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IDEA: Duel pit is to PvP as Clans are to RP (read)

After reading this idea, would this be a valuable RP option for the UOG society?

  • Yes

    Votes: 34 40.5%
  • No

    Votes: 37 44.0%
  • Maybe... a good start. Make this change:

    Votes: 13 15.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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WannabePvP said:
I like the idea, but why just though 4 races? Also is a wizard a race?

I think 4 races because I didnt want it to get spread too thin. If the clans get too big, 1 or two more could be added. But... I think starting with 4 is perfect. 4 should be good throughout the whole thing, in my opinion.

Also... I appreciate the question about wizards. I have NO clue... but i dont think it is. What is a better term? Warlock? I think ill change it to Warlock for now... although I dont know of a better term for it.

Thanks for the input!
fierywater said:
Any suggestions on how to actually enforce RP within the system, or is that up to the GM's of the guilds?

Actually... to clarify:

There wont be GM's of the guilds... they'll be Legends and leaders of the clans. The main point is to band together as groups, sharing a visual theme and known for the way you act and are, not for the way you look. If the Orcs are raiding the Undead, the undead would either leave their stone or band together and fight back. The savages might even come to clear out both. But... pvp isnt necessary, by any means. Basically... groups to advance in and to be a part of.

The groups can crate their own roleplaying, though.

(One thought I had was for NPC's of the same type to be friendly towards those clan members. That way, the orcs could go within the orc fort and walk around with the orcs, as orcs. Same with savages, Undead and Wizards (ok... we need to chage that one. I need some suggestions.)

Because of the valid points brought forth by many players, the Wizard clan will be removed and replaced with "Demon". This is just a working idea, but will probably stay. If you have any suggestions, please post. Thanks!


Also why does a system need to be in place? It seems to be doing ok right now as it is from what I can tell (and I am in the Role Playing guild). Let them run how they want, and all. It should be up to the GM of the guild and the guild mates on how they want to RP. There should not be just a set standard for RPing.
This idea could be made simply with guilds... but much of what makes it as good as it is would be lost. A list of reasons are as follows:

First of all, if a player were interested in joining, and the gm wasnt on, he wouldnt be able to.
If the gm didnt play for a while, players wouldnt be added, they would become uninterested, and the idea could be lost.
Rank would not be able to be calculated through hours/weeks accurately.
Languages (if added) would not be changed.
Not just any player could join... you would need to start a brand new one and coordiate outfits (which means some could just refuse and ruin the concept).
You'd have a gm that decides to add his best buddy, who refused to make a new char. Therefore, youll have "Sir Fucksalot" the Orc.
The radius around the stone couldn't be added... therefore it would take out all possible fighting, excluding war declarations.
The list goes on...

The point is anyone could be involved. If you wanted to war another group, you would force players not interested in warring to war the enemy clans.
WannabePvP said:
You do make some valid points, but what bout the the RPers who just want to RP and not war another race?

Thats why this system is perfect. No gorup will be at war with anyone... no characters will be orange and will run up on you in brit. The only enemies you will have are the other clans while you are in YOUR base (by your stone) and they invade your territory. If you do not want to fight, do not sit by your stone. There is nothing special by the stone, so players that do not wish to fight will have no reason to sit there.


I just don't see the point to it. Don't waste time psoting a long and drawn out post because it wont really change how i feel.
DementedJester said:
I just don't see the point to it. Don't waste time psoting a long and drawn out post because it wont really change how i feel.

Hehe... I wont, I wont. But, I do have a question for you.

Are you currently involved with either Factions, O/C, a war guild, or the Duel Pits?

If yes, and your happy with what your doing, then you wont see a point to this. If you are, then thats awesome and this shard is perfect for you, as it is.

But... many of us are bored and sick of the way uo has become. It is 100% driven on neon hair, blessed items and gank squads. This idea is for those who dont want to be known for that, but would rather be known for how they play and who they are. Its a seperate society within UOG for those who want something... else.
A comment was just made to me... and I would like to respond.

A player AIM'ed me, asking me to stop this idea, stating he was already part of an existing RP guild and thought this would "ruin RPing" all together. I would be forced to ask why.

This system adds a balanced rank structure, realistic names and appearances, along with race-specific languages, NPC race interaction and opposing clan territory invasion, just to name a few. It will also allow ANY current player to join WHENEVER he wants to, without having to start a new character, grab a new outfit, or contact a current GM (if hes on, of course).

Also, please keep this in mind. Roleplaying is something in the game and is not owned by a certain player. This idea would just make roleplaying... more in-depth... more realistic. Which... is what I would want if I claimed to be a "roleplayer".


I don't play all that often, i was heavily into factions and PKing.
However, i RPd for years on OSI. I don't see the point becuase i don't think it's neccesary... It just doesn't seem worth adding.
DementedJester said:
I don't play all that often, i was heavily into factions and PKing.
However, i RPd for years on OSI. I don't see the point becuase i don't it's neccesary... It just doesn't seem worth adding.

The thing I like the most about this system, compared to what UO currently is, what UOG is, and what UO could be, is the appearance and name changes, and the time-based rank.

I appreciate the input, Jester. Thank you.


i can see it from both sides but one question, why cant you rp by yourself as it is now?
i don't think you should have to belong to any clan to make a rp character, and i don't see why you have to now.
your ideas are quite interesting, but how much effort would it require to make the server this way?
what are the possible, bugs? and other negative effects?

it seems as though what you want is to make a similar system as factions, but only apply it to RPing. you also seem to want to be part of an RP but not have to speak the language (which is REAL hard at first.) but i feel learning to speak and understand new slang is an improtant transition phase for new players to an RP crew, and it helps clarify their choice to stick around.
i feel RPing should require a certain amount of dedication that is not given by clicking on a faction(or RP) stone.
but i still agree about the stagnent RP guild requiring an active GM to keep things going. but i think the answer to this better lies in a large network of class(i.e. orcs) oriented ties between small RP guilds (or cells) of no more than a few members, that would meet at the set rp locations (or home terf, like the orc fort.) a hierarchy would naturally form as it always does and it would also leave room for Rouge cells (or turncoats even.) this would be a lot more interesting to see small factions of orcs assisting savages or such.
just my 2 cents, let me know what you think.....


*thumbs up!*

Great idea! Demon Legend, here I come :cool:
Anyways, I think you're right. UOG is much too item-based and PvP-centered. Practically all events I've seen so far were about PvP. This leaves a lot to be desired for the average trammy (like me) and those who like some RP once in a while (like me too). The orcs on Brit gy are a nice idea already. I fear them everytime I see them - damn little buggers with their red names (I'm Rae Hutt btw).

To Ryan and Krrios and everyone else on the UOG staff - Please add this idea. *prostrate*


When I think of RP, I think of playing a game as a character... through that character. For example... a name, a socitial structure. Respect. Right now, UOG is 100% items and PvP... I dont see a society.

I must agree, Uo Isn't really an rp game anymore unless you try really.....and i mean really dam hard......

Not bashing rp here, just saying that with the level of players here frankly most are "morons"

The report Shows 80% of the players here are such while you could try to roleplay with them sadly most will respond with stupid shit like

"PTW133 I roxsors U I 1333Leet.......PWNAG......"

trying to rp here is pointless,

Good Vs Evil

I still play uogamers alot,

I just find it funny how people seem to not find exactly what there looking for here and refuse to open there dam eyes and see there are other options..... rather than bitching about Uo, its Uo good game for how old it is......


Icey said:
no, stop trying to push this retarded-ass idea. roleplay with what you have already as the roleplayers have throughout uo history. there is no need for this new system to be put in. if you want that shit, you are in the wrong place. find a new shard that is for roleplaying or stop posting this stuff. because, i am tired of seeing it whenever i go into general discussion.

i .... have .... to .... agree.. with icey...............

ive always worked with what i had, i didnt page osi gms and ask them for a fugnut mask

Who will this orc clan be anyway? Bloodclan will have to greif them hehe.

Everyone in the rp channels on mirc are pissed off at this thread and how stupid it is. If this is ever implemented all the rpers will leave
Compton said:
i can see it from both sides but one question, why cant you rp by yourself as it is now?
i don't think you should have to belong to any clan to make a rp character, and i don't see why you have to now.
your ideas are quite interesting, but how much effort would it require to make the server this way?
what are the possible, bugs? and other negative effects?

it seems as though what you want is to make a similar system as factions, but only apply it to RPing. you also seem to want to be part of an RP but not have to speak the language (which is REAL hard at first.) but i feel learning to speak and understand new slang is an improtant transition phase for new players to an RP crew, and it helps clarify their choice to stick around.
i feel RPing should require a certain amount of dedication that is not given by clicking on a faction(or RP) stone.
but i still agree about the stagnent RP guild requiring an active GM to keep things going. but i think the answer to this better lies in a large network of class(i.e. orcs) oriented ties between small RP guilds (or cells) of no more than a few members, that would meet at the set rp locations (or home terf, like the orc fort.) a hierarchy would naturally form as it always does and it would also leave room for Rouge cells (or turncoats even.) this would be a lot more interesting to see small factions of orcs assisting savages or such.
just my 2 cents, let me know what you think.....

I understand your concerns.

What I was looking for with this system was realism and stability. The main reason why there wont be a GM for the clan is because if that GM isnt on, loses his internet, works late, ect, that clan wouldnt be able to add members. This system is meant to be accessible by all, as a means for everyone to RP.

You dont NEED to join this... and you dont NEED this to RP, but it would add, in my opinion, a realistic experience.

For clarification... clicking the stone doesnt put you into the clan... it just gives you the mask. Putting it on is what allows you to being your time as a member.

One question someone had for me was what about the player whos a complete idiot... how do you take care of him? The response is stated within the Rank section of the initial post. It would take most players around 1.5-2 weeks to reach the second rank (remember... this is on that char, WEARING the mask). At that time, you are probably interested in remaining loyal and in a RPing mindset. Keep in mind, players will always disagree. But, that doesnt mean they should be kicked out of the group.

As stated before... this system is in NO way NECESSARY. But... I think it would be amazing... and it would be perfect with what UOG has to offer. And, personally, I think UOG is the only shard that could make it as good as it sounds.
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