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Keep using those mares 31D


Spriggan said:
yea, it is a little repetitive, but thats only because both bides are lieing....

i dont know how those fights went down, but i would liek to know the truth...
as for the house hiding, tell the rest of MDK thats what its for.... because if they are near the GY an see a few OJ's they run into the house....
im not trying to talk shit, but thats the truth....

im so sick of that house its not even funny....

the fights yesterday contained 3 mares and god knows how many bolas on your side...not to mention 31D was running 7-8 strong along with people like Wu Gambino and those queer faction hopping dexxers. I believe there was 5 of MdK on and we pretty much got massacred on the east side of brit, because we were dumb enough to stick around the mares, wish i had a video of all the bolas though :( .

the house is there, so deal with it, its an asset to us and once again, we wont run in there with even fights.


tekneek is right

AvaAdore1 said:
We will keep using mares and farming silver from you. You will keep house hiding, crying, pissing blood, and having a HORRIBLE guild.

but you gotta realize, thats life man, its harsh(for you), but thats just how it is :(

MDK has always been and will always be a homosexual shit talking guild, that cant back anything up. we beat you in game and you cant supply the facts here. So before you keep making yourselves look worse than you already are, i'd suggest shutting up.


I read most of the posts and it goes something like this....

MDK guy:Lament you gay
Lament: no sir your gay.
MDK guy: No you and your mares are 1v1 owned noob.
Lament: Uh, no your gay and I still own you 1v1 no pots noob.
MDK guy: yea well ill call in my gank squad of flames and your gay.
MDK guy1: yea 31d is gay
MDK guy2: yea 31d is ultra-gay
Lament: no you guys are gay and house hide we 3v6 you no pots,bolas nooblar
MDK guy: Yea we got owned once but your still gay and suck irl.
Everyone else chimes in: 31D and MDK are gay
MDK guy: No were not! Your gay! haha fag nooblar.
Lament: Uh...ill agree with mdk...you guys are fags we own you 1v1 no pots.
5 days later
MDK guy: Uhm, your gay Lament.


pwned.nl said:
tekneek is right

MDK has always been and will always be a homosexual shit talking guild, that cant back anything up. we beat you in game and you cant supply the facts here. So before you keep making yourselves look worse than you already are, i'd suggest shutting up.

Im sorry who are you?

If youre 31D, i believe we've beat you in the field even numbers quite a few times.
bolas and mares arent characterisitics of a fight....

well sorry, bolas and mares are part of the game like your silly house, they arent going anywhere.


Dooder said:
bolas and mares arent characterisitics of a fight....

well sorry, bolas and mares are part of the game like your silly house, they arent going anywhere.

The time will come, when bolas are nerfed...ill put money on that.


Dooder said:
bolas and mares arent characterisitics of a fight....

well sorry, bolas and mares are part of the game like your silly house, they arent going anywhere.
amen ;D, but we dont come to the forums everytime you run to your house D:


If i was an e-bitch.
I would have sex with bola tamers way b4 i had sex with ppl that hide in their house and run around brit w/ recall up.
Thats just what i would do.


Lament said:
If i was an e-bitch.
I would have sex with bola tamers way b4 i had sex with ppl that hide in their house and run around brit w/ recall up.
Thats just what i would do.

OK...this recall thing is bullshit...i swear every time ive seen saalem alone...first thing he hits is his recall button...anytime after a fight and one of you dies...first thing he hits is his recall button...in fact, i dont know if ive ever seen him cast anything other than mana drain and recall