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Keep using those mares 31D

the only times i recall is when im alone and im messing with quite a few OJ, or im told to run or recall.

and so what if I only recall, i guess thats better for you right?

pharaoh called us gankers today lol. i thought mdk was okay with 5v1?
(this was after we killed 2 of his friends and chased him to his house)

p.s. i have points :>
also, in this thread mdk states if they catch someone alone (saalem) and he doesnt recall, its very rarely he survives because of mdk's expert communication.


lol Saalem cmon now, you know you've recalled from me 5+ times 1v1, i've never actually seen you fighting, only walking around recalling claiming you are scouting.

31D has a pretty selective memory, apparently in their minds getting one or two kills in a bola gank 10v2 is "rolling mdk"

I dont know where you get this "hour of house hiding" from, because we rarely used the house last night except in extreme circumstances (like ten guys with mares sitting outside while we have 4 guys online) and we were still running around graveyard dropping people left and right.

As far as losing points is concerned, at least we have the balls to keep our points on our characters unlike any other guild on this shard, if you kill me you will always get 3+ points off of me. I have a sneaky suspicion if 31D didnt mule their points no one would ever get above 20.
I swear to god, strike me down right now, i have never recalled from a 1v1 UNLESS i was told to come somewhere.

good fights tonight guys. went back and forth all night. that last fight at the mage shop lots of us lost conn and i got bugged. i was trying to run from that gank and i froze, couldnt cast, or drink, or anything. very strange.

weird stuff happened to Dough(MdK) too so i know it just wasnt us

btw i lost 2 points to phar :(


Yeah, pretty fun fights tonight, I just wish we could of gotten some people on sooner, up until that mage shop fight we only had 4 or so people on at all times, then we finally got some people on and everyone logged :(

Doeth not bode well with 4 guys


Heres the mage shop fight. I noticed faction ganker just stood still and didnt cure, so i figure'd he lost conn, i heard a few people complaining of being frozen on our side as well.

Only being able to post a few pics at a time = teh sux.

EDIT: you may have to refresh page a couple times to get pics to work, they dont load for me sometimes, shitty host.



Hey Lament, why didn't you all Meteor swarm the wall Jenova et al are standing behind in that screenshot?


Someone tried it and everyone backed off, if they timed it they probably could of killed us, I only stood there for a min to take a few screenshots of how many people were on, that wasnt even all of them, there was more random TB running around too.


Yeah... when i was there with TDK we timed it right and killed a bunch.
Kinda reminded me of the night You, Sir Ryan and I were guarding sigils in SL.