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If you don't have 10 online


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Blake-hybrid;1743124 said:
Or maybe you just have a selective memory. As you can see in the screenshot posted multiple bodies with different backgrounds. Obviously there were two fights and you all died both times. You've just chosen to block out the one where you died 4v4 and claiming we're ganking simply to save face.

all you dt besides stides suck my DIK!!!


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Steve Zissou;1743212 said:
the only even fights ive ever gotten with Dream Team since I've been back this week were a 2v2 against Sam and Darkmatter- which i won (not even in vent) and then got ran up on and bolad and lost conn :-( and before that i 2v2d Trojan and Shorty on their reds... nvr nvr nvr do we get bested on da field even #s... By DT that is, I've lost fights to honourable opponents of course.

You weren't there as you can see from the pictures.

Its pointless debating whether your right or wrong if you're going to lie to make the point. Next time I'll take better SS.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

can someone tell me who this Blake kid is so i can turn auto death screenshots on and make a nice little collage for him today :)


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743330 said:
can someone tell me who this Blake kid is so i can turn auto death screenshots on and make a nice little collage for him today :)

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Steve Zissou

Re: If you don't have 10 online

Blake-hybrid;1743371 said:
Blake-hybrid Online
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he wants to know your character arrtard.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

lol T, that comment didn't even make sense being used as a response there but evidentally u are a bit but hurt because i said that to u...Sorry?

and blake, i meant ur char name cuz i really have no clue who you are in game :(


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743378 said:
lol T, that comment didn't even make sense being used as a response there but evidentally u are a bit but hurt because i said that to u...Sorry?

and blake, i meant ur char name cuz i really have no clue who you are in game :(

Not really concerned whether you know who I am or not.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Blake-hybrid;1743371 said:
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who is this blake guy WTF!!!!???