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Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Which changes would you like to see made? (can vote for multiple ones)

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Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

So basically you want to put statloss in to remove annoying people who grief other people............So you admit to letting a person in game bother you? Interesting and mature of you. Remove Factions and keep O/C and then this server would become better. Factions BLOW, just a bunch of morons running around with their blessed gear and magic weapons thinking there are amazing because they play uo all day long. Sorry i don't have a "super" post count......i'm not a message board whore. It's funny that you gave suggestions on to what you think should be done but when other people give their suggestions you can't handle it. Were you one of those kids who always got his way and when someone went against you, and you threw a hissy fit? Remember when there were no factions on this server? Yeah those were very fun times for pvp. Faction wipe does what? cleans everything up for awhile until it just goes back to it's current state? and whomever called you out for stateloss being compared to OSI is dead on. When OSI put statloss in it wasn't a huge success, it was a big part of what turn people away, that and trammel.

DOn't get me wrong you have good ideas and intentions, however you have to learn to compromise and realize that not everyone gets mad or angry over a game like you seem to do. A lot of us are level headed and can take when a person is greifing and being annoying. And don't claim you don't get mad because you get defensive everytime someone goes against you. That will be all.
Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

sciencescience said:
So basically you want to put statloss in to remove annoying people who grief other people............So you admit to letting a person in game bother you?

this would be a good post if it wasnt in the forum of people who could kill pk griefers with their hands tied behind their back.

just read the rest of that too

quite ignorant.
Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Then what's the problem if you all can kill these pks? I'll contiune to backspin volley the ball into your court everytime. Think before you post! So you claim there is a problem with trashy pks yet now you just claim you can kill them easily? Am i missing the problem for you?


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

sciencescience said:
Then what's the problem if you all can kill these pks? I'll contiune to backspin volley the ball into your court everytime. Think before you post! So you claim there is a problem with trashy pks yet now you just claim you can kill them easily? Am i missing the problem for you?



Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

no idea how the others see it, but its kinda stupid that every newb is red, runs 1v1 and just kills miners and shit.. and that without any penalties
Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

the problem with the trash pks is the type of pvp they bring.

swarms of blues at two locations -> brit gy guard line, and delucia gate guard line. a blues main weapon is his "guards" macro, seeing how you do not faction, i can only assume that you are either a red and know exactly what i am talking about, or you are a blue and you won't quite admit to it, but you still know what i am talking about. or you are a bank sitter and should stop giving us your input.

Steve Zissou

Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

sciencescience said:
Then what's the problem if you all can kill these pks? I'll contiune to backspin volley the ball into your court everytime. Think before you post! So you claim there is a problem with trashy pks yet now you just claim you can kill them easily? Am i missing the problem for you?
how about the problem with them killing miners 24/7, they new players here that never really get a chance to get some money then pvp becasue they are killed every few minutes by some guy probably like you who seems really insecure so he kills ppl all day that arent a challenge and thinks hes cool irl for it...


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Yes Trash PK's are lame, but i dont think thats the discussion here. its about his poll and how statloss should not be implemented. How many people originally came here because of no statloss? How many people do you think that would stop from joining in the future and how many people would quit because of it? Its a really make it or break it scenario.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Steve Zissou said:
how about the problem with them killing miners 24/7, they new players here that never really get a chance to get some money then pvp becasue they are killed every few minutes by some guy probably like you who seems really insecure so he kills ppl all day that arent a challenge and thinks hes cool irl for it...

youve got a seroius problem against PK's dont you?
lol you are the newb in all your stories about getting ganked. tbh

Steve Zissou

Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

YekNom said:
youve got a seroius problem against PK's dont you?
lol you are the newb in all your stories about getting ganked. tbh
lol i dont deal with Pks they run everytime i try and fight one...id just like those ppl not to quit in the first week(i dont even have a miner k thx) prick im teh best always
Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

people honestly need to realize that pks do not actually grief factioners, unless you consider running away from them a form of griefing. which to me, i guess it sorta is.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

yeah man pks grief me all the time. It's called dump and run and they always do it for some reason lol.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Being a red with no risk at all is so kewl.
Let's have blessed bags tbh.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

MemphisWade said:
people honestly need to realize that pks do not actually grief factioners, unless you consider running away from them a form of griefing. which to me, i guess it sorta is.

I generally consider pks running away from me a form of being looted.

YekNom - Woah... Statloss seperates the men from the boys... Anybody who would quit over statloss, doesn't deserve to be called a pk.
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