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If you don't have 10 online

Re: If you don't have 10 online

elohdee;1743936 said:
yea ok odb.

if you would like i will 2v2 you any time any day you will lose like always.

matter of fact youre gonna make me dig through my screenshot folder aint you

silly odb get off me.

are these lowbies still trying to hate?


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743948 said:
was this before or after u spammed bolas on me and 2legit just so that u could get off screen for our dumps?

Maybe you guys should come prepared to field and not prepared to die.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

haha so we aren't prepared because u guys are scared to heal a 3man drop? lol ur pathetic, stop posting

LOL 3v4... wow now i have to turn on death screenshots...


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743954 said:
haha so we aren't prepared because u guys are scared to heal a 3man drop? lol ur pathetic, stop posting

If you're bitching about bolas you're obviously not prepared.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

lol that comment wasn't for the bolas, it was the fact that you only use them so u can run offscreen easier and not heal... lol hey anytime u wanna runt hat again, a dog, trojan, u vs me 2legit, zissou lemme know. ill turn my screenshots on :) maybe u can even stay onscreen for one


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743957 said:
lol that comment wasn't for the bolas, it was the fact that you only use them so u can run offscreen easier and not heal... lol hey anytime u wanna runt hat again, a dog, trojan, u vs me 2legit, zissou lemme know. ill turn my screenshots on :) maybe u can even stay onscreen for one

Maybe you guys will survive the first sync this time.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743957 said:
lol that comment wasn't for the bolas, it was the fact that you only use them so u can run offscreen easier and not heal... lol hey anytime u wanna runt hat again, a dog, trojan, u vs me 2legit, zissou lemme know. ill turn my screenshots on :) maybe u can even stay onscreen for one

ill fite you anytime

oh wait you're too bad.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

lol lod, get off my nuts. I know its hard for u but you responding to every one of my posts when they aren't even about u is making you look a little obsessive sir.

and sam, maybe you'll stay on screen for A sync this time...


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743969 said:
lol lod, get off my nuts. I know its hard for u but you responding to every one of my posts when they aren't even about u is making you look a little obsessive sir.

and sam, maybe you'll stay on screen for A sync this time...

I just don't get it. You guys make me think you're really good by posting ss of you killing one of our guys but all I see now are ss of you guys dead? WTF?

I see you die 3v3, 4v4 and now 3v4, I'm not even sure if I've seen you guys kill anyone in any of the fights either.

Steve Zissou

Re: If you don't have 10 online

elohdee;1743964 said:
honestly i think dt has given me better fights than them dynasty kids

sigh :(

i think that it's about time you bite your tongue...you recruit some Decadence members into your guild and get smoked when you see us on the field. I know you played with Esk and others before hand and yeah, they are good but we are playing in the present... you play with trash and get dirted like a bitch.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

btw, sam stop trying to lie in ss to make urself look good. Same SS, 4 bars(notice all 4 are oj which means ur on screen). Save me the laughter of saying a dog wasnt in vent either cuz he was with u today.

p.s. Darkmatter and deathmango were there too if ud like to see the ss of them there too, aim me.
Re: If you don't have 10 online

elohdee;1743936 said:
yea ok odb.

if you would like i will 2v2 you any time any day you will lose like always.

matter of fact youre gonna make me dig through my screenshot folder aint you

silly odb get off me.

ODB.... Seriously.. Is that all you got?

Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep..

Steve Zissou

Re: If you don't have 10 online

Blake-hybrid;1743973 said:
I just don't get it. You guys make me think you're really good by posting ss of you killing one of our guys but all I see now are ss of you guys dead? WTF?

I see you die 3v3, 4v4 and now 3v4, I'm not even sure if I've seen you guys kill anyone in any of the fights either.

oh nose an explode [e scream...we better run because i forgot to put the spell greater heal in my spell book.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Blake-hybrid;1743927 said:
You guys should change the title of this thread to "If you don't have 3 online"

Are you guys ever going to win a fight even numbers?

You should read the first post where I said 'Don't think you can hang on our screen' which you obviously don't cause you just bola and run when you see energy bolt. I mean energy bolt is scary, but it must be ultra scary when you see it over our heads eh? Scrubcake?
I mean how bad are you, dream team won't even guild you. <---- hahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

you are bad. <--- that's a period.

Steve Zissou;1743979 said:
oh nose an explode [e scream...we better run because i forgot to put the spell greater heal in my spell book.

Hey remember when we sat there with no mana healing 3 man dumps with mini heal? We don't need greater heal man, they are just that bad.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

XxDRIVENxX;1743976 said:

btw, sam stop trying to lie in ss to make urself look good. Same SS, 4 bars(notice all 4 are oj which means ur on screen). Save me the laughter of saying a dog wasnt in vent either cuz he was with u today.

p.s. Darkmatter and deathmango were there too if ud like to see the ss of them there too, aim me.

lols, this makes me laugh on multiple levels. Honestly, I didn't see him there, my bad.

This is the original 4v4 I was talking about a couple days ago. That was the 4v4 where we killed all of you. Then you came back to Mag and we zerged you, because it was just more fun that way.

Also, I bet you've got lots of black and white screenshots, eh?

I'd like to see ss of DeathMango and DarkMatter in that first fight, cause they don't exist.


Re: If you don't have 10 online

Lafable;1743982 said:
You should read the first post where I said 'Don't think you can hang on our screen' which you obviously don't cause you just bola and run when you see energy bolt. I mean energy bolt is scary, but it must be ultra scary when you see it over our heads eh? Scrubcake?
I mean how bad are you, dream team won't even guild you. <---- hahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

you are bad. <--- that's a period.

Hey remember when we sat there with no mana healing 3 man dumps with mini heal? We don't need greater heal man, they are just that bad.

You guys should get mounts or something, all I hear is chatter about bolas.

That was neat how you guys got to sit around and heal explode pots for a while, its to bad you died :(