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GNG, Worst PVPers evar.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Testament;1827530 said:
Oh, no, since 2005 my statistics show that I make around 3.40 posts per day. Looks like I have no life at all, I mean, I must have been crazy to think otherwise.


Good job making yourself look foolish again.

# Total Posts: 1,038
# Posts Per Day: 3.43

owned by .03
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Enough with the messege board shit talking jesus christ! I will duel anybody on here for any amount of money, no problems. I think that shiev and Ras are good players, but its annoying seeing these no name fucking pussys jump on the G&G sucks band wagon. So please send me a messege and lets set something up ^^


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Don QuixoteG&G;1828121 said:
Enough with the messege board shit talking jesus christ! I will duel anybody on here for any amount of money, no problems. I think that shiev and Ras are good players, but its annoying seeing these no name fucking pussys jump on the G&G sucks band wagon. So please send me a messege and lets set something up ^^

I'll duel you and put up double what you do, how much you wanna do it for?
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

I think there has been at least one thread similar to this for any guild with more than 5 different actual people.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

disguyman;1825325 said:
without these guilds out here, this shard would be dead. so it doesn't matter if they are good or if they are bad, just be happy there is pvp. you win some you lose some. chop sum bong

trevorc21;1825355 said:
i used to be in gng and ya they suck but they have more fun then half of you in vent. It was all a joke to them and they would just chill. More then sheivan every 5 seconds raging. GnG is good at one thing house hiding. But it fun trying to trick them and kill them before they can make it too there house.
I was with Trevor on everything he said, up to the house hiding thing. I'm sure anyone here will tell you that we suck at house hiding too.

incubusfan1413;1825774 said:
id have to agree with you on this. ive played with alot of people but i find my guild as well is just alot of good friends working together for idocs. we have no looting policy but majority of the time the older people with more shit give up the stuff to newer players. you can bash all you want but without some type of guild for new players to start they quit. ive had people tell me that if i didnt give them a house and a little bit of armor and weps i didnt use they would have quit. its nice to know i helped populate hybrid a little longer. but its really whatever at this point. i enjoy the people i play with and very much killing gng. hate to say it but we have alot of fun fighting yall. cause we kill one and 10-15 seem to always be coming in. then its just alot of tit for tat kinda stuff.
We have fun fighting you too, and you're one of the few people in your guild we have any respect for.

Sammich;1825401 said:
they dont want to learn. the run around with the premise they dont have to be good as long as they have 30 people online to split idoc loot down to 10k each.
I'm not sure you'd get the sarcasm in what I'm about to say, but I'll try anyways... Yes, our whole thing is just having people join so we can make 10k profit from an idoc.

drasked;1825500 said:
GNG gives pvp, it doesn't matter if they are uber or not.
Most of us at G&G feel the same way doesn't matter if we suck or not, we're there to pvp.

amish_ned;1825627 said:
for all the shit talk about g&g, at least they are out there (as said before) they dont talk too much shit, rarely rage, and seem to be having a good time. Isnt that what its all about? I think they have a good thing going. I say keep it up. They arent the best but at least they try and they are smart enough to run in groups. I mean wtf if only the leet playas played you have 6 guys afking at del pond while they are talking on these forums about how noob everyone is and how they are so leet, all 6 of them.
Glad to see you understand the point. It's a little sad that most of our haters are too stupid to get that.

trevorc21;1825654 said:
they don't split the idoc loot. My friend was told me that its first to loot it.
If, and that's a big IF, we decide to camp an IDOC till it falls then yes we do split the loot. The Veteran players usually pool their loot and hand it to the newbie players in the guild so they can get started out. While some members IDOC, most of us aren't looking for more pixel crack.

The_Man;1825752 said:
I (BOSS) thoroughly enjoy being part of a guild that is more than just a "flavor of the month" type thing. In G&G that's what we have goin on, we have a kick ass close knit family of good core members and while offering a good time to anyone that wants to come along and join in on it. TBH, I've played with the best and been around the best on hybrid since the beginning, and G&G is by far the best thing that has happened to me. To those non flamers in this thread, your exactly right, we play for fun, win or lose. We have good players and bad players like every other guild out there, however sometimes its the bad players that are the most fun to play with. <3

Sometimes dying is half the fun


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Why the hell is this forum still going if they really suck why are you guys posting about it. Its like you all have to make gng feel bad. If they really suck then stop posting and kill them. I am the first one to go kill them but we all know they suck and we dont need a form about it.
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Trevor why are you going to say anybody sucks? I beat you 5 duels in a row in a matter of under 10 minutes. Seriously??


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

cause trevor is trying to play mr popular forum warrior so he can be a mod one day


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

lol @ nimbao


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.


So if this guild gng or w/e wasn't around what would you do? Alot less in game would be my guess. Hats off to them for showing the balls to fight in the first place knowing there is a good chance they ay die. Unlike the other 90% of the player base. I mean lets be honest... you win some you lose some. Anyone that peaches now they never lose is 100% clearly full of shit and everyone knows it. We need more of these types of people.

Myself, I will fight anyone at anytime. Not because I'm good. Although over last few weeks back into uo I have manged to knock some the rust off :D . It's simply because I like the rush pvp gives me. I don't care how many times I die. I don't care if you gank my loot. I don't care if you 5 vs 1 me and shoot shit like it took some kind of skill. I will be back in 3 mins tops for round 2 :D.

Fact is these people do there part and help keep this server alive and full of action. So maybe you all need to SHOW SOME CLASS and maybe act like you been in winners circle before. I mean acting like a 10 year old kid who just scored your first touch down really takes away from peoples fun. Even if you are 10 lol. Don't really matter. I really do believe if more people started showing a little more class it would benefit this server alot.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

I see G&G like once a week... if they werent around I wouldnt even notice tbh.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Don QuixoteG&G;1828725 said:
Trevor why are you going to say anybody sucks? I beat you 5 duels in a row in a matter of under 10 minutes. Seriously??

That different your ranks 547. I dont duel much and i was looking for one. Doesn't explain how i was fighting captain, alex and paratwins 1v3 and still managed to drop 2 of them before i had to go med up.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

WaRgAzM;1829090 said:
I see G&G like once a week... if they werent around I wouldnt even notice tbh.

that's because G&G is out on the field looking for pvp, not sitting at brit bank waiting for a handout like you.
Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Orthaux;1829223 said:
that's because G&G is out on the field looking for pvp, not sitting at brit bank waiting for a handout like you.

By out on the field, do you mean a few screens from brit moongate where there's a safe house to run to?


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Testament;1829277 said:
By out on the field, do you mean a few screens from brit moongate where there's a safe house to run to?

nah , he said about ur get out from guardzone , and try a pvp solo


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Wow all you idiot's stil play this game and still post on how leet you are. If you haven't noticed G&G doesn't care about your scrub ass's. You my friend's are a bunch of no skilled nubs and you'll be bitching about getting killed by me and my krew until where all gone to dark fall. It's ok shievan mommy will pre order you a copy so i can kick your ass on there also. But sad thing is most these scrubs cling to the last thread of a game they used to be good at. Im sorry you just cant afford better comp's and newer games maybe if you fucks went to work instead of talking about each others nuts at brit bank you wouldn't be a broke ass.....


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Orthaux;1829223 said:
that's because G&G is out on the field looking for pvp, not sitting at brit bank waiting for a handout like you.

I rarely see G&G aswell..

They must all be dead from trying to field.. I should really get spirit speak :D