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Hate? no! Loves you! (potion shuttle)


Of course not, I don't have any characters named Mara, and the other character was just a tamer. Like I said, I've almost never run into you out there in four years of playing - however implausible that may be.

As far as recently, I partied up with you one day when I was on character Engywook to try to take on some of the Del Pond crackers. Weren't used to working together and it was like 2v6-8 or something, so I died, you bailed and survived.

Out at Barracoon Champ spawn a few days, maybe a week ago, you were fighting some blues. I was on character Morasha-just a hide scribe scout, which you tried to attack a couple times, but I told you I wasn't your enemy a couple times since I'm not a ganker. You got into it with the blues, one of them was a tamer I think and the other was Shadow Hunter from LM, and I healed you a number of times - caused that's just the kind of dude I am. As soon as Hate rolled in, they started attacking me, so I fought back, you turned on me, and I died. I came back on an alt Marahal, killed Vivi ATL, and then three of you tried to paraspam stun gank me. I came back on Morasha later, and you guys got me 4v1. Whatever, you may have misread me being grey to you as having attacked you in the beginning, and misunderstood. Whatever though.

If you have dirtnapped me, like I said post em up, or tell me. I almost never get a fair fight, so I'm bound to remember. And yeah I pay attention to a lot of things, and I did have respect. Part of the beauty of being a no-namer, is that you get to see how vets really play out there, when they think noone else is gonna know how they play. Vets ruined the shard by how they play, slowly but surely. Peace.

Don't show up to a champ spawn solo that I'm working on with another friend of mine. I don't need randoms looting my shit when I put my time in. That's why I attacked. Plus how the hell am I supposed to know a no namer named Morasha? I do have a set few friends and they would tell you how legit I really am. And they aren't no namers.

You have to realize, I don't get respect here, never have never will. So when you come up to me saying you respect or used to respect me I know your full of shit


who said i respected you? i said you were legit at one time til your head got to big for your body

and i have never called in a gank on a 1v1 or even 1v2. hell i dont even like being in vent/skype with people i much rather listen to music while i play.

and i will admit i was thinking of white shebitch when i said wall of stone. not sure why but my bad

FYI some people play alchystun because that is the only thing fun anymore... if hybird drastically changed then i would be more likely to start playing hallymages again or pvpthiefs but no this shard is pretty much ruined for any old school uo. so until ipy comes out you can find me afk or maybe even doing a duel or two in the pits.

hell yeah man i turn up that radio sometimes

its all good dudes SEE YA ON THE FIELD !!!!!


Poptart is still cool man, him and Heavy Smoker and stoned southern rule

they play reds and just dont give a hoot

i had a couple 1v1s with tart in skara b4 and he encouraged me to keep at pvp and stuff

heavy would go against like 2 dudes at once ive witnessed, and southern is good too

hard to kill them and they will just sit in bux alone no fear type players

i dont respect as much the duelers who think theyre good like cuz to me its all talk, never see em on the field really no offense to em...

h8 is lame to me, like the new GNG

Thanks for the support bro. If you ever need anything let me know.
Now that's respect.


Like I said, is/was one of the greats, just lost his way. Only a few people I still respect out there that never changed no matter how shitty everyone else tried to play them. Very very few. People really missing/missed out on a great game. Take it easy guys.

Dude this is hybrid, open your eyes.


who said i respected you? i said you were legit at one time til your head got to big for your body

and i have never called in a gank on a 1v1 or even 1v2. hell i dont even like being in vent/skype with people i much rather listen to music while i play.

and i will admit i was thinking of white shebitch when i said wall of stone. not sure why but my bad

FYI some people play alchystun because that is the only thing fun anymore... if hybird drastically changed then i would be more likely to start playing hallymages again or pvpthiefs but no this shard is pretty much ruined for any old school uo. so until ipy comes out you can find me afk or maybe even doing a duel or two in the pits.

I'm talking about the general population of hybrid. No respect.
And yes I don't use wall of stone or all kill.

FYI it's a bandwagon that all the shitty PvPers joined. There isn't one person on this server that doesn't play an alchy stun as their main.

Why hate so much on my template? I know you all have trouble timing your aids or even trying to play a healer. Why is my way the wrong way and your way is the right way?

I don't understand. How long have you been playing?
I never said your way was the wrong way. like i said before i play an alchystun because that is the only thing that is even remotely fun for me nowadays.

If i was a dungeon pk i suppose i would play a char that can heal nonstop even on the run. just like your sig says KING OF THE DUNGEON. DUNGEON. not hard to let people die from the spawn while you just run around


Don't show up to a champ spawn solo that I'm working on with another friend of mine. I don't need randoms looting my shit when I put my time in. That's why I attacked. Plus how the hell am I supposed to know a no namer named Morasha? I do have a set few friends and they would tell you how legit I really am. And they aren't no namers.

You have to realize, I don't get respect here, never have never will. So when you come up to me saying you respect or used to respect me I know your full of shit

Sure man. Post them 1v1 screenshots - guaranteed dirtnaps. I meant what I said before. Never been full of shit about anything I've posted here, except for saying I was gonna leave a thread. Why anyone like jj would respect you anymore, it's beyond me. See you around.


I never said your way was the wrong way. like i said before i play an alchystun because that is the only thing that is even remotely fun for me nowadays.

If i was a dungeon pk i suppose i would play a char that can heal nonstop even on the run. just like your sig says KING OF THE DUNGEON. DUNGEON. not hard to let people die from the spawn while you just run around

Yes king of dungeons, as far as shedevil went. Now that she has quit I still run dungeons, and have no problem on the field as well.

That's the difference between me and you chump, I deliver no matter what.

You play an alchy mage cuz everyone else plays an alchy mage. It's a template for those that can't figure out how to judge timings and use razor.

Keep using sallos, it shows exactly what kind of newb you really are


Yes king of dungeons, as far as shedevil went. Now that she has quit I still run dungeons, and have no problem on the field as well.

That's the difference between me and you chump, I deliver no matter what.

ur dumb ;\ no respekt


Yes king of dungeons, as far as shedevil went. Now that she has quit I still run dungeons, and have no problem on the field as well.

That's the difference between me and you chump, I deliver no matter what.

You play an alchy mage cuz everyone else plays an alchy mage. It's a template for those that can't figure out how to judge timings and use razor.

Keep using sallos, it shows exactly what kind of newb you really are

Erm, a healer mage is easier to play than an alchy, and razor has nothing to do with it.

No offense man, but I've seen you try and alchy duel.. its pretty funny :p
@ poptizzi .. this place jumps biooootch .. GET ATCHA BOY
@ Mara shut up kthx
@ Whoever said hate's the new gng, your high man.

H8's been around for years they just picked up a few dudes now it's like everyone's got something to say. guild name's Hate for a reason.
Yes king of dungeons, as far as shedevil went. Now that she has quit I still run dungeons, and have no problem on the field as well.

That's the difference between me and you chump, I deliver no matter what.

You play an alchy mage cuz everyone else plays an alchy mage. It's a template for those that can't figure out how to judge timings and use razor.

Keep using sallos, it shows exactly what kind of newb you really are

I actually play better on razor and barely use sallos. i started using it more often after razor started to get glitchy. so now you are hating because i play a certain template??? im terribad nowadays but i will be glad to fight you and show you what a newb you really are. but this just in we FIGHT AT DESPISE LIZARDMEN SPAWN so its me vs you
There isn't one person on this server that doesn't play an alchy stun as their main.

There are a great number of people who do not play alchy stuns as their main, me included. I do have an alchy stun but i still mostly play my heal stun / hide stun or a tank mage. I suppose you may be talking about 'known' people, as i believe ill always be a no body on this server, but still ive mostly used a heal stun for the 7+ years ive been on hybrid. Mostly out of my need to remain on the defensive due to playing solo mostly.


Well i can personally attest that we were in skype, we normally own his ass 1v1 and 2v1 but i dont see any of that video loaded up here. As per usual everyone is gonna ride the korean shit stick and suck on something but its ok, i would like to see any of you fight with him in hyth. He's damn good and atleast he can put up a fight unlike some of you others who hide and recall or die. Just sayin.

This is pvp and some of you should earn it instead of coming here on the forums and hatin on people. Get in the game and back your talk up..

I find it hard to believe that you beat him 1v1 or 2v1 considering you couldn't kill him 5v1. I could understand if he was rolling around with like a power runic and 2 shotting you and your guildmates. But that wasn't the case...he actually had to put some work in on your asses.


I find it hard to believe that you beat him 1v1 or 2v1 considering you couldn't kill him 5v1. I could understand if he was rolling around with like a power runic and 2 shotting you and your guildmates. But that wasn't the case...he actually had to put some work in on your asses.

Funny thing is he was using a blessed aggy power spear. Shows how much you know. Because he was two shotting us simply watch the video and watch our health bars everytime he hits would prove that, thank ya. Regardless he does put work in, out of everyone we run across he is definately the hardest to kill. But he doesn't solo by choice... IF his buddies are on he does call in so get your information right before putting your two cents in.


Sounds good... you killed duelists... OOOOOH your a bad ass. Hun if you want to put that much effort into bringing me down i feel HONORED , your trash and you try and redeem yourself by saying you kill duelists. You even said yourself they are not UO pits are not UO so get the hell over yourself. I love making little forum trolls as yourself rage it's funny. Just go kill yourself... and do everyone a favor hahaha.

This is the kind of dude you allied yourself with Poptart (and maybe even Addicted too). Like I said, you couldn't have fallen farther mate. Take it easy guys.

Mana Dumper

Once again...fuck the haters good job man. Keep the ownage coming I'm enjoying reading the posts of people trying to talk shit on your skill.


that was fcking awesome. Loved how he used the monsters to his advantaged and eventually got each person on a 1v1 battle. Awesome kid.