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Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Which changes would you like to see made? (can vote for multiple ones)

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Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

sciencescience said:
So basically you want to put statloss in to remove annoying people who grief other people............So you admit to letting a person in game bother you? Interesting and mature of you. Remove Factions and keep O/C and then this server would become better. Factions BLOW, just a bunch of morons running around with their blessed gear and magic weapons thinking there are amazing because they play uo all day long. Sorry i don't have a "super" post count......i'm not a message board whore. It's funny that you gave suggestions on to what you think should be done but when other people give their suggestions you can't handle it. Were you one of those kids who always got his way and when someone went against you, and you threw a hissy fit? Remember when there were no factions on this server? Yeah those were very fun times for pvp. Faction wipe does what? cleans everything up for awhile until it just goes back to it's current state? and whomever called you out for stateloss being compared to OSI is dead on. When OSI put statloss in it wasn't a huge success, it was a big part of what turn people away, that and trammel.

DOn't get me wrong you have good ideas and intentions, however you have to learn to compromise and realize that not everyone gets mad or angry over a game like you seem to do. A lot of us are level headed and can take when a person is greifing and being annoying. And don't claim you don't get mad because you get defensive everytime someone goes against you. That will be all.

You seem to ahve a really selfish and narrow outlook. I'm not just thinking about my own wants and needs or even those of factioners, I'm thinking of new players and pvmers who would boost the economy by equipment for pvpers or wind up starting a pvp guild. You also failed to take into account that alot of us haven't been on the shard for 5 minutes. Alot of us don't mind being attacked. Try PVMing for a week, you'll see the problem with PKs.

If you're not on an adiquate level to discuss these matters fully and maturely, please do not attempt to contribute. Wade already said most of what needed to be said.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

DementedJester said:
YekNom - Woah... Statloss seperates the men from the boys... Anybody who would quit over statloss, doesn't deserve to be called a pk.

how so? your a man because if you get ganked youll macro your char afk for 48 hours?


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

YekNom said:
how so? your a man because if you get ganked youll macro your char afk for 48 hours?

People who fear death but inflict it upon others without thought are hypocritical assholes.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Flipper-hybrid said:
allllllllllll five baby!
i wanted to do this too but forgot to hit Faction Revert

high five !!

oh and id add, bring back dmg like they were like 2 years ago, simply bring back the shard like back there


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

DementedJester said:
I generally consider pks running away from me a form of being looted.

YekNom - Woah... Statloss seperates the men from the boys... Anybody who would quit over statloss, doesn't deserve to be called a pk.

quoted for fucking truth


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Flipper-hybrid said:
People who fear death but inflict it upon others without thought are hypocritical assholes.
Ok, I'm going to have to say this.. IF pk statloss is implemented, please, for the love of god, put more wandering red healers in...

I'm still against PK statloss, yet, i'll meet in the middle and say more red healers should be added


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

YekNom said:
how so? your a man because if you get ganked youll macro your char afk for 48 hours?

That's what's known as a punishment.

Once again, if you can't handle the time, don't commit crime.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

#1 - Faction Wipe - Don't get it
#2 - Faction Revert - either way, doesn't bother me
#3 - PK Statloss - would kill PVP on server, don't believe me? look at defiance pvp, oh wait, you can't it doesn't exist.
#4 - PK's Kick From Factions - good idea, pker in factions are dumb, it's no fun with town battles and all the random blues that join in
#5 - Removal of Duel Zones - completely agree, go AFK in your house, you should never be 100% safe*sigh*


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Pepsi_Rox said:
Ok, I'm going to have to say this.. IF pk statloss is implemented, please, for the love of god, put more wandering red healers in...

I'm still against PK statloss, yet, i'll meet in the middle and say more red healers should be added

Stop whining

A Walrus

Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

full statloss for pks is kinda of extreme, id support a 33 % to each skill for like an hour

but i have to agree it would weed out the men from the boys.

i support everything except statloss (to an extent) if they removed duel pit safe zones make the duel point random at least, if it was in a designated spot pks and factioners would camp it like mad ;/
Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

DementedJester said:
You seem to ahve a really selfish and narrow outlook. I'm not just thinking about my own wants and needs or even those of factioners, I'm thinking of new players and pvmers who would boost the economy by equipment for pvpers or wind up starting a pvp guild. You also failed to take into account that alot of us haven't been on the shard for 5 minutes. Alot of us don't mind being attacked. Try PVMing for a week, you'll see the problem with PKs.

If you're not on an adiquate level to discuss these matters fully and maturely, please do not attempt to contribute. Wade already said most of what needed to be said.

Funny how i call you out for not being able to handle a person who annoys you in game and you i guess try to work it back on me??? I did discuss things in mature manner. I called you out on not being able to handle things when people go against your ideas. I can give you some of your own quotes if you really want? As for the matter at hand, dare i say the term "carebear." Get over it if people kill miners...boo hoo. The early days of OSI worked well please inform me if you have a different view of the 97-99 era of OSI. I know pking without any fear of losing anything is a carebear deal as well, however like i pointed out it worked on OSI and yet again if the pks are soooooooooo bad as the claim is then problem for you well should already be solved. You are also not talking for other people like pvmers everything in your poll/suggestions are for pvp related players. You can reread all of what you wrote to verify that. You and "friends" talk so much shit about how reds are nothing and just trashy and run and don't fight. Good let people play like they want to play. Why does the server have to fit into what you want it to be...oh wait i mean what "faction" members want it to be. Also throwing out the "i've been playing here for blah blah time" means shit to me, marble island days of this server was THE best pvp imo, but that's besides the point. I'm not fully opposed to statloss, but make it for a certain amount of time, why do you hate this idea so much? You say it won't work however the way you want the sever to run is to have more people in factions and make factions the primary pvp on this sever. Did you ever take into account that some people don't like factions? Or the person who solos (might not be the best pk), but nontheless wants to solo and can't because of the nonstop gankfest factions is.

Basically the point is quit slamming people for not wanting exactly what you want. Try and Cooperate a bit because i've seen you take no ones tweaks or changes into consideration.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Greyc2w said:
I actively pvped on my factioner for the past hour, what about you... oh yea, you need a new F5 key for the faction forum


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

oh btw, i died to check six, i fought them 1v2, i didnt win. it happens.

I got restocked, fought some reds outside of the pits, and died to them... it sucked but now i'm stuck in del with no recall regs :(


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Pepsi_Rox said:
I actively pvped on my factioner for the past hour, what about you... oh yea, you need a new F5 key for the faction forum

I actually never play. Everyone honors me and my guild because we're the best guild to ever play UO. I'm not being sarcastic either. It's true.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

Xx-GoD-xX said:
#1 - Faction Wipe - Don't get it
#2 - Faction Revert - either way, doesn't bother me
#3 - PK Statloss - would kill PVP on server, don't believe me? look at defiance pvp, oh wait, you can't it doesn't exist.
#4 - PK's Kick From Factions - good idea, pker in factions are dumb, it's no fun with town battles and all the random blues that join in
#5 - Removal of Duel Zones - completely agree, go AFK in your house, you should never be 100% safe*sigh*
DFI pvp is dead because Mon and Ape don't play. THEY made the pvp


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

sciencescience said:
Funny how i call you out for not being able to handle a person who annoys you in game and you i guess try to work it back on me??? I did discuss things in mature manner. I called you out on not being able to handle things when people go against your ideas. I can give you some of your own quotes if you really want? As for the matter at hand, dare i say the term "carebear." Get over it if people kill miners...boo hoo. The early days of OSI worked well please inform me if you have a different view of the 97-99 era of OSI. I know pking without any fear of losing anything is a carebear deal as well, however like i pointed out it worked on OSI and yet again if the pks are soooooooooo bad as the claim is then problem for you well should already be solved. You are also not talking for other people like pvmers everything in your poll/suggestions are for pvp related players. You can reread all of what you wrote to verify that. You and "friends" talk so much shit about how reds are nothing and just trashy and run and don't fight. Good let people play like they want to play. Why does the server have to fit into what you want it to be...oh wait i mean what "faction" members want it to be. Also throwing out the "i've been playing here for blah blah time" means shit to me, marble island days of this server was THE best pvp imo, but that's besides the point. I'm not fully opposed to statloss, but make it for a certain amount of time, why do you hate this idea so much? You say it won't work however the way you want the sever to run is to have more people in factions and make factions the primary pvp on this sever. Did you ever take into account that some people don't like factions? Or the person who solos (might not be the best pk), but nontheless wants to solo and can't because of the nonstop gankfest factions is.

Basically the point is quit slamming people for not wanting exactly what you want. Try and Cooperate a bit because i've seen you take no ones tweaks or changes into consideration.

Statloss doesn't stop pkers from playing the game how they want to. It just means they have to be more careful in doing it and that there is a penalty for doing it. In griefing, they prevent other players from playing how they want to play... As a result they should be punished. That seems fair to me.


Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

DementedJester said:
Statloss doesn't stop pkers from playing the game how they want to. It just means they have to be more careful in doing it and that there is a penalty for doing it. In griefing, they prevent other players from playing how they want to play... As a result they should be punished. That seems fair to me.
Don't waste your time explaining yourself to him. Very few true reds exist on this shard, he won't understand.

A Walrus

Re: Demented Jesters Suggested Changes (Revised Poll)

y isnt pks kicked from town on this poll? its something similar to this debate and i think they should be :eek:
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