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Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Which changes would you like to see made? (can vote for multiple ones)

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Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

DementedJester said:
bank sitters risk dying to a roleplay quest where 1500 balrons are spawned at WBB or PKs with fs scrolls.

or that leet guy named WHACK with a dp'd newbie dagger

A Walrus

Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

ther was a guy who dp'd a kryss named townies, then everyone made one and it got lame :(


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

sciencescience said:
Funny how i call you out for not being able to handle a person who annoys you in game and you i guess try to work it back on me??? I did discuss things in mature manner. I called you out on not being able to handle things when people go against your ideas. I can give you some of your own quotes if you really want? As for the matter at hand, dare i say the term "carebear." Get over it if people kill miners...boo hoo. The early days of OSI worked well please inform me if you have a different view of the 97-99 era of OSI. I know pking without any fear of losing anything is a carebear deal as well, however like i pointed out it worked on OSI and yet again if the pks are soooooooooo bad as the claim is then problem for you well should already be solved. You are also not talking for other people like pvmers everything in your poll/suggestions are for pvp related players. You can reread all of what you wrote to verify that. You and "friends" talk so much shit about how reds are nothing and just trashy and run and don't fight. Good let people play like they want to play. Why does the server have to fit into what you want it to be...oh wait i mean what "faction" members want it to be. Also throwing out the "i've been playing here for blah blah time" means shit to me, marble island days of this server was THE best pvp imo, but that's besides the point. I'm not fully opposed to statloss, but make it for a certain amount of time, why do you hate this idea so much? You say it won't work however the way you want the sever to run is to have more people in factions and make factions the primary pvp on this sever. Did you ever take into account that some people don't like factions? Or the person who solos (might not be the best pk), but nontheless wants to solo and can't because of the nonstop gankfest factions is.

Basically the point is quit slamming people for not wanting exactly what you want. Try and Cooperate a bit because i've seen you take no ones tweaks or changes into consideration.
More paragraph plox?


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

YekNom said:
sciencescience is my friend.

Then tell him to stop rephrasing the same couple of paragraphs and calling it a new arguement.

Unless he has an explaination of how PK Statloss would stop reds playing exactly how they do now, or atleast something new to say on the matter, he may as well just not post, i'm getting tired of repeating myself.

So i can quote myself in future:

Statloss does not stop reds from doing anything.

Statloss will add some more risk to killing newbies.

A bounty system will make killing a pk a valuable thing and give the real PKs (meaning, those who'd continue to pk after statloss) something other than counts to compete on... It would also show who is going after the wealthiest targets rather than mules/newbies.

Griefing is detrimental to the server and generally frowned upon. In fact the griefing situation became so severe that Imbus had to be "created" so that roleplayers could actually roleplay without fear of being griefed 24/7.

Your arguements against statloss show that you are a coward, afraid to continue picking off the weak when there is risk in doing so.

It's easy to train on this server, statloss is no real set-back, be glad i'm not suggesting perma-death.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

hahahaha you make me laugh with the perma death thing, i lol'd irl
and are you only this enforceful of your suggestions because your flying a communist flag in your avatar?


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

people are great when they neg rep and accusing me of neg reping them =]


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

YekNom said:
hahahaha you make me laugh with the perma death thing, i lol'd irl
and are you only this enforceful of your suggestions because your flying a communist flag in your avatar?

Firstly, "you're".
Secondly, my suggestions are hardly communist.
Thirdly, it's the Chinese flag, not a "communist flag"... I guess "Pac Mao" goes over your head.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

YekNom said:
hahahaha you make me laugh with the perma death thing, i lol'd irl
and are you only this enforceful of your suggestions because your flying a communist flag in your avatar?
Trammel ------------------------------------> that way.

Get out of the faction forums you don't belong here.
Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

DementedJester said:
Statloss does not stop reds from doing anything.


You can't be that much of an idiot to realize you just contradicted yourself. So if Statloss doesn't stop reds then why is it needed? Also to get this point straight China's government is The People's Republic of China, which the Communist party has led since 1949. Although the communist ideas have been expanded so they aren't as strict as the say Soviet communist ideals were. It's called History/Facts look it up before you again attack someone big boy. Jester you are a fool who ignores everything i've called you out on other then "He doesn't know what he is talking about. Reds are trash blah blah blah." Learn to cooperate. You are nothing special but a whiney person who thinks they know-it-all. Maybe if you just acted with some sense and not "I get soo pissed when people say no and they don't explain," and then when someone does explain you think it's stupid, i'd read everything you said instead of filtering out the BS. It's fun to get you work up....need a pacifier to stop the cryfest?
Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

sciencescience said:
You can't be that much of an idiot to realize you just contradicted yourself. So if Statloss doesn't stop reds then why is it needed? Also to get this point straight China's government is The People's Republic of China, which the Communist party has led since 1949. Although the communist ideas have been expanded so they aren't as strict as the say Soviet communist ideals were. It's called History/Facts look it up before you again attack someone big boy. Jester you are a fool who ignores everything i've called you out on other then "He doesn't know what he is talking about. Reds are trash blah blah blah." Learn to cooperate. You are nothing special but a whiney person who thinks they know-it-all. Maybe if you just acted with some sense and not "I get soo pissed when people say no and they don't explain," and then when someone does explain you think it's stupid, i'd read everything you said instead of filtering out the BS. It's fun to get you work up....need a pacifier to stop the cryfest?

please get hit by a truck.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

sciencescience said:
DementedJester said:
Statloss does not stop reds from doing anything.


You can't be that much of an idiot to realize you just contradicted yourself. So if Statloss doesn't stop reds then why is it needed? Also to get this point straight China's government is The People's Republic of China, which the Communist party has led since 1949. Although the communist ideas have been expanded so they aren't as strict as the say Soviet communist ideals were. It's called History/Facts look it up before you again attack someone big boy. Jester you are a fool who ignores everything i've called you out on other then "He doesn't know what he is talking about. Reds are trash blah blah blah." Learn to cooperate. You are nothing special but a whiney person who thinks they know-it-all. Maybe if you just acted with some sense and not "I get soo pissed when people say no and they don't explain," and then when someone does explain you think it's stupid, i'd read everything you said instead of filtering out the BS. It's fun to get you work up....need a pacifier to stop the cryfest?

Did you really just compare UOGamers Statloss to Communist China...wow. Just see something on the History channel on that, so you had to look smart and add that in. Rofl, i agree with Wade tbh.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

sciencescience said:
You can't be that much of an idiot to realize you just contradicted yourself. So if Statloss doesn't stop reds then why is it needed? Also to get this point straight China's government is The People's Republic of China, which the Communist party has led since 1949. Although the communist ideas have been expanded so they aren't as strict as the say Soviet communist ideals were. It's called History/Facts look it up before you again attack someone big boy. Jester you are a fool who ignores everything i've called you out on other then "He doesn't know what he is talking about. Reds are trash blah blah blah." Learn to cooperate. You are nothing special but a whiney person who thinks they know-it-all. Maybe if you just acted with some sense and not "I get soo pissed when people say no and they don't explain," and then when someone does explain you think it's stupid, i'd read everything you said instead of filtering out the BS. It's fun to get you work up....need a pacifier to stop the cryfest?

God Damn Shut the fuck up sciencescience


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

sciencescience said:
You can't be that much of an idiot to realize you just contradicted yourself. So if Statloss doesn't stop reds then why is it needed? Also to get this point straight China's government is The People's Republic of China, which the Communist party has led since 1949. Although the communist ideas have been expanded so they aren't as strict as the say Soviet communist ideals were. It's called History/Facts look it up before you again attack someone big boy. Jester you are a fool who ignores everything i've called you out on other then "He doesn't know what he is talking about. Reds are trash blah blah blah." Learn to cooperate. You are nothing special but a whiney person who thinks they know-it-all. Maybe if you just acted with some sense and not "I get soo pissed when people say no and they don't explain," and then when someone does explain you think it's stupid, i'd read everything you said instead of filtering out the BS. It's fun to get you work up....need a pacifier to stop the cryfest?

I'm not saying reds should be stopped from doing anything... Sure, they shouldn't grief. Doesn't mean they should be stopped from doing it. I'm not talking about stopping people from DOING anything (aside from hiding in tram+). I'm saying they should be penalised for griefing, discouraging them from doing it.
Once again; they'll still be able to grief and kill miners all they want, they'll just have an added risk in doing so.

The fact that you cannot accept this and seem to be so upset by the MENTION of statloss leaves me beliving that you're one of the griefer pks that has caused people to want statloss in the first place.

I'm getting sick of explaining this to you.

Also, I belive China had that flag before it was "The People's Republic of China"... Shitty attempt at rhetoric and a personal attack, by the way. Allow me to direct you towards Wade's comments.

Also, learn to quote.

edit: typos, polishing.

P.S. How far did "Pac Mao" go over their heads? ...Fuck!


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

If statloss was such a big Deal... then why did OSI/EA remove it???

And why should it be added here?

I will greif or pk as i wish... if your outa town... you know the risks.. got a problem with pk's? stay in town... think your brave... step out of town...

As for factions.... IMHO it sucks...


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

[RIP]Zeus said:
If statloss was such a big Deal... then why did OSI/EA remove it???

And why should it be added here?

I will greif or pk as i wish... if your outa town... you know the risks.. got a problem with pk's? stay in town... think your brave... step out of town...

As for factions.... IMHO it sucks...
Why did they add AoS? Because their retarded?


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

[RIP]Zeus said:
If statloss was such a big Deal... then why did OSI/EA remove it???

And why should it be added here?

I will greif or pk as i wish... if your outa town... you know the risks.. got a problem with pk's? stay in town... think your brave... step out of town...

As for factions.... IMHO it sucks...

Because it's too hard to kill people who can fight back?

Seriously though? Yeah, that's the risk of playing UO... Which is why UO is fun to me. The risk of running into a PK gank squad... and the trouble of looting their corpses. That's the current risk of being a PK, running into someone who knows what they're doing and dying. In my opinion, there should be more risk to it... That's where permenant statloss comes in.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Earth_Crisis said:
Why did they add AoS? Because they're retarded?

Fixed, and yes, EA is by far the biggest retarded buisness in the history of gaming.
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