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GNG, Worst PVPers evar.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Pot macros can not even compare to the versatility of tossing manually. I've tried both extensively and I'd never dream of using a macro to throw pots now.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

karmagettie1;1826262 said:
I noticed that you are just pvping with pre-made macroes. How does that make you good?

sorry , i dont know what are u talking about .


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

nimbao;1826592 said:
sorry , i dont know what are u talking about .

Nimbao, since you're soooo good, I'd like to see you fight Sheivan for money.

edit: if you have the balls, I'll put up 5mil per 1mil you put up against me.
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Raserei;1826613 said:
Nimbao, since you're soooo good, I'd like to see you fight Sheivan for money.

edit: if you have the balls, I'll put up 5mil per 1mil you put up against me.

high roller^


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Nimbao, since you're soooo good, I'd like to see you fight Sheivan for money.
edit: if you have the balls, I'll put up 5mil per 1mil you put up against me.

As I would back up nimbao with my money, I'm sure I have more than you sir.

and if only it were possible to setup a duel, no Play UO, No Razor, No E:UO, I would challenge you as well for any amount of money, just the good ol UO client.... that is... "if you have the balls"

Age: 18

Youngins these days think they know or have skill, you don't even know what real skill is because you weren't around to see it. I'm guessing you were pvping all hardcore style back on OSI as well when you were what... 8?

lol... ya right...

While Hybrid is the best thing to happen to UO in many years...
it will still never, ever, compete or hold any merit towards the old large-scale wars back in the old days of UO.
I'm sorry but you have already missed your chance to claim that you are good in UO.
So what ya need to do, is just keep your money in your bank, or go blow it on poker, and keep ya pecker licken mouth shut. Bweech.
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

I'm pretty sure that anyone who was any good back in the old days couldn't hold a candle to the talent in the game now days. And yes, I did play from 98-02, I knew some pretty fucking good PvPers, was really good friends with Oz & Blanel of Berserk !>! (2 of the best) from Atlantic, they happened to win the serverwide 2v2 tournament, but I doubt they could even compete if they were to return to UO here. People rely too much on their old school skills as a crutch to make up excuses for why they aren't good in present day UO.

As for Raserei & Sheivan, I can honestly say, they are pretty damn good, but if any of the people in these shit talks threads would do set ups in game instead of PvPing on the forums, then there would be more proof in the pudding, but right now, all I see is a bunch of name calling, he said she said shit.

There are those who can back up their game, then there are those who talk a big game only to haul ass to a house when they've been red-lined even numbered, G&G happen to be notorious for doing the latter.

Last but not least using the age card on anyone to make yourself feel more elite, knowledgeable or an all around better player is a pretty asinine thing to do. So what if he was 8 when UO was having it's best days? Maybe, just maybe he was playing UO at 8 and actually good at it, is it impossible for someone at such an early age to be good at a video game? I've seen some 8 year olds right now that can whip ass in Halo, CoD4 and other various online games. Let go of the past, UO itself was better then but the quality of good PvPers has vastly improved since.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Sorry but razor, Play UO, and E:UO are not talent.
Nice try though.

Btw, I'll duel you too for that matter Test.
You know where to find me.

And the ONLY reason you seem to think the quality of "good" players has increased is because of yet I say again, tools to help increase your game. Without these, you would not see "skill" I promise you. I could make a script on E:UO that would fight for me and you would never even know it, and then it would kill you and you say "man that guy is good" when in reality that wouldn't be the case. Which is why I say and challenge again, to the both of you this time, I challenge you both for 1mil to a fight with no player assisting tools what-so-ever. 1v1 foot field duel at the ol mountain cubby east of Brit.

And btw, I would love to do setups ingame, so would G&G, my aim is on the left, learn to use it instead of hitting reply if you want to actually set something up. But try not to hurt yourself there Mr Forum Warrior.
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

The_Man;1826712 said:
Sorry but razor, Play UO, and E:UO are not talent.
Nice try though.

Btw, I'll duel you too for that matter Test.
You know where to find me.

And the ONLY reason you seem to think the quality of "good" players has increased is because of yet I say again, tools to help increase your game. Without these, you would not see "skill" I promise you. I could make a script on E:UO that would fight for me and you would never even know it, and then it would kill you and you say "man that guy is good" when in reality that wouldn't be the case. Which is why I say and challenge again, to the both of you this time, I challenge you both for 1mil to a fight with no player assisting tools what-so-ever. 1v1 foot field duel at the ol mountain cubby east of Brit.

And btw, I would love to do setups ingame, so would G&G, my aim is on the left, learn to use it instead of hitting reply if you want to actually set something up. But try not to hurt yourself there Mr Forum Warrior.

You have to look at it like this though when it comes to tools, third-party programs, etc. Everyone has access to them, it's not like only a select few have them. You can use it just like the next person does, just because you choose not to doesn't make you any better off than those who, and vice-versa. What I mean is, if you took all these tools away, people would have to adapt to being without it right? So the playing field will still be level, having the ability to use them still makes the playing field level because you can use it to.
You argument is like comparing a guy who is better at a fighting game than you because he uses a joystick where you choose to use the D-Pad...Is that the guy who's better fault because he utilizes something that you made the choice not to? No, you wouldn't be lowering yourself to his standards by just trying it but that doesn't make it his fault that he beat you due to taking advantage of something he feels makes him a better player.

As for your last comment, then do it, you accused me of being a forum warrior/guy who only replies, yet you did the same thing. Get in touch with Ras & Sheivan and you & Nimbao make a 2v2 to put an end to all this talk. Make sure there are plenty of unbiased witnesses too, that way no excuses are made when one of the teams dies.

If you two happen to win then congratulations, you have just proved everyone wrong and are better PvPers than them.

Go ahead and tell this guy that you'll beat him too, there are plenty on this shard who have witnessed G&G being horrible, but like I said, if you can back it up, I along with others have yet to see any viable proof.



Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

The_Man;1826712 said:
Sorry but razor, Play UO, and E:UO are not talent.
Nice try though.

Btw, I'll duel you too for that matter Test.
You know where to find me.

And the ONLY reason you seem to think the quality of "good" players has increased is because of yet I say again, tools to help increase your game. Without these, you would not see "skill" I promise you. I could make a script on E:UO that would fight for me and you would never even know it, and then it would kill you and you say "man that guy is good" when in reality that wouldn't be the case. Which is why I say and challenge again, to the both of you this time, I challenge you both for 1mil to a fight with no player assisting tools what-so-ever. 1v1 foot field duel at the ol mountain cubby east of Brit.

And btw, I would love to do setups ingame, so would G&G, my aim is on the left, learn to use it instead of hitting reply if you want to actually set something up. But try not to hurt yourself there Mr Forum Warrior.

90 percent of the "good" will need the following to beat you:

1. hot keys for spells (part of the uo client and part of uoassist)
2. hot keys for potions (same)
3. hot key to toggle stun (same
4. hot key for targ self (same)
5. hot key for last targ (same)

So please get off this OSI old school high horse. You really have no idea what you are talking about.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

I was just started to respect g&g for playin for fun and stuff. and "The man" just ruined all of that. GG sucks the cockles.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

The_Man;1826712 said:
Sorry but razor, Play UO, and E:UO are not talent.
Nice try though.

Btw, I'll duel you too for that matter Test.
You know where to find me.

And the ONLY reason you seem to think the quality of "good" players has increased is because of yet I say again, tools to help increase your game. Without these, you would not see "skill" I promise you. I could make a script on E:UO that would fight for me and you would never even know it, and then it would kill you and you say "man that guy is good" when in reality that wouldn't be the case. Which is why I say and challenge again, to the both of you this time, I challenge you both for 1mil to a fight with no player assisting tools what-so-ever. 1v1 foot field duel at the ol mountain cubby east of Brit.

And btw, I would love to do setups ingame, so would G&G, my aim is on the left, learn to use it instead of hitting reply if you want to actually set something up. But try not to hurt yourself there Mr Forum Warrior.

You're a fucking moron.

The only third party program I use is Razor, and the only thing that I really use that for is so I can bind potions to a hotkey, and the UO positioning system.

Anyone that uses E:UO to PvP sucks and cannot kill any good person.

However, I will accept your fight for a mil, no Razor, no Sallos, no E:UO, as long as we can get staff to hold it.



Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

I was just started to respect g&g for playin for fun and stuff. and "The man" just ruined all of that. GG sucks the cockles.

That's just for me representing myself, I always play to my best, and yes I do love to challenge others as much as the next guy. I have been an "elitist" many times over in many many games and still continue to this day to hold and continue making many amazing records and feats in many games. This is not me representing G&G, G&G can handle their own self just fine. However, in this thread with everyone calling out G&G I think they are failing to see that G&G has several good players who are just as good as the next "best" guy but the thing is they don't go around boasting about it, simply because they don't care, they play for fun as do I nowadays when I run with them.

I did say they would love to do a setup and they sure would, we used to have a few good matches with Oldschool not too long ago and have with others as well. But when money is on the stake I will take the oppurtunity to make or break it, whether with my guild or without them. Hell most of them probably won't even see this thread anyways simply because they don't care about the forums either.

And Ras, gluck getting someone to set that up, I'm all for it, but if it's gonna be done it's gonna be done correctly, and your gonna need to provide proof of being legit via recording or whatever can be come up with to show its just bare back UO client.

Back to playing a game I can't say I'm playing or even acknowledge it's existance.
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

How horrible Visolara is should be saved for another thread.

Thought you went back to the game, Mr. Forum Warrior.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

The only Visolara i know is an oldtimer from.. WKD. Who the fuck are you? rofl

look up visolara... doesnt exist.

And you skill at evading questions has gained .1 name one G&G that could pvp out of a wet paper bag. please.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Posts: 4,441

Nice one guy!

The only Visolara i know is an oldtimer from.. WKD. Who the fuck are you?

Why didn't I expect much more from you...
Honestly doesn't suprise me you don't know your own guild history.
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

The_Man;1827501 said:
Nice one guy!

Oh, no, since 2005 my statistics show that I make around 3.40 posts per day. Looks like I have no life at all, I mean, I must have been crazy to think otherwise.


Good job making yourself look foolish again.