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If you don't have 10 online


Re: If you don't have 10 online

ok so you won a fight? grats. The difference is, we have easily won more field fights vs ur guild than u have won against us. I just honestly have never used death SS's untill recently because of the fact that posting a ss anytime u kill someone seems to be the new thing to do.

Like i said, when u wanna run that back same people 3v3, lemme know. You have my aim.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743987 said:
ok so you won a fight? grats. The difference is, we have easily won more field fights vs ur guild than u have won against us. I just honestly have never used death SS's untill recently because of the fact that posting a ss anytime u kill someone seems to be the new thing to do.

Like i said, when u wanna run that back same people 3v3, lemme know. You have my aim.

You've won more fights? All I see are you guys dead. You guys chose to start the thread with ss, not us.

We'll just let you guys keep our bars pulled for the rest of the day so you can auto target us on the field again. You should definately wait till we all have 50 mana like you did today.

You guys should make a checklist before you guys go out and field next time.

1. Mounts
2. Full Spellbook
3. Regs
4. Potions
5. Recalls in your runebook for when you die again
6. More screenshots of your guildmate dying while your a ghost.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Aim- SinfallUOG Feel free to stop posting on the forums and field, ive been waiting for the aim since ur so confident that we suck. lets set up that 3v3 that we had today that u keep talking about. Same people, same place if ud like.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743990 said:
Aim- SinfallUOG Feel free to stop posting on the forums and field, ive been waiting for the aim since ur so confident that we suck. lets set up that 3v3 that we had today that u keep talking about. Same people, same place if ud like.

Why so mad?


Re: If you don't have 10 online

not mad, just offering a 3v3. whats wrong with offering setups mico? Just cuz u don't play without 10 doesn't mean everyone likes zerging bro :)


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743990 said:
Aim- SinfallUOG Feel free to stop posting on the forums and field, ive been waiting for the aim since ur so confident that we suck. lets set up that 3v3 that we had today that u keep talking about. Same people, same place if ud like.

I'm going to go eat, you guys should go practice.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Steve Zissou;1743974 said:
i think that it's about time you bite your tongue...you recruit some Decadence members into your guild and get smoked when you see us on the field. I know you played with Esk and others before hand and yeah, they are good but we are playing in the present... you play with trash and get dirted like a bitch.

Didn't your guild get dirted by these decadance you call trash in a 3v3
oh right they did
we didnt even lose one ROFL.

secondly ill post some screen shots of you losing to trash

oh wait you are trash.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Why do kids hold so dear to one victory over lod

Dear lord are you sure we are playing in the present? Or do some things just never change.

All hail...


Re: If you don't have 10 online


Since we want to do epic battles let's get everything in it's entirety.
It started off you ganking me 1v4

Then went something like this.....

You killed poon
, he thought it was a good idea to not cure, good job.

Apparently you died so bad my screen blacked it out. Sorry.

Obviously you guys lack ability to heal, learned that one in the domination you got served in our 3v3 setups.

Again, do you guys even know how to cross heal? Stay in the pits and practice your healing please.

Talk about straight up roflestomped by trash? What the fuck.

Poor rando buddie you got here got faced also.

oh this guy was just trying to get some res kill points I think. sorry.

Oh hey we found some of your friends....

Awh poor bola tamer down, shucks nice one.

Oh wait this guy cures like poon.. damn is he bad.

Damn, someone teach James to stay on screen whoa...

This poor bastard better teach his boys how to heal.

Somewhere I managed to die, owwww, but hey look at this guy, he better get a new profession.

Oh that nigga got OWNED again.

Awh random bloos res killin folks..


Okay now kids, let's be real.

Sinfall you have UOG number syndrome as I have stated.

Out numbered? Hardly.

Epic battle yes. Don't try to come on my forums and post screenshots without posting the whole story.

Overall good fight but I dominate you kids in all aspect of pvp

All you bitches die when I ride on my enemies.

@ forever elohdee any time you wish to donate more to my folder.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Blake-hybrid;1743988 said:
You guys chose to start the thread with ss, not us.

You're not even in dream team, what's all this 'us' talk. You're just a dream team nuthugger, lowest of the low. AHAHAAHAHA you're bad.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Lafable;1744024 said:
You're not even in dream team, what's all this 'us' talk. You're just a dream team nuthugger, lowest of the low. AHAHAAHAHA you're bad.

Red Skies was in dream team wasn't he...??


Re: If you don't have 10 online

elohdee;1744012 said:

Okay now kids, let's be real.

Sinfall you have UOG number syndrome as I have stated.

Out numbered? Hardly.

How do i have uog number syndrome when i told u it was 7v4 and thats what it was... have 6 party bars minus ur own. there were 4 of us. You sir are not the brightest crayon in the box...
Re: If you don't have 10 online

Slip;1744033 said:
jamie and two step are good but money shot u fucking suck stfu


Slip your straight 5x... Even on the field your ok...

But believe me its nothing to write home about.. for as much as you play this game you should be coding a new client..

stfu please..
Re: If you don't have 10 online

haplo, zissou, clouded respect, dancing cactus, gunslinger, jobe, 2legit2quit, casper = 8
boudicca, 99 problems, ghost dogg, james, deify, celery, avon = 7

some jimmypoppins guy in tb was in the last pic tho, dunno that guy :/


Re: If you don't have 10 online

2legit, haplo, zissou, casper = only people in our vent.

if u wanna count non partied. count Bald are ftw and the 2 jabawockeez that were dumping us too and the were in tb. so even still thats 11 with jimmy :/