about opening the possibility to the player work on his character and have something to waste his time on - such as non pvp powerscrolls. Again, we are not IPY.

4. Level 8 Spells are fine and always been, I think you are the first person to bitch about this, if you want an alt template to make money in dungeons, simple, i give you one, bards can do well in dungeons, dexxers with silver weapons, the thing is it would make even worthless than tamers to make the money right now, besides dexxer on double loot time going for liches, of course.

After all, you're not a pvper from the most part that i see, since I could be really wrong, but I saw you making a thread about Hybrid mares 1 day, talking shit about it, and in another day, you and your friends so happy and proud that yall have obtained the first two hybrid mares in the server - this is hypocrital, you can deny it all you want, but it is.

I believe all these rules dont need to be made for all the dungeons, if you take off recall/gate, of course you will need to increase the loots from the idocs, since it increases the risk of dieing and getting pissed, etc.

What we need, and thats I think is an opinion of the majority playerbase is a remake on all dungeons, making it adept to 2014.

For now on, thats my 2 cents :)
By the way, real PvPers dont care about rewards, their mainly reward is your body in the dirt... so all the ilusional offers for PvP will not increase the ammount of pvpers, maybe fake pvpers, but thats not what the server needs.

Making trammys go out there and PvPers having that information, I am sure that will be the best reward :)

From now on you should slow down, you are a bit excited, let the others talk.


"the last thing we need is a super rare uber powerful mare running around in the field. Bola tamers are already a top tier template"

This was my post about the mares. My assumption was they would be much more powerful then normal ones, i was wrong and when Ryan corrected me, if you were capable of reading you would understand i was then perfectly ok with the idea. Obviously you just read the title of the thread and did not care to look any further and gather correct information.

Here is my post about taming the 2nd Mare.

View attachment 88803
3hours to tame dark red w/ 4 tamers 2 healers (no peace)511/529
3+hours to tame light red, 1 tamer and a peacer and a healer507/522

please explain where im saying how cool they are, or brag in any way. All i did was post what they look like, stats and how long they took to tame. Continue hating and trying to turn my words into something they are not.

And there is nothing wrong with posting ideas and opinions, in fact more of the community should do it in a productive way, maybe im not always productive but i do try. But in your 23 posts on this troll forum account you made to hide your identity last month has produced not 1 productive post. just posts shooting other peoples ideas and thoughts down.

You do make a good point, real pvpers do not care about rewards, but real pvpers like myself just coming back need $ to pvp, pots, wands, regs, armor, gets expensive and the trammies have the $$ so getting a pixel reward to sell to trammies for $$ to pvp would help the pvp community over all, believe me i was not thrilled about the fact i had to use my tamer to farm for 2 weeks to get a house and stocked back with regs/pots/wands because i had NOTHING when i came back, and after a month of IDOCing and farming im still not comfortable where i can just go out and JUST pvp, but i don't think there's even enough action consistently to do that anyway
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Did you get a little drunk with all your ranting last night? There hasnt been a "mass handout" in a long while.
Nanu-Nanu, and if you consider "a long while" less then 30 days no wonder there are so many damn handouts

But yes sir i was smashed last night and fishng up SoS's apparently for no reason since i made about 26k in 2hours, but i did get plenty of shells, hats and barrel staves which i was super excited about, and yes i did organize about 100 of them into close locations so i asnt sailing all over the world just in the south east ocean, although cyber fishing and getting drunk was strangely relaxing i just wish i came out with a little more gold :)

BTW wheres my xbow from your corpse when i stun alchy dropped u to death first dump yesterday? it wasnt on your corpse, however your head was and has made a nice addition to my porch so i do appreciate that.

But i will stop posting on forums and playing TC and just roll with whatever way the server goes, and if it ends up in a direction where i can no longer enjoy it maybe wheres somewhere els, however i doubt it. Hybrid is the last of the last and i just hope we head in the right direction, oddly though i do have faith in Ryan and his team. So thats where i stand for now.
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"the last thing we need is a super rare uber powerful mare running around in the field. Bola tamers are already a top tier template"

This was my post about the mares. My assumption was they would be much more powerful then normal ones, i was wrong and when Ryan corrected me, if you were capable of reading you would understand i was then perfectly ok with the idea. Obviously you just read the title of the thread and did not care to look any further and gather correct information.

Here is my post about taming the 2nd Mare.

please explain where im saying how cool they are, or brag in any way. All i did was post what they look like, stats and how long they took to tame. Continue hating and trying to turn my words into something they are not.

And there is nothing wrong with posting ideas and opinions, in fact more of the community should do it in a productive way, maybe im not always productive but i do try. But in your 23 posts on this troll forum account you made to hide your identity last month has produced not 1 productive post. just posts shooting other peoples ideas and thoughts down.

You do make a good point, real pvpers do not care about rewards, but real pvpers like myself just coming back need $ to pvp, pots, wands, regs, armor, gets expensive and the trammies have the $$ so getting a pixel reward to sell to trammies for $$ to pvp would help the pvp community over all, believe me i was not thrilled about the fact i had to use my tamer to farm for 2 weeks to get a house and stocked back with regs/pots/wands because i had NOTHING when i came back, and after a month of IDOCing and farming im still not comfortable where i can just go out and JUST pvp, but i don't think there's even enough action consistently to do that anyway

Huh? Now because I expose people are act different than what they talk, I am a troll? Pretty sure not, and I will once again expose my point.

1. Making a post with your tamed hybrid mare, after making that post, was of course a little, if not a lot, hypocrital, but i wont discuss with a rock.

2. I dont have to hide my identity, my game player is Enigma and I am known as Felipe.

3. Real pvpers like yourself? Excuse me, but honestly I never heard of you (not that it matters), but dont name yourself something u couldn't, and i will tell you why...

3.1. I am pretty sure you miss understand that its 2014 and its pretty easy to gather restock, even players offer you that, but thats not the case, since I am pretty sure you said "total balance" at britain bank on your guy and it has 14mill in it, lets go on market and do math:

* 50k each reg x 300k = 1.5mill, should be some good months of PvP
* 10k each potion (equals to 10 each keg) = 3mill, should be good for months of PvP
* 125 suits of barbed armor = 200k, IF that, should be also good for few weeks/months of PvP
* Wands is not a NEEDED thing, but lets say you waste 2mill into them, could buy you 500 charges of light at 1.5k and about 1.2mill worth of gheals.

Math: 1.5mill + 3mill + 200k + 2mill = 6.7mill - 14mill you had in your bank about the night u tamed that mare = 7,3 mill and you would be able to PvP for some good months.

3.2. If you deny that you have that money, its simple, here is your character profile http://www.uohybrid.com/wp-content/myuog/players/view.php?playerId=877317, and along with that you have the hybrid mare you tamed, which you could sell for good 1-5mill, plus your suit, well, thats something worthable as well... Not pointing fingers on you, but just exposing your points are invalid.

I will stop "trolling" you *cough*, spitting the truth.
