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lament, best pvper ever


Re: lament, best pvper ever

RAKninja;2147368 said:
back in the day, magic weapons worth a fuck were rare as shit. there were no runics. everyone used GM crafted gear.

pots were semi-rare, as not everyone had at least one alchemist, and there was no bonus damage to e-pots.

7x GMs were not really something you bumped into everyday, and most people were on foot because by some odd reason, on dial up to the clogged OSI servers, having a mount made you slower.

UO wasent gear based, but it is now, and here to a lesser extent.

ifyou ask me, it was better like it was in the old days. the economy wasent driven by pvm loot and handouts. it was "climbing the mountain" that was part of the fun, not just sitting at the peak.

people use to axe purple pots and throw one and kill afkers or random people. i 7xed pretty damn fast after a lil while of course. helps when people stick together and back then you could trust people to train with and they wouldnt leave you high n dry when they gmed resist. i remember back then having like 7 people doing resist one person at a time. like 4 people casting demons and the person gaining resist would just be in a boat so they couldnt hit only cast while had like 3 xhealers just running nonstop.

i wasnt slower. i use to get jailed for supposely speed hacking because i was so fast ( which i didnt speedhack).

what game did you honestly play if you think the economy wasnt driven by pvm. uo has always been driven majority by pvm. and yes i played in 97


Re: lament, best pvper ever

WillyDaSquid;2147464 said:
Even in the case that it wasn't, it still leads the pack by an astronomical amount. All mainstream MMOs have some sort of trial. If their figures were polluted by trial figures, every other MMO likely has the same problem. With all that being said, it still has more subs than the next 3-4 games in line combined. Thats just ridiculous.

WoW may not be the game I would ever play again. Its kind of silly to call it a bad game though. If for any reason, the statement is relative to the person who is using it. I don't like WoW, but 12 million other people do. I like UO and a couple thousand other people do.

The only way to really measure a games value is by the active subs. Any other way would likely result in biased opinions.

Not arguing that WoW is better than UO by any means. I'm just trying to contribute what makes logical sense.

I understand and will not deny any of that but just because 12million people like something doesnt mean its good. HELL justin bieber has like 390million views on youtube. does that make his music any good? or just retarded people

just imagine if uo never changed or came out in 2007 (99uo) ( when A LOT MORE people had computers ) wonder how many subscribers they would have? especially since they were the first game ( i believe ) to ever be in the guiness book of world records.


Re: lament, best pvper ever

Skyfal;2147621 said:
I understand and will not deny any of that but just because 12million people like something doesnt mean its good. HELL justin bieber has like 390million views on youtube. does that make his music any good? or just retarded people

just imagine if uo never changed or came out in 2007 (99uo) ( when A LOT MORE people had computers ) wonder how many subscribers they would have? especially since they were the first game ( i believe ) to ever be in the guiness book of world records.

I'm just speaking on the best way to measure a game in terms of an unbiased review. You ask anyone who doesn't play WoW how they feel about it, you'll probably get a good amount of negativity. The same story goes in both directions though.

You might be right about UO. The thing about success, more times than not it involves being in the right place at the right time. The word good is relative to the person using it. I love Justin Bieber.


Re: lament, best pvper ever

Skyfal;2147620 said:
people use to axe purple pots and throw one and kill afkers or random people. i 7xed pretty damn fast after a lil while of course. helps when people stick together and back then you could trust people to train with and they wouldnt leave you high n dry when they gmed resist. i remember back then having like 7 people doing resist one person at a time. like 4 people casting demons and the person gaining resist would just be in a boat so they couldnt hit only cast while had like 3 xhealers just running nonstop.

i wasnt slower. i use to get jailed for supposely speed hacking because i was so fast ( which i didnt speedhack).

what game did you honestly play if you think the economy wasnt driven by pvm. uo has always been driven majority by pvm. and yes i played in 97

so, how did you 7x "pretty damn fast" when they had a hard cap on the skill points you could possibly earn in a set time? it took ages to gm even the easy skills. i remember working on parry for over a week, and not gming. as a matter of fact, it was only when they added power hour when i finally got parry done.

as for economy, best selling items were gm crafted armor and weapons. mining isnt pvm. sure GOLD came from pvm (or pking), but the things people bought were not often garnered from monsters or handouts.

dont get me wrong, i do like this shard as it's the closest thing available to the ruleset i liked most on osi, but it cuts out "climbing the mountain" you're at the peak in two days or less if you know what you are doing.


Re: lament, best pvper ever

RAKninja;2147788 said:
so, how did you 7x "pretty damn fast" when they had a hard cap on the skill points you could possibly earn in a set time? it took ages to gm even the easy skills. i remember working on parry for over a week, and not gming. as a matter of fact, it was only when they added power hour when i finally got parry done.

as for economy, best selling items were gm crafted armor and weapons. mining isnt pvm. sure GOLD came from pvm (or pking), but the things people bought were not often garnered from monsters or handouts.

dont get me wrong, i do like this shard as it's the closest thing available to the ruleset i liked most on osi, but it cuts out "climbing the mountain" you're at the peak in two days or less if you know what you are doing.

of course i wasnt 7xing that fast in 1997 gtfo. never said i was said i learned how to ( this maybe being around 99 dont quote me just a blur) and even back then there were many ways to gain faster than usual ( etc serverlines)

so where did all that money come from? didnt realize gold just created itself.

majority of players have played since 97. maybe i dont like building chars and doing everything i did back in the day just so i can pvp. i log on i duel or field or i go afk. i am sry i do not care to pvm. if i want money ill hit up uo welfare for 10k and go make a mil or two in poker. not everyone wants to take 1month out of their life to 7x just to decide hey i dont wanna play this shard.


Re: lament, best pvper ever

please, read my post again. you seemed to have missed the key points, and i answered your question about gold, as well.


Re: lament, best pvper ever

RAKninja;2147861 said:
please, read my post again. you seemed to have missed the key points, and i answered your question about gold, as well.

what did i miss? how was the economy started and stabilized? pvm gold.

only thing that i may have missed and didnt type is that you have a simple grasp on this game and you claim to have played so long but suck at it. who are you to explain this game when you yet to comprehend it yourself?
Re: lament, best pvper ever

Skyfal;2147177 said:

dont try to compare wow to uo is all when it is nothing like it.

First off i have seen people play it, i have seen screenshots. i dont have to play a game to tell it isnt my style and it is retarded. same way i can tell a piece of shit is a piece of shit by looking at it..

I was not comparing UO to WoW in the sense that it is exactly like it i was making an exaggeration to prove my point that there are aspects of this server that are not what UO publish 15/16 era was. So in reality you cannot even compare Hybrid to UO because there not the same thing, it’s a shard of its own blend of rules and systems that comes almost close to people's favorite era UO. Plus your rebuttal for my conceptual itemization of uo was that my points are not valid based on me playing another game, even you have to admit it would be hard to extract from your post that you were really upset with me comparing uo something you like to WoW something you despise to the point of picking up shit or whatever that rant about feces was.

Yes you can go out with 50 of each and some refreshes and kill people and loot them, but you cannot honestly tell me that a person with no ar who is a mage temp without potions is going to have an easy fight and likely win against an alchy mage using wands? Or a runic alchy dexer doing 60+ a swing + 30 damage pots and using wands to increase the damage output, after they bola you? If you are on an ethy and have no ar on you will die more than not.

I think those aspects i mentioned are just a starting trend line that I see as the catalyst for a more item oriented style of game play. But i suppose in the end you have your opinion and i have mine.

As far as your reference to how the game looks and your perceptions of it, I got 7 people to come from WoW to UO and the only people who lasted longer than a day on hybrid had previously played UO and knew what the game was like. Everyone else saw the graphics and the skill gain process and was like fuck this if I wanted to play Atari I wouldn’t have sold it back in 1980. If you think your dislike of a game affects how much fun I had when I played it than I don’t know what to tell ya. However, in the future ill be sure to run everything I do by you in advance so you can advise me against things that likely will be a waste of time (in reference to the games I played that you said were shit, I agree with you but I didn’t know that till I played them). In fact I even said when everyone I use to game with left, I came back to the game I had the most fun on which is UO……

In reference to the 17 people all syncing eb’s on people that only happened for a day, rarely did we have all 17 on at the same time, all a crew of 17 meant was normally 4 people were always online and you could run up against other equally matched groups without having to do what I have to do now, pair up with blue’s who don’t x heal or go out on a red and get ganked by everyone.


Re: lament, best pvper ever

of no importance;2147877 said:
I was not comparing UO to WoW in the sense that it is exactly like it i was making an exaggeration to prove my point that there are aspects of this server that are not what UO publish 15/16 era was. So in reality you cannot even compare Hybrid to UO because there not the same thing, it’s a shard of its own blend of rules and systems that comes almost close to people's favorite era UO. Plus your rebuttal for my conceptual itemization of uo was that my points are not valid based on me playing another game, even you have to admit it would be hard to extract from your post that you were really upset with me comparing uo something you like to WoW something you despise to the point of picking up shit or whatever that rant about feces was.

Yes you can go out with 50 of each and some refreshes and kill people and loot them, but you cannot honestly tell me that a person with no ar who is a mage temp without potions is going to have an easy fight and likely win against an alchy mage using wands? Or a runic alchy dexer doing 60+ a swing + 30 damage pots and using wands to increase the damage output, after they bola you? If you are on an ethy and have no ar on you will die more than not.

I think those aspects i mentioned are just a starting trend line that I see as the catalyst for a more item oriented style of game play. But i suppose in the end you have your opinion and i have mine.

As far as your reference to how the game looks and your perceptions of it, I got 7 people to come from WoW to UO and the only people who lasted longer than a day on hybrid had previously played UO and knew what the game was like. Everyone else saw the graphics and the skill gain process and was like fuck this if I wanted to play Atari I wouldn’t have sold it back in 1980. If you think your dislike of a game affects how much fun I had when I played it than I don’t know what to tell ya. However, in the future ill be sure to run everything I do by you in advance so you can advise me against things that likely will be a waste of time (in reference to the games I played that you said were shit, I agree with you but I didn’t know that till I played them). In fact I even said when everyone I use to game with left, I came back to the game I had the most fun on which is UO……

In reference to the 17 people all syncing eb’s on people that only happened for a day, rarely did we have all 17 on at the same time, all a crew of 17 meant was normally 4 people were always online and you could run up against other equally matched groups without having to do what I have to do now, pair up with blue’s who don’t x heal or go out on a red and get ganked by everyone.

so is everyone a alchystun/alchydexer. im sry but i carry all pots but purples even on my tamer.
when did i every think my words would have any effect on your perception of the game you like? i just pointed out some stuff you claimed and said how wrong it was. i could care less if you play wow. i could care less about wow itself. why drag this on?
Re: lament, best pvper ever

Skyfal;2147881 said:
i just pointed out some stuff you claimed and said how wrong it was. i could care less if you play wow. i could care less about wow itself. why drag this on?

This is dragging on because i have 3 more hours of work and all the students usually go to sleep at 3 because the bars around here close at 2:15. If you would have pointed anything out to begin with it might have averted me caring at all but your opening statement was simply that me playing WoW was enough of a point to invalidate anything else i have to say about UO.

ALSO you mentioned my self contradictions so ill show you a few of yours. We are all hipocritic every once in a while i suppose.
Skyfal;2147818 said:
i am sry i do not care to pvm. if i want money ill hit up uo welfare for 10k and go make a mil or two in poker.

Skyfal;2147831 said:
dude i make 200k an hour pvming plus 300k an hour with wands. so 500k per hour

how my pvm cycle go when i do pvm.

5 liches recall
Ice fiends recall
Other ice fiends recall
Lord lIches plus liches recall
3liches and sucubus recall back to 5 liches


Re: lament, best pvper ever

of no importance;2147885 said:
This is dragging on because i have 3 more hours of work and all the students usually go to sleep at 3 because the bars around here close at 2:15. If you would have pointed anything out to begin with it might have averted me caring at all but your opening statement was simply that me playing WoW was enough of a point to invalidate anything else i have to say about UO.

ALSO you mentioned my self contradictions so ill show you a few of yours. We are all hipocritic every once in a while i suppose.

ty for pointing out my keywords WHEN I DO PVM. like i said ive played since 97 i know how this game works and how to get rich fast.

how my pvm cycle go( should have been goes ) when i do pvm.


Re: lament, best pvper ever

of no importance;2147885 said:
This is dragging on because i have 3 more hours of work and all the students usually go to sleep at 3 because the bars around here close at 2:15. If you would have pointed anything out to begin with it might have averted me caring at all but your opening statement was simply that me playing WoW was enough of a point to invalidate anything else i have to say about UO.

ALSO you mentioned my self contradictions so ill show you a few of yours. We are all hipocritic every once in a while i suppose.

you tried to say uo is as item based as wow. let me just break it down for you 1v1 accounts? any template you want. since you know so much about this game and you are so good why not do it? addicted can hold our accounts registered to his name ready to change password for the loser. put your money where your mouth is. and btw i havnt really pvped in a year. how confident i am skill vs skill not item vs item. ANY TEMPLATE
Re: lament, best pvper ever

Dude when did i ever say that i was good? Find a post? One? If u want my accounts you can have them, ill make a new one and be right back where i was in under a week. I have less than 200k worth of stuff.

I did not say it was as item based as WoW i over exagerated to prove a point that it was heading in an item based way.

Plus accounts Vs. accounts is certainly not putting money where my mouth is its not money at all..... i can likely make 100k fairly quick ill duel ya for 100k best of 3

7x standard if you use a wepon or ar use only GM

deal? If that doesnt work for ya how about 50k a duel till i run out of money any template you want. We dont even need addicted to hold the money, you can hold the money.

If that is not enough money to bother you to get on to prove a mute point to me about how you are better than me, than how much is ill farm for a while and get at ya.


Re: lament, best pvper ever

Skyfal;2147872 said:
what did i miss? how was the economy started and stabilized? pvm gold.

only thing that i may have missed and didnt type is that you have a simple grasp on this game and you claim to have played so long but suck at it. who are you to explain this game when you yet to comprehend it yourself?

RAKninja;2147788 said:
as for economy, best selling items were gm crafted armor and weapons. mining isnt pvm. sure GOLD came from pvm (or pking), but the things people bought were not often garnered from monsters or handouts.

calm yourself, get rid of that nerd rage that boils over when someone disagrees with you, and read.

what were all the vendors stocked with back in the day? GM crafted shit. what are vendors stocked with here? handouts, and pvm garnered weapons.

hell, kegs didnt even sell that well back then because you had to click the damn pot to use it.

as to the second half of your post, where have i ever posted how long i've played? i've only posted WHEN i played. you also have no clue who i am ingame, so how do you know that i suck? because of what i say on the forums? that's a laugh. especially because you think i give a damn on how you rate my performance in a video game. i play the game and have a good time doing it most of the time, that's good enough for me.

c'mon rage some more. challenge me 1v1 for accounts, for milz, what have you, show me how much of your ego you pour into this game.

then again, with a name some thirteen year old would find cool, i shouldent expect that level of critical thinking.


Re: lament, best pvper ever

of no importance;2147899 said:
Dude when did i ever say that i was good? Find a post? One? If u want my accounts you can have them, ill make a new one and be right back where i was in under a week. I have less than 200k worth of stuff.

I did not say it was as item based as WoW i over exagerated to prove a point that it was heading in an item based way.

Plus accounts Vs. accounts is certainly not putting money where my mouth is its not money at all..... i can likely make 100k fairly quick ill duel ya for 100k best of 3

7x standard if you use a wepon or ar use only GM

deal? If that doesnt work for ya how about 50k a duel till i run out of money any template you want. We dont even need addicted to hold the money, you can hold the money.

If that is not enough money to bother you to get on to prove a mute point to me about how you are better than me, than how much is ill farm for a while and get at ya.

RAKninja;2147923 said:
calm yourself, get rid of that nerd rage that boils over when someone disagrees with you, and read.

what were all the vendors stocked with back in the day? GM crafted shit. what are vendors stocked with here? handouts, and pvm garnered weapons.

hell, kegs didnt even sell that well back then because you had to click the damn pot to use it.

as to the second half of your post, where have i ever posted how long i've played? i've only posted WHEN i played. you also have no clue who i am ingame, so how do you know that i suck? because of what i say on the forums? that's a laugh. especially because you think i give a damn on how you rate my performance in a video game. i play the game and have a good time doing it most of the time, that's good enough for me.

c'mon rage some more. challenge me 1v1 for accounts, for milz, what have you, show me how much of your ego you pour into this game.

then again, with a name some thirteen year old would find cool, i shouldent expect that level of critical thinking.

how long has hybird been up? what since 01? of course magics are going to become more abundant just as they became more abundant on osi. HELL my first account to ever be banned on osi had a blessed silver vanq katana perfect.

And i challenged of no importance not you so do as you say LEARN TO READ. My ego is not big on here i barely even play anymore just afk it up until if ind some good duels to do. and for my name being childish yeah you can really throw stones with the name rakninja


Re: lament, best pvper ever

sure i can. i started doing throwing them before you were conceived. with this same name. i have a longstanding love for cheesy ninja movies.

you missed a point ellohdee got, i was goading you. it sucks that you're so dense as to not understand. kinda takes the fun out of it.

the abundance of magic weapons has no correlation to server age. sure some collectors hoard, but with the increased item decay here, they also drop far more often. playing here as long as you have, i'd have thought you'd have gotten my veiled references to how monster loot has been increased several times over the years.

your ego continues to know no bounds as you automatically assume i give a shit about how you play the game. you also seem to think i'd find it impressive that you sit around in mini-trammel till you feel like playing in the kiddie pool.