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If you don't have 10 online


Re: If you don't have 10 online

TheNuthigh;1742843 said:
we can post screen shots too

id like to call this piece

a collage of mudding

Yep rolling 7 deep sure makes it easy to kill people. I did not realize it was so.

Steve Zissou

Re: If you don't have 10 online

Blake-hybrid;1742986 said:
You mean when we 4v4'd on Mag and you all died?

if by that you mean when we kill a few of you and then 4 more of you roll onto us when we have no mana or reflect kind of deal, it isnt really the "even" fight that we were looking for...

ps. don't forget this is all while spamming pots and wands.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Steve Zissou;1743077 said:
if by that you mean when we kill a few of you and then 4 more of you roll onto us when we have no mana or reflect kind of deal, it isnt really the "even" fight that we were looking for...

ps. don't forget this is all while spamming pots and wands.



Re: If you don't have 10 online

lol ok t. Post ur screenshots of the bodies cropped so people cant see that u had 7v4 with a Bola Tamer and a Bola mage.. lawl.... Wish i would ahad screeneis enabled to capture u dieing while trying to add guards to kill us...oh oh oh or when you died in minoc 3v3 right next to ur island of guards... oh oh oh or in mag right by the stone when you died..again next to all your guards. Get it? your bad and need gimped shit to catch an occasional kill. Grats


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743092 said:
lol ok t. Post ur screenshots of the bodies cropped so people cant see that u had 7v4 with a Bola Tamer and a Bola mage.. lawl.... Wish i would ahad screeneis enabled to capture u dieing while trying to add guards to kill us...oh oh oh or when you died in minoc 3v3 right next to ur island of guards... oh oh oh or in mag right by the stone when you died..again next to all your guards. Get it? your bad and need gimped shit to catch an occasional kill. Grats

thanks for the grats, ill give u some, when you ding ...

dont worry, someday youll be on my level ;)


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743096 said:
lol ok, keep acting like your good. I would too if this game was all i had :)

was that a personal threat?
awww cmon sinny baby
no need to get so personal X.x


Re: If you don't have 10 online

I actually cropped them so I wouldn't have to go to imageshack multiple times tbh.

Are you guys seriously denying that you all 4 got dirted the first time in Mag 4v4? You all gated in tried to gank me and then 3 of our guys showed up and you all died while not even getting off a sync.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

lol if you are honestly gunna try and say it was 4v4 then your math is just awful.. you had 6 + death mango :(


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743100 said:
lol if you are honestly gunna try and say it was 4v4 then your math is just awful.. you had 6 + death mango :(

The original fight on Mag? The one before you guys got completely steam rolled?

Death Mango came after the first fight and tried to lure pets. L2Count.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

lol your memory seems a bit off but ill let you have your moment ont he forums considering i dont even know who u are to even try to remember which fights ur talking about considering we have mroe than 2 a day since we field with less than :)


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743122 said:
lol your memory seems a bit off but ill let you have your moment ont he forums considering i dont even know who u are to even try to remember which fights ur talking about considering we have mroe than 2 a day since we field with less than :)

Or maybe you just have a selective memory. As you can see in the screenshot posted multiple bodies with different backgrounds. Obviously there were two fights and you all died both times. You've just chosen to block out the one where you died 4v4 and claiming we're ganking simply to save face.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

I pulled 7 bars after the first fight as a ghost, I don't know what you're smoking but whatever it is give me double.

Steve Zissou

Re: If you don't have 10 online

Blake-hybrid;1743124 said:
Or maybe you just have a selective memory. As you can see in the screenshot posted multiple bodies with different backgrounds. Obviously there were two fights and you all died both times. You've just chosen to block out the one where you died 4v4 and claiming we're ganking simply to save face.

the only even fights ive ever gotten with Dream Team since I've been back this week were a 2v2 against Sam and Darkmatter- which i won (not even in vent) and then got ran up on and bolad and lost conn :-( and before that i 2v2d Trojan and Shorty on their reds... nvr nvr nvr do we get bested on da field even #s... By DT that is, I've lost fights to honourable opponents of course.