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DAMN mickey your so good

Pat McGroin

I have had one other account, which had less then 500 posts. So the fact that you have continued to dedicate your life to this game and message board defeats your argument completely. And your purpose of posting robbies picture was because you thought he was funny looking. Which btw ( I have seen what you look like, you are one of the goofiest looking bastards I have ever seen in my life.) I simply just could never take a guy like this seriously is all, had nothing to do with him being funny looking. To quote Heavy Smoker " I have more stuff then both your parents combined.."

Wow... LOL

Pat McGroin

kekekeke, how many u know i spend countless hours finding people facebooks? it is actually pretty damn easy mickey, took me 3 minutes each.

Sticky? i scammed sticky, and it wasnt for a rose of trinsic.

Arent you the same guy who used to say that heavy smoker used gheal blessed wands?

Arent you the same guy who got scammed by me after i changed my skype name to some of your old S1CK friends?

Arent you the same guy who played on G&G?

Arent you the same guy who try to lie over internet how much u get per month, yet never put up a prove?

Arent you the same guy who used FS metter, and a modified uo client (thats what we know, who knows about the rest, right?), to "win" on a virtual game?

oh big boy...

Btw you never told me what amazing law school accepted you without a degree, and you never told me your LSAT score??
Why don't you? I mean you like to make fun of what everybody else looks like. I wonder why you have never posted your own picture? No actually I know why ;)
Idc that you rate guys looks on an online video game, every time you post your attacking someone irl yet you've never shown anything about your rl accept a long distance pic of you and your boyfriend its funny. Show us how your so successful irl like you claim to be? Show that 80k a year you get... You know what I would have if I made 80k a year? I wouldn't be fighting and talking shit about people I don't even knows rl like yourself rofl
Oh wow I didn't even notice that your 32 years old and coming on this game and forum talking shit to people 10 years+ younger than you are, look at yourself man, snap back into reality before its to late, it's funny to read all of your previous post and all you see is posts of you talking about people's life and what they look like.. Pretty comical if you ask me

Pat McGroin

I am not even 30 years old yet LOL. But again, the only reason I posted the picture was because clearly someone like you can't be taken seriously. It wasn't to judge you by how ugly you are. You are a white trash loser who still lives at home with his parents and doesn't have a job. How can you even try to rebuttal knowing these facts?
According to your profile your 32, profiles don't lie... Post a pic of your drivers license age oh wait you don't have license or a car... That must be why your stuck at the house all day :( I'm done posting.. If you need any more pics of me just ask, also ill try my best to help you build your self esteem back up for free, maybe you'll be able to leave the house and venture out to the real world once and for all.

Pat McGroin

According to your profile your 32, profiles don't lie... Post a pic of your drivers license age oh wait you don't have license or a car... That must be why your stuck at the house all day :( I'm done posting.. If you need any more pics of me just ask, also ill try my best to help you build your self esteem back up for free, maybe you'll be able to leave the house and venture out to the real world once and for all.

I like how it's 2013 and you still think the fast and the, furious type cars are cool.. lol

Pat McGroin

No you do not have to do that... i am not graduated, yet.

Here in brazil we call that exam as OAB - Organização dos Advogados do Brasil

You are allowed only to do that only when you are at the nine semester, i am in the 2nd year of university....

Also, you have to do a commum test to get in college here in brazil, and its harder for high demand classes, and easier for low demand classes.

Anyways, i dont even know why i am explaining myself to you rofl

So what is the exact name of this amazing law school you go to that accepts applicants with no previous degree?

Pat McGroin

lolol, forget that fact ok? i could care less about what u think on that... and due to my bad english i will end this argument in here... go back in a few posts, there is a lot of shit to you awnser, but again, u will change topic :p

Who changed the argument? I never got a response. All you did was google some law school in Brazil and got caught in another lie

Pat McGroin

According to your profile your 32, profiles don't lie... Post a pic of your drivers license age oh wait you don't have license or a car... That must be why your stuck at the house all day :( I'm done posting.. If you need any more pics of me just ask, also ill try my best to help you build your self esteem back up for free, maybe you'll be able to leave the house and venture out to the real world once and for all.

No heavy, today I will be stuck in my office putting together some pricing lists for a customer of mine. Unlike you I have a job and responsibility's so I can't just sit at home and play UO all day or what ever game you're addicted too now.

Pat McGroin

Btw I find it funny how you answered so broad with "I study law." I mean what kind of law are you studying? If you really wanted me to believe you I think that would be a detail you would want to put in there right?


Erdal are you pre-law? Basically you plan to go to or apply to a law school upon completion of your undergraduate degree.


Mickey i'm not going to ask who your elite clients are but what are you even selling? You said you work for amazon so i'm just curious.

Pat McGroin

Mickey i'm not going to ask who your elite clients are but what are you even selling? You said you work for amazon so i'm just curious.

I have not worked for Amazon for a little over a year now. I didn't like working for such a large corporate company. It had its perks, but I felt like I didn't have enough control with what I was being paid to do. I now work for a smaller networking company which has about 8 sales channels in which I over see three of them. We sell a little bit of everything as a wholesaler, but in a nutshell consumer electronics is what we specialize in. If you are ever needing a good price on software or anything really let me know :)