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Dream Team 2.0


Re: Dream Team 2.0

Catapult;1671735 said:
Please Mico make all the excuses you want, You and your friends use PvP tamers to pick up the slack you cant carry. It's that simple.

I don't make excuses. I only state facts.

IE excuses:
1. OMG OMG OMG they out number us that's why they won. they're bad.
2. OMG OMG OMG they have mares, pots/wands, chugging, bola, and texans.
3. OMG OMG OMG Stide is canadian and Jesse is still a virgin.
4. List goes on...

1. We use templates according to the neccesarry of battles/tournaments/bank sitting.

If anything, you are making excuses and whining about the templates that we are bringing to the table. I'm looking for a good fight, not a good whining session.

Please all you leaders of various guilds (oldschool & newly). Start organizing and regroup your guild and join opposing factions and give me good fights for the summer break. I want to start sensing 30+ enemies as I log into Hybrid.



Re: Dream Team 2.0

Mico;1671762 said:
I don't make excuses. I only state facts.

Are you denying that Dream Team uses gimp tactics and templates to achieve goals otherwise impossible to a group of players consisting of mostly trash? If you are denying my previous statement, then why use those tactics?


Re: Dream Team 2.0

Catapult;1671766 said:
Are you denying that Dream Team uses gimp tactics and templates to achieve goals otherwise impossible to a group of players consisting of mostly trash? If you are denying my previous statement, then why use those tactics?

Any tactics is a well thought out plan, so why is one gimpy than the other? So if you can't beat it, you consider it gimp? How come I don't whine about anyone's tactics ? How about this, you start copying how we play, and I will show you how to beat it, so you can improve your game, then you can start whining about the new things that I come up to destroy this "unbeatable tactic" that you call "Gimp"
It only depends on if your team can execute or not. I throw out game plan , my men seems to execute it very damn well, so why do you consider them trash? The only trash I'm seeing is lol can you guess?


Re: Dream Team 2.0

Mico;1671762 said:
I don't make excuses. I only state facts.

IE excuses:
1. OMG OMG OMG they out number us that's why they won. they're bad.
2. OMG OMG OMG they have mares, pots/wands, chugging, bola, and texans.
3. OMG OMG OMG Stide is canadian and Jesse is still a virgin.
4. List goes on...

1. We use templates according to the neccesarry of battles/tournaments/bank sitting.

If anything, you are making excuses and whining about the templates that we are bringing to the table. I'm looking for a good fight, not a good whining session.

Please all you leaders of various guilds (oldschool & newly). Start organizing and regroup your guild and join opposing factions and give me good fights for the summer break. I want to start sensing 30+ enemies as I log into Hybrid.


excuse #1 does apply though.. tbh if you fought most faction guilds even numbers you'd lose.

edit; well the ones that aren't bad (not many left tho :()


Re: Dream Team 2.0

Raserei;1671851 said:
excuse #1 does apply though.. tbh if you fought most faction guilds even numbers you'd lose.

edit; well the ones that aren't bad (not many left tho :()

Man I would love to fight u guys even numbers. Why don't u recruit more people to match up rather than using excuse #1 for the last how many years?


Re: Dream Team 2.0

because everyone on this shard is bad currently, and I can't stand playing with noobs.. so annoying. If we did have the same numbers, I wouldn't need an excuse, we wouldn't die ever.

Van Dam

Re: Dream Team 2.0

MrBrightside;1671731 said:
do you mean the 'good' people that quit as soon as their cheats were blocked?

lol wich was about 60 to 80 % of the pvp population :/ 2 years ago it wasnt about who was better it was who had better cheats.


Re: Dream Team 2.0

Raserei;1671880 said:
because everyone on this shard is bad currently, and I can't stand playing with noobs.. so annoying. If we did have the same numbers, I wouldn't need an excuse, we wouldn't die ever.

dude your guild is full of newbs... wtf are you talking about? josey wales.. i mean wow.... that's just horrible...


Re: Dream Team 2.0

owned 2v1 newbs

No, that isn't 6 guards you see.

Funny fight through. 3v1+4 guards. I lost guards though :( didn't want to lose the rest.


Re: Dream Team 2.0

tbkiah;1671949 said:
dude your guild is full of newbs... wtf are you talking about? josey wales.. i mean wow.... that's just horrible...

LOL I KNO RITE ME, too bad josey can kill you


Re: Dream Team 2.0

Raserei;1672072 said:
LOL I KNO RITE ME, too bad josey can kill you

potentially 1v1... i haven't fought him since i got my internet fixed... but me and amon owned him and little buddy 100x 2v2...
Re: Dream Team 2.0

Catapult;1671591 said:
Do you always eat from his ass or just some days? Jesse blows, if he played back when good people were actually playing and not a bunch of nobodies, he would be a nobody.

lol ive been playing this shard for about four years, i played when the "good" people played. im defiantly not the best nor have i ever claimed to be, but a no namer like yourself is no where near my level. and like luigi said, did u notice the "good" people quit when they couldnt cheat anymore?
Re: Dream Team 2.0

tbkiah;1672264 said:
why don't you prove your skilled and stop fighting with 10 people?

lol, if u didnt notice, FACTIONS ARE A GROUP EFFORT. it rly doesnt matter but thell me how i can prove to you my skill? pit fight you? setup even numbers?


Re: Dream Team 2.0

JesseJane;1672269 said:
lol, if u didnt notice, FACTIONS ARE A GROUP EFFORT. it rly doesnt matter but thell me how i can prove to you my skill? pit fight you? setup even numbers?

only newbs roll in squads


Who rolls solo? Dungeon pks with hiding? Hate to break it to anyone but Factions is all about team/clique effort. Sucks but that's the reason I quit 2 years ago.