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GNG, Worst PVPers evar.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

i used to be in gng and ya they suck but they have more fun then half of you in vent. It was all a joke to them and they would just chill. More then sheivan every 5 seconds raging. GnG is good at one thing house hiding. But it fun trying to trick them and kill them before they can make it too there house.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

there is good and bad players on every guild, G&G has advantages and disadvantages, sometimes they may revenge a guildmate death in seconds and get your stuff back, the fact you killed them this time doesn't prove much, we don't know what happened before, and i can see on the screenshots that you stunned one of them first, and they failled twice, that gives you a bit of advantage, you might call it luck

also, probably they didn't have wands while you did, it all depends... maybe they sucked this time cause they didn't cross heal or something... but everyone learns (some people faster than other), it all depends on the player generally and not the guild

the other day i joined a CTF event and Nimbao was there, and from the little i saw he was ok at healing himself against a few mages
i'm on G&G too but i helped kill him on the event at least twice :D


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

they dont want to learn. the run around with the premise they dont have to be good as long as they have 30 people online to split idoc loot down to 10k each.
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

This thread is retarded as is. Look who started it? She runs around with the biggest band of noobs on the server.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

for all the shit talk about g&g, at least they are out there (as said before) they dont talk too much shit, rarely rage, and seem to be having a good time. Isnt that what its all about? I think they have a good thing going. I say keep it up. They arent the best but at least they try and they are smart enough to run in groups. I mean wtf if only the leet playas played you have 6 guys afking at del pond while they are talking on these forums about how noob everyone is and how they are so leet, all 6 of them.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Sammich;1825401 said:
they dont want to learn. the run around with the premise they dont have to be good as long as they have 30 people online to split idoc loot down to 10k each.

they don't split the idoc loot. My friend was told me that its first to loot it.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

i dont know if i need to comment that thread
i just have a question.

didnt u guys get lead about talk shit ??
cuz , u guys dont stop talk shit about my guild and my person
but everyone u come at me , or run or die .
realy i cant understand .

And the owner of that thread , i suppose Sheivan , i just posted one thead about how u suck , and u told me "u still posting about it" ,
dont get mad , but if u want more links of our duels , i can do it easier , want to?

Oh ,am i the liar? ;))))))) i dont think so


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Hey Nimbao.. why so easy?

This is what happen when I'm really fighting and not trying to potkick your dumps


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

I (BOSS) thoroughly enjoy being part of a guild that is more than just a "flavor of the month" type thing. In G&G that's what we have goin on, we have a kick ass close knit family of good core members and while offering a good time to anyone that wants to come along and join in on it. TBH, I've played with the best and been around the best on hybrid since the beginning, and G&G is by far the best thing that has happened to me. To those non flamers in this thread, your exactly right, we play for fun, win or lose. We have good players and bad players like every other guild out there, however sometimes its the bad players that are the most fun to play with. <3


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

If you play for fun why do you talkshit?
Games starting to become somewhat old tbh, been playing to win for a little while now and what keeps me entertained is raging people by making these thrds/other stuff
Game became somewhat boring not because its not fun, but because of the lack of PVP and changes
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

The_Man;1825752 said:
I (BOSS) thoroughly enjoy being part of a guild that is more than just a "flavor of the month" type thing. In G&G that's what we have goin on, we have a kick ass close knit family of good core members and while offering a good time to anyone that wants to come along and join in on it. TBH, I've played with the best and been around the best on hybrid since the beginning, and G&G is by far the best thing that has happened to me. To those non flamers in this thread, your exactly right, we play for fun, win or lose. We have good players and bad players like every other guild out there, however sometimes its the bad players that are the most fun to play with. <3

id have to agree with you on this. ive played with alot of people but i find my guild as well is just alot of good friends working together for idocs. we have no looting policy but majority of the time the older people with more shit give up the stuff to newer players. you can bash all you want but without some type of guild for new players to start they quit. ive had people tell me that if i didnt give them a house and a little bit of armor and weps i didnt use they would have quit. its nice to know i helped populate hybrid a little longer. but its really whatever at this point. i enjoy the people i play with and very much killing gng. hate to say it but we have alot of fun fighting yall. cause we kill one and 10-15 seem to always be coming in. then its just alot of tit for tat kinda stuff.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

" This is what happen when I'm really fighting and not trying to potkick your dumps "

are u joken ,right?

well , there we go , more one time.

do u need attack me , spam heal pot and heal spells to throw pots? i dont think so
do u need die 5 times to change ur mind? i dont think so
why u just didnt kick one pot on me??? i dont think so
why did u call me a liar , saying that i just created chars named bakou , just to get , i dont know , fell better or something ,

Kid , wake up .

You are Sheivan . Im Nimbao. Need i say more?

About that print , i died , i got stun , it happens . what dont happens is when a "good player" die five times , to a suppose "noob"

want more links, sheivan? ;))))


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Shut Up Sheivan's Friend

Did he call friends to talk shit about me on forum ??


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

nimbao;1825951 said:
Shut Up Sheivan's Friend

Did he call friends to talk shit about me on forum ??

Actually I killed Sheivan and took his loot from the IDOC he did yesterday, and gated all of the chests out, not quite his 'friend'.

However, Sheivan is good at PvP, and you're bad.