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If you don't have 10 online


Re: If you don't have 10 online

You can aim me anytime you would like to die some more.

You just let me know dum skerbs..

I got plenty of room for some more skerb bodies.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Its tough to take Dynasty seriously when they call in at the drop of a hat. Had to call in 2 more guys Pookie to 1v1 a trash dexxer?


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Lafable;1743750 said:
We don't solo, there will always be at least 2 of us. Find a friend to help you.

But we saw what happened in the tournament when theres 2 of you.. :(


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Suil Ban;1743824 said:
Y dont u shut the FUck Up and Talk to Ur Momie about It U fucken Aswipe Even if u give Out my IDenty ill Stil Be The best scamer in The god Damn game U heard ...


haha por lynord


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Sheivan01;1743755 said:
But we saw what happened in the tournament when theres 2 of you.. :(

I seen what happens to your guild when there is one in the field too. It multiplies by 10. I bet you're so proud about that too.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

elohdee;1743723 said:
it was 6v4 not 8v4

ie uog syndrome

like i said any day even numbers i will roflestomp your face into oblivion

the only way ur gonna "rolfestomp" my face into oblivion is if u sit on me sir. and 6v4... look at the SS i see 7 tb bars. all of which where ur guild. gdamn, L2read oh and, get off my dick, i know u haven't seen urs in years but that doesn't give u a reason to keep making love posts about me bro
Re: If you don't have 10 online

Is this guy serious? Luke hasnt played in 4 months either.. And one of those SS's I was yielding because i had to leave, to real life things..

Like get laid..

Eat a sandwich and stop posting SS's that are over 4 months old. If I remember correctly me and ice ended up taking you guys to school best of 7.. I just dont have SS's of your ass for over 5 months, and no I'm not gonna sift those my pictures to find the correct date we owned you.

Its ok though.. From now on every time we drop your ass.. (and we will) I'll be sure to make the forum community know about it. Face it without esk, and urinal your grey screen.

Steve Zissou

Re: If you don't have 10 online

Blake-hybrid;1743742 said:
Its tough to take Dynasty seriously when they call in at the drop of a hat. Had to call in 2 more guys Pookie to 1v1 a trash dexxer?

hahahhahahahah ahahha ah ah ah ah ah ah aha h



oh the irony


Re: If you don't have 10 online

hahaha hahahah ahahaha

I just realized dream team was complaining about a gank ahahahahaahahahahaahahahaahah.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Teh Money Shot;1743872 said:
Is this guy serious? Luke hasnt played in 4 months either.. And one of those SS's I was yielding because i had to leave, to real life things..

Like get laid..

Eat a sandwich and stop posting SS's that are over 4 months old. If I remember correctly me and ice ended up taking you guys to school best of 7.. I just dont have SS's of your ass for over 5 months, and no I'm not gonna sift those my pictures to find the correct date we owned you.

Its ok though.. From now on every time we drop your ass.. (and we will) I'll be sure to make the forum community know about it. Face it without esk, and urinal your grey screen.
esk doesn't play uo you big ol dumby

secondly would you like to battle my guild i will surely roflestomp your face into oblivion.

and im glad id never bet on your memory because the day you and ice do any type of schooling im sure Armageddon will be raining down on earth


Re: If you don't have 10 online

@ forever elohdee

anytime you wish for schooling

the only unfortunate side effect is I don't know how you will be able to post anymore after the fact unless you pull a chance :(


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Lafable;1743920 said:
Chance 3.0 with the 3x postings roflestomped.

nice try more like i got luigi to fix it for me so i aint gotta worry

don't be stealing my flames get your own

i know i took you under my wing as a ck6 fledgling but come on dog

you still a grasshopa to me ;)
Re: If you don't have 10 online

elohdee;1743886 said:
esk doesn't play uo you big ol dumby

secondly would you like to battle my guild i will surely roflestomp your face into oblivion.

and im glad id never bet on your memory because the day you and ice do any type of schooling im sure Armageddon will be raining down on earth

Well the stock markets are crashing.. and the country is going into a recession..

We did beat you best of 7... your an idiot..

As far as what me and ice do 2v2.. People are apparently taking notes and stealing out heal fake wand dumps. So please before you think you've left any sort of impact on this shard remember..

Ck6 is dead.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Teh Money Shot;1743930 said:
Well the stock markets are crashing.. and the country is going into a recession..

We did beat you best of 7... your an idiot..

As far as what me and ice do 2v2.. People are apparently taking notes and stealing out heal fake wand dumps. So please before you think you've left any sort of impact on this shard remember..

Ck6 is dead.
yea ok odb.

if you would like i will 2v2 you any time any day you will lose like always.

matter of fact youre gonna make me dig through my screenshot folder aint you

silly odb get off me.