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Looking to join a faction guild

Looking to join a faction guild

Aiyo im looking to join a faction guild! Ive been playing uo for like 3 years now, my chars name is Ripped, look me up on myuogamers, im pretty good 1 on 1 but better in a group :p yo email or pm me! peace \\ //


5 bucks says MDk recruits him and gives him a senior possition because he's played logner than half of them.


Tanis said:
I place money on B@77|3FI3LD newbs

D3@7H 0|\| 7H3 8@7713F!31D (31D) True Britannians 224

Pacific's Finest (P F) True Britannians 206

its because we have more points then you hu...... you just hate that dont you.....
Actually MDK is hardest guild to join, we recruit only 2 members per month. We have strict rules, which are heavily enforced.

Everyone except one or two members are original MDK. If you do get Recruited your not officaly MDK unless you pass the week trial,and you prove yourself worthy.

In some cases the process may las more than a week depending of how convinced we are about you. If you then managed to get by a week or out of recruitment status, then you are offically MDK.

Many of you that didnt make it past recruit,which are really the onlypeople to claim to be ex MDK,there are only a selected few who really are ex MDK, that either no longer play or got kicked due to diciplinary issues.

So when I see guys like Trunks,Fizban,lament and other newbs who never got passed recruit cause we were never convinced cannot claim to be MDK.

There are only 10 MDK its been like this for a while. We are very picky, unfortunately we havent scouted any real talent.
Hmm I hit knight of virtue before,I gave all my points away since we going Minax in 3 days.Many MDK did. Points are worthless to us at the moment.

Your guild D3 was caught point farming,old lady and lament were seen point farming by daz. Thats sad,MDK is against point farming. Anyone that point farms in MDK is gets a warning, if they allready have a warning they get booted.
Plus your in the guild that mass recruited 8 guys in a day, I can actually name them. any guild that recruits 90 persent of tb should be shot.


Ol Dirty Bastard said:
Hmm I hit knight of virtue before,I gave all my points away since we going Minax in 3 days.Many MDK did. Points are worthless to us at the moment.

Your guild D3 was caught point farming,old lady and lament were seen point farming by daz. Thats sad,MDK is against point farming. Anyone that point farms in MDK is gets a warning, if they allready have a warning they get booted.

sorry, but no one in death point farms....

daz didnt see shit, and you cant back anything up because you didnt see anything for youself...

oh yea, nothing to see....

sorry, no point farming.... not for us at least....


Ol Dirty Bastard said:
Actually MDK is hardest guild to join, we recruit only 2 members per month. We have strict rules, which are heavily enforced.

Everyone except one or two members are original MDK. If you do get Recruited your not officaly MDK unless you pass the week trial,and you prove yourself worthy.

In some cases the process may las more than a week depending of how convinced we are about you. If you then managed to get by a week or out of recruitment status, then you are offically MDK.

Many of you that didnt make it past recruit,which are really the onlypeople to claim to be ex MDK,there are only a selected few who really are ex MDK, that either no longer play or got kicked due to diciplinary issues.

So when I see guys like Trunks,Fizban,lament and other newbs who never got passed recruit cause we were never convinced cannot claim to be MDK.

There are only 10 MDK its been like this for a while. We are very picky, unfortunately we havent scouted any real talent.
That is the dumbest policy I have ever heard of! What if their are no good PVPers at the time. You just recruit a couple of trammys to join your guild? What if their are like 4 good PVPers that wanna join? You just turn down 2 of them? that is stuipid. stop talking trash cause you peaced us. K?

Ol Dirty Bastard said:
Your guild D3 was caught point farming,old lady and lament were seen point farming by daz. Thats sad,MDK is against point farming. Anyone that point farms in MDK is gets a warning, if they allready have a warning they get booted.
I cannot believe you would even make that up. All my fucking accounts are in tb. every single one. I dont know about you tho, trying to get all those extra voted by double IPing.

Tanis said:
I place money on B@77|3FI3LD newbs
If im not mistaked you are in P F, which mean your affiliated with P^R. Which means you know that my guild killed everyone in your group 3 times last night. I'm pretty sure i got about 15 points from that fight.... your nothing but a hairball better than MDK for the sheer fact that you can back your shit up more than 1% of the time.
We dont recruit moron, if we dont find 2 people worth recruiting. Thats why we have had the same roster for like ever.

Yes we do pass up, good pvprs if more than 4 are up for grabs. We recruit the best we never seen 4 good pvpr available we lucky to see 2.

Thats why we pretty much maintain the same roster. we aremnt D3, we dont recruit newbs or average pvprs.

You were caught point farming,90 percent of the guilds have the only one I know that not 1 member has point farm is MDK.

We peaced to switch minax(D3 had like 13 and I was only tb on), we asked you constantly to please war us but you turn us down. everyone in your guild are horrible no names, they rn 1v1 and call for help.

No worries, since you wont war us 3 more days till we out of tb and join Minax then your all gonna quit guaranteed.

Everyone whos fucked with MDK has gotten aced. Except IC, since no one can beat a 40 member guild half being tamers.
Not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but can't you take this fight elsewhere? The guy's trying to find a faction guild, the anti-MDK festival has enough threads dedicated to it already.


Pacific's Finest (P F)
[True Britannians]
Kill Points: 206
Members (9 total)

D3@7H 0|\| 7H3 8@7713F!31D (31D)
[True Britannians]
Kill Points: 227
Members (20 total)


your guild: average of 10 points per player
ours: over 20.

come again?


Oh, Lament, you got some kill points from us big woop, we came back 4-5 times

there was 3 of us and 6-8 of you

we still came to fight

you gotta respect that.. You'd never do something similar.


and to follow up my post for the 2nd time (cuz i can't edit)

A Pk'N SnOwMaN
Factino Ganker

those are the names of 8 I'm 1000% sure were there last night

vs Me, Wu, Elton, and Phont was there for 1 or 2 of those fights
the sad thing about all this is some of your people actually died lament

you had 5 deaths maybe?

we had 3 people for the majority of the night against your 8 people (at least)

so dont look at what we did look at what you were doing because you shouldnt die


even tho the last time we had a set up even fight you guys decided to bring in more people as soon as one of you died

i will open this up again

feel free to message me in IRC AIM(VaPoRiZe123) or PM me here for an even fight

ill be happy to fight you anytime