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GNG, Worst PVPers evar.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Don QuixoteG&G;1825605 said:
This thread is retarded as is. Look who started it? She runs around with the biggest band of noobs on the server.

Sheivan is a guy. 2v2 3v3 4v4 5v5 2v3 2v4 3v5.... Pick any of this you want.. You and your guildies vs shevian and his... You have a 0.00% chance of survival in every situation.

Your guild leader just ran from me all the way around trinsic to his house. You and your guild will never, EVER have the right to call Sheivan a noob. hahaha


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Dear G&G, please do not let these guy's harsh words get you down.

If you quit, I would not have as many people to beat 1 v 2, 1 v 3, and 1 v 4 on.

Seing some dude get reflect roasted face stunned by my scribe right in front of his homies is what keeps me playing.

Thank you sirs.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Never fails to watch Nim die in his own house at Brit gate though. Some poor bastard opens the door and he cant ban quick enough. It's always good for a laugh. No one should ever die in a secure home.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Sheivan01;1825751 said:
Hey Nimbao.. why so easy?

This is what happen when I'm really fighting and not trying to potkick your dumps

I noticed that you are just pvping with pre-made macroes. How does that make you good?


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

just go thru his SS's. same buttons being mashed with the same set of spells/pots beings tossed. All he has to do is mash his button and decide when to throw a pot while the macroes take care of everything else.

So the only thing that took skill was getting the timings/scripts down instead of the actual pvp encounter.

but all the good pvpers do this so it really isnt an issue


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

karmagettie1;1826267 said:
just go thru his SS's. same buttons being mashed with the same set of spells/pots beings tossed. All he has to do is mash his button and decide when to throw a pot while the macroes take care of everything else.

So the only thing that took skill was getting the timings/scripts down instead of the actual pvp encounter.

but all the good pvpers do this so it really isnt an issue

Umm.. exp pot lighting spam is a pretty common tactic.... your logic proves nothing.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

lmao.... it is only because of holding keys. Nothin to cry about. you spam ebolt and i'll call you hax too '=/


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Sammich;1826269 said:
Umm.. exp pot lighting spam is a pretty common tactic.... your logic proves nothing.

Hence me saying that all the good pvpers do it so it doesnt matter

You prove your logic is nothing : /


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

karmagettie1;1826267 said:
just go thru his SS's. same buttons being mashed with the same set of spells/pots beings tossed. All he has to do is mash his button and decide when to throw a pot while the macroes take care of everything else.

So the only thing that took skill was getting the timings/scripts down instead of the actual pvp encounter.

but all the good pvpers do this so it really isnt an issue

Just because the keys he's hitting don't show up at the bottom doesn't mean he's not hitting them. I.E. F-KEYS etc etc.

Trying to use marcros that cast a spell, start pot, cancel pot, last target, cast new spell, reactivate pot etc etc cause more problems then just trying to do it manually.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

Raserei;1825982 said:
Actually I killed Sheivan and took his loot from the IDOC he did yesterday, and gated all of the chests out, not quite his 'friend'.

However, Sheivan is good at PvP, and you're bad.

how can i be bad , if i just killed him on our duels?? and it wasnt just one time ,huh?

realy , are u serious? u realy think that am i bad??

Its sad .

i just dont need to post logs and more screenshots , to dont be like sheivan .

but realy u come at me and say : u bad? pffff
realy cant understand.


Re: GNG, Worst PVPers evar.

karmagettie1;1826267 said:
just go thru his SS's. same buttons being mashed with the same set of spells/pots beings tossed. All he has to do is mash his button and decide when to throw a pot while the macroes take care of everything else.

So the only thing that took skill was getting the timings/scripts down instead of the actual pvp encounter.

but all the good pvpers do this so it really isnt an issue

You're a fucking idiot.

All you'd see of my buttons are 1 and 2.
1 - Last target
2- Explosion potion

All of my spells are alt + letter, that doesn't mean its a macro. Stop assuming every good PvPer does just because you're bad and everyone else destroys you.