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Hate? no! Loves you! (potion shuttle)

Seven Jr

I just watched another video from this guy 2v1 against SheDevil and OnePump it was funny as hell and ridiculous, he eventually called in a friend to drop them both.... I'm up for spanking some H8 though Mara, if I'm at home I'll play with you just let me know.


I have things to finish like the music thread first, and some final things to put into order with setting things up properly. Decisions made on whether things will operate secretly or openly, etc. Mostly, people that I know are legit from what I see them do in the field will be contacted down the road, and their anonymity maintained if they wish it - never given up by me. There are plenty of people that have known for a very long time that things are shit, and have slowly watched the shard die conforming to the crap PVP on the server - some of these guys already have infinite enemies that just need some organization. If I'm going to get into it, it's going to be done right.

Thanks for your interest. Perhaps we can work together in the not too distant future. I just want to finish up a few things I started already first. A lot of different things on my plate at the moment.

I'll try to hold to my new year's resolution of not posting in these threads anymore - outside of what may be upcoming. Waste of time for the most part. If I start posting again here, feel free to keep me to it. Please.


I was about to point out that you were breaking your new year's resolution, Mara.

gl with your scheme though.


Well, you can add Evil Poptart to the list of paraganker res-killers. Don't listen to anything that guy says about being a soloist.

Not sure who you are but I've been here almost 8 years, solo.
I have had a guild at times that I've ran but never lasted, everyone always quit. I still continued to solo.

Recently I came across a group of guys that are just fun to play with. And at this point, there is no respect left in hybrid, it left hybrid back when trammel pits were discovered. With that said it's nice to have some backup when shit gets hairy, but I will dirtnap you 1v1 anyday you'd like, just like I spanked Dany Mortals lame ass. He still owes me cash. The problem is no one will 1v1 me, ever. Everywhere I go solo it's a call in, so in return I'll call in on all you bitch ass cunts. If you stand and fight 1v1, then you will earn respect and no one will call anyone in on you. If people would man up, I wouldn't have to join a team.

In conclusion, you will still find me solo'ing 99% of the time, and I still have my main and my guild. Just because I renamed an alt and joined a team doesn't mean shit. You must of forgot, we are talking about hybrid here. Hybrid gets no respect. Lick my balls.


Sure. You've never dirtnapped me. Heal stuns are a joke for my templates to fight 1v1 in the field. Out of cures? You're running like everyone else. What are you gonna do if I have Hiding? Start crying and call in, cause your template doesn't do shit for damage? Just another cocky dude that has been high on himself forever.

You and Roman lost your way, gave in. A couple of the few dudes that I once had 'Great' respect for. Couldn't have fallen farther. Dude's a total douchebag now, and it seems you've followed suit. You had to expect someone to call you on turning into a 3-5 vs 1 bola tamer stun paraganker style player. Anyone that would let you go from what you were to being that without calling you on it isn't your buddy mate. The way I see it, guys like that have been slowly destroying the shard forever, getting their kicks off of short-term play, and then skipping out when there's noone left to fight.

Anyway, talking is past done. I'm not out after individual characters, it's the players - all alts, guildies, friends, whatever - till they quit, cause they can't be reasoned with. I tried my best with that route. It's coming. You lost your way man.


Sure. You've never dirtnapped me. Heal stuns are a joke for my templates to fight 1v1 in the field. Out of cures? You're running like everyone else. What are you gonna do if I have Hiding? Start crying and call in, cause your template doesn't do shit for damage? Just another cocky dude that has been high on himself forever.

You and Roman lost your way, gave in. A couple of the few dudes that I once had 'Great' respect for. Couldn't have fallen farther. Dude's a total douchebag now, and it seems you've followed suit. You had to expect someone to call you on turning into a 3-5 vs 1 bola tamer stun paraganker style player. The way I see it, guys like this have been slowly destroying the shard forever, getting their kicks off of short-term play, and then skipping out when there's noone left to fight.

Anyway, talking is past done. I'm not out after individual characters, it's the players - all alts, guildies, friends, whatever - till they quit, cause they can't be reasoned with. I tried my best with that route. It's coming. You lost your way man.

Guarenteed I've dirtnapped ur ass. I've owned most this whole shard and that's why they call in on me.
You won't be catching me running 1v1 idiot, and I don't even use/need cures. If you see me fight me, don't call in your jap friends and bola tamers.

Oh and Me > Folken.
I don't run a guild full of newbs named "Mercenaries of Minoc". Get your facts straight, son.


I've been playing solo for a few years. Never call in, who would I call. Find 1 person that claims I call-in, I'll guarantee you won't find a single person. They call-in on me. Guild Tags were PNC and pnc. Will be changing it all up to carry out my mission. All sorts of different character types. I'm not the best, but I'm no pussy, and I'm not a faggot. People off-screen and run 1v1 from me all the time. People that are top level duelists. Whatever.

Like I said, anyone who is actually your friend would call you on turning into what you have. It's a sad day to see the last of the few holdouts throw in the towel to play like joke.

If you have some guaranteed dirtnaps, whatever - I die out there - but I almost never get a fair fight, and it's people in the top 100 that call-in like faggots all the time.

Post some screenshots of you getting me 1v1 if you have it. Refresh my memory, and I'll congratulate you if it was a legit 1v1. I don't take screenshots, but I tend to have a very good memory. Post em up.
Poptart thinks he is better than he actually is. hell that kid still uses 1997 pvp tactics that only work on newbs. WALL OF STONE newbies in and let spawn kill them. no wonder he plays a healstun mage since he is always running around the dungeons trying to get the spawn to kill you. kid is grasping straws by always bringing up his fight with dany mortal like that was his ultimate test


Don't downgrade the guy. He was legit.

Besides, I want to see some screenshots and see what kind of alts of his I've died to, because I almost never ran into a solo Evil Poptart out there in 4 years of playing. Only once I think, and that was when I was out taming beetles on a peace tamer named Elly Thundertush, and yeah I recalled out - I don't mix PVM and PVP if I can help it. I remember quite a lot.
Yeah he was legit at one time. Guess he pwned to many newbies now he just thinks hes to good. even his personality on the forums is complete shit.


I've been playing solo for a few years. Never call in, who would I call. Find 1 person that claims I call-in, I'll guarantee you won't find a single person. They call-in on me. Guild Tags were PNC and pnc. Will be changing it all up to carry out my mission. All sorts of different character types. I'm not the best, but I'm no pussy, and I'm not a faggot. People off-screen and run 1v1 from me all the time. People that are top level duelists. Whatever.

Like I said, anyone who is actually your friend would call you on turning into what you have. It's a sad day to see the last of the few holdouts throw in the towel to play like joke.

If you have some guaranteed dirtnaps, whatever - I die out there - but I almost never get a fair fight, and it's people in the top 100 that call-in like faggots all the time.

Post some screenshots of you getting me 1v1 if you have it. Refresh my memory, and I'll congratulate you if it was a legit 1v1. I don't take screenshots, but I tend to have a very good memory. Post em up.

I highly doubt the majority of the players that call in are top 100. Also, top 100 doesn't mean anything on hybrid, because there aren't that many PvPers :p


Nah man. I respect you, but you just don't know how people play when you (someone they know and respect) are not looking over their shoulder. They know. Trust me. I'm not gonna bad-mouth people that aren't talking shit. I've never knowingly lied about anything to any of you, and I'm not gonna start now.

I guess I meant to say, even some people in the top 100 do it too, not implying that they do it the most. There are some great people out there, I just don't run into them anymore.


I've been playing solo for a few years. Never call in, who would I call. Find 1 person that claims I call-in, I'll guarantee you won't find a single person. They call-in on me. Guild Tags were PNC and pnc. Will be changing it all up to carry out my mission. All sorts of different character types. I'm not the best, but I'm no pussy, and I'm not a faggot. People off-screen and run 1v1 from me all the time. People that are top level duelists. Whatever.

Like I said, anyone who is actually your friend would call you on turning into what you have. It's a sad day to see the last of the few holdouts throw in the towel to play like joke.

If you have some guaranteed dirtnaps, whatever - I die out there - but I almost never get a fair fight, and it's people in the top 100 that call-in like faggots all the time.

Post some screenshots of you getting me 1v1 if you have it. Refresh my memory, and I'll congratulate you if it was a legit 1v1. I don't take screenshots, but I tend to have a very good memory. Post em up.

TBH, I've never heard of a Mara or Thunderbush or any other of your hobbit names.

Yeah he was legit at one time. Guess he pwned to many newbies now he just thinks hes to good. even his personality on the forums is complete shit.

This is a "role-playing" game, fyi.

Poptart thinks he is better than he actually is. hell that kid still uses 1997 pvp tactics that only work on newbs. WALL OF STONE newbies in and let spawn kill them. no wonder he plays a healstun mage since he is always running around the dungeons trying to get the spawn to kill you. kid is grasping straws by always bringing up his fight with dany mortal like that was his ultimate test

Walls of stone? Really? lol.... That's a good one, obviously you've never fought me but I guarantee you have probably called in on me. Let me remind you I am Evil Poptart, not white shedevil.

It's funny how you all say you used to respect me when that's all complete bullshit. I've never had anyone's respect on here. Ya I play a heal stun, and I still keep up. Don't be so jealous. I don't need to jump the alchy/stun bandwagon to win. I do work and survive dumps that you wouldn't stand a chance in.

Man up and find me on the field. Being a pit dueler makes u nothing. Being on top100 also makes you nothing. Come outside trammel and put your loot at risk. I'm not hard to find, and all you gotta say is "1v1"??


TBH, I've never heard of a Mara or Thunderbush or any other of your hobbit names.

Of course not, I don't have any characters named Mara, and the other character was just a tamer. Like I said, I've almost never run into you out there in four years of playing - however implausible that may be.

As far as recently, I partied up with you one day when I was on character Engywook to try to take on some of the Del Pond crackers. Weren't used to working together and it was like 2v6-8 or something, so I died, you bailed and survived.

Out at Barracoon Champ spawn a few days, maybe a week ago, you were fighting some blues. I was on a hide scribe scout, which you tried to attack a couple times, but I told you I wasn't your enemy a couple times since I'm not a ganker. You got into it with the blues, one of them was a tamer I think and the other was Shadow Hunter from LM, and I healed you a number of times - caused that's just the kind of dude I am. As soon as Hate rolled in, they started attacking me, so I fought back, you turned on me, and I died. I came back on an alt Marahal, killed Vivi ATL, and then three of you tried to paraspam stun gank me. I came back on another character later, and you guys got me 4v1. Whatever, you may have misread me being grey to you as having attacked you in the beginning, and misunderstood. Whatever though.

If you have dirtnapped me, like I said post em up, or tell me. I almost never get a fair fight, so I'm bound to remember. And yeah I pay attention to a lot of things, and I did have respect. Part of the beauty of being a no-namer, is that you get to see how vets really play out there, when they think noone else is gonna know how they play. Vets ruined the shard by how they play, slowly but surely. Peace.


Poptart is still cool man, him and Heavy Smoker and stoned southern rule

they play reds and just dont give a hoot

i had a couple 1v1s with tart in skara b4 and he encouraged me to keep at pvp and stuff

heavy would go against like 2 dudes at once ive witnessed, and southern is good too

hard to kill them and they will just sit in bux alone no fear type players

i dont respect as much the duelers who think theyre good like cuz to me its all talk, never see em on the field really no offense to em...

h8 is lame to me, like the new GNG


Of course not, I don't have any characters named Mara, and the other character was just a tamer. Like I said, I've almost never run into you out there in four years of playing - however implausible that may be.

As far as recently, I partied up with you one day when I was on character Engywook to try to take on some of the Del Pond crackers. Weren't used to working together and it was like 2v6-8 or something, so I died, you bailed and survived.

Out at Barracoon Champ spawn a few days, maybe a week ago, you were fighting some blues. I was on character Morasha-just a hide scribe scout, which you tried to attack a couple times, but I told you I wasn't your enemy a couple time since I'm not a ganker. You got into it with the blues, one of them was a tamer I think, and I healed you a number of times - caused that's just the kind of dude I am. As soon as Hate rolled in, they started attacking me, so I fought back, you turned on me, and I died. I came back on an alt Marahal, killed Vivi ATL, and then three of you tried to paraspam stun gank me. I came back on Morasha later, and you guys got me 4v1. Whatever, you may have misread me being grey to you as having attacked you in the beginning, and misunderstood. Whatever though.

If you have dirtnapped me, like I said post em up, or tell me. I almost never get a fair fight, so I'm bound to remember. And yeah I pay attention to a lot of things, and I did have respect. Part of the beauty of being a no-namer, is that you get to see how vets really play out there, when they think noone else is gonna know how they play. Vets ruined the shard by how they play, slowly but surely. Peace.

tart is like one of the only players who respects 1v1s and shit still man, i wouldnt diss him off... it is what it is eh


Like I said, is/was one of the greats, just lost his way. Only a few people I still respect out there that never changed no matter how shitty everyone else tried to play them. Very very few. People really missing/missed out on a great game. Take it easy guys.


Like I said, is/was one of the greats, just lost his way. Only a few people I still respect out there that never changed no matter how shitty everyone else tried to play them. Very very few. People really missing/missed out on a great game. Take it easy guys.

yeah i wanna be like solo red player like them dudes (tart, smoker, southern, aitne when he was red, etc....) i look up to alot of diff players but i fear ras and dany and gilmour... might be a mixture of hype and i know some players are more friendly than others and stuff...
look up to em, cuz they sick
hardcore shit
one day i wana have that kind of rep but it will be a while if i do it
Solo Red, dont wana mess wit me

u should keep in mind to even tho its hard, that once u start rolling with a group, especially if they are on voice chat, u know that they will do anything for their friends and fuck all the rest...

plus not everyone likes to play alone ... shit if i knew of a sick ass guild i would join it myself but i hate skype alot and that stuff

and yeah uo at its core can be realy great game, just gotta make it the way u want... ive been selling small houses and buying new ones in diff locatiionns lookin for a new guiild... hopefully i find one soon

id honor a 1v1 with u man, i would love to do a couple runs with u actually, i rarely do dungeon crawling... but ive done it before, and id ont have hiding unfortunately... u got AIM mara?
TBH, I've never heard of a Mara or Thunderbush or any other of your hobbit names.

This is a "role-playing" game, fyi.

Walls of stone? Really? lol.... That's a good one, obviously you've never fought me but I guarantee you have probably called in on me. Let me remind you I am Evil Poptart, not white shedevil.

It's funny how you all say you used to respect me when that's all complete bullshit. I've never had anyone's respect on here. Ya I play a heal stun, and I still keep up. Don't be so jealous. I don't need to jump the alchy/stun bandwagon to win. I do work and survive dumps that you wouldn't stand a chance in.

Man up and find me on the field. Being a pit dueler makes u nothing. Being on top100 also makes you nothing. Come outside trammel and put your loot at risk. I'm not hard to find, and all you gotta say is "1v1"??

who said i respected you? i said you were legit at one time til your head got to big for your body

and i have never called in a gank on a 1v1 or even 1v2. hell i dont even like being in vent/skype with people i much rather listen to music while i play.

and i will admit i was thinking of white shebitch when i said wall of stone. not sure why but my bad

FYI some people play alchystun because that is the only thing fun anymore... if hybird drastically changed then i would be more likely to start playing hallymages again or pvpthiefs but no this shard is pretty much ruined for any old school uo. so until ipy comes out you can find me afk or maybe even doing a duel or two in the pits.


yeah i wanna be like solo red player like them dudes
look up to em, cuz they sick
hardcore shit
one day i wana have that kind of rep but it will be a while if i do it
Solo Red, dont wana mess wit me
id honor a 1v1 with u man, i would love to do a couple runs with u actually, i rarely do dungeon crawling... but ive done it before, and id ont have hiding unfortunately... u got AIM mara?

I got a lot on my plate at the moment. If and when I see people out and about doing things legit, I try to help them however I can. I just don't find too many folks I like a lot, and I'm out to challenge myself more than anything else.

If things get ugly or whatever...I tried man. People just didn't see things the same, and that's fine. Everybody has a different take on what they want to do here. Allright. Not looking back. Drives me nuts (and likely everyone else) when I can't shut my trap. Fucking dildo (me, referring to myself).