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Hate? no! Loves you! (potion shuttle)


Would have been a whole lot cooler if H8 just said the guy's great at dungeon PVP on his template, he got us that day, and left it at that.


Mara, H8 are the kinda kids that care more about winning than fun pvp.

In this case winning means managing to gank a few people here and there but also.... rolling deep, calling in, hiding, getting gates out 1v1, and failing to kill anyone decent without ridic numbers.


Oh and getting rolled one v 4ish by a jap kid that is probably lauging his ASS off (Wouldn't you?)

pete liv

Mara, H8 are the kinda kids that care more about winning than fun pvp.

In this case winning means managing to gank a few people here and there but also.... rolling deep, calling in, hiding, getting gates out 1v1, and failing to kill anyone decent without ridic numbers.
i can attest to this and laugh everytime i see them lol @ every member having a least 2 ghost cams running at popular hunting spots on weekends. get a life?

Seven Jr

I'm a little surprised that H8 would even show their faces in this thread.... Every member I've come across is garbage.


looks like you fancy yourself pvpers

......................us too


damn.....i need more training....i can only kill 1 in a 4 bola tamer vs 1 when interface H8 /.\
i H8 myself now:(


They have to roll 15 deep to kill one person...pretty bad. I was trying to 1v1 H8 member at britan gy last night. He said he wouldnt call gank, which i knew was bullshit...but i was just having fun and soon enough 2 mins later, 15 come rolling in with mares, bolas, and stuns. lol so sad in my opinon.

Seven Jr

Yeah, who knows why they sucked so much in that video but they did.... Pretty hard. How many alts showed up for this? Couldn't stand to lose your lewts to 1 person? You should almost be giving him your house for how well he pulled off those shenanigans! Oh and your screenies of 4v1 owning him afterwards, hahaha really? After that video that's your response? "We pwn him daily see! 4v1! Getting owned 4v1+alts was a fluke!"


I wonder how many times H8 had to repot, rereg, and go over in skype how they were gonna kill this crazy asian. They must of H8'ed this guy! haha pethetic.


u know wt...when i said 4v1 and one man down....all they can do is say: shut up u faggot!

damn tbh im lame....but im glad that...not the worst


h8 is no different from anybody in a guild so far it was 5 out of 5 people called in the other night because im so threatening with my regs and two pots


yep u guys r so good i recall into tessas and there a H8 guy there and he gets a gate out yep u guys amazing

coming from the little boy who cries when he doesnt get a xheal. Bro I actually heard you crying in skype, and i am not the only one. plus is anyone still even reading your posts dont you have like 4 accounts to pay up on? mr 1v1 for millz and 1v1 for accounts. couple posts up in here of you losing your accounts in duels but never paying im sure. lol your the laughing stock of EVERYONE. Atleast i dont join a new guild everyday and use voting stone to pvp.


and btw mara if you read back a few pages we actually did givbe him credit for that shit. He is definately a damn good dungeoner. Stop quoting what you want to and disregarding other things. Hate on us all you like. We are here to have fun and play this game not forum troll... lolz... Hey octavian do we even have 15 membrs? and since when do we roll GY with mares... just sayin... and ghosts... come on now dont talk out your ass. WE just support and back our members u want a 1v1 go to the pits you wanna come fight in the field get some friends...


and btw mara if you read back a few pages we actually did givbe him credit for that shit. He is definately a damn good dungeoner. Stop quoting what you want to and disregarding other things. Hate on us all you like. We are here to have fun and play this game not forum troll... lolz... Hey octavian do we even have 15 membrs? and since when do we roll GY with mares... just sayin... and ghosts... come on now dont talk out your ass. WE just support and back our members u want a 1v1 go to the pits you wanna come fight in the field get some friends...
next time h8 is rolling around in a big gank and i ask for a 1v1 in gz what will you guys do?
i think if he did carry bolas none would live. maybe the few with mares would give him trouble. but i can remember watching shedevil do the same. im not saying he did it better or not. but there is always someone who can push the odds like that in the dungeons. you tend to see the dexxers do it more often because they need no mana. not having to ever stop for more than his explos makes it alot easier. he does good to avoid all the spawn as well. just hides, detects them so spawn can attack then engages. i would imagine almost everytime they kill him it involved alot of paralyzes. most dexxers arent killed by spawn esp not one with hiding.