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Looking to join a faction guild

Wow a video of how many fights? Thats the only even fight you fags ever won.Funny part is your dexxer came back 2-3 times.

Hitting with a dp katana. why dont you post like 10 even and uneven other fights were we fucked the shit out of you.

There were 9 other fights that day we won them all.All you can do is lie. who do you think we believe PF or a no name guild D3.You guys are horrible.

All you guys do is use tamers and bolas + mass numbers. ou still get rocked 85 percent of the time. You win one fight you post it, without bringing up that thats the only fight out of so many you won that day.


Ol Dirty Bastard said:
Wow a video of how many fights? Thats the only even fight you fags ever won.Funny part is your dexxer came back 2-3 times.

Hitting with a dp katana. why dont you post like 10 even and uneven other fights were we fucked the shit out of you.

There were 9 other fights that day we won them all.All you can do is lie. who do you think we believe PF or a no name guild D3.You guys are horrible.

All you guys do is use tamers and bolas + mass numbers. ou still get rocked 85 percent of the time. You win one fight you post it, without bringing up that thats the only fight out of so many you won that day.
It is ironic how you are calling me a lier, but funnier how worked up you get. Just try and bring the fights.
You WILL lose...
Zappa said:
Your just simple, this is what I said :-


It was 7 v 5 Bud, you brought the fight to us, good for you I respect that.

Don't complain about numbers, you had been happy to come back 4 or 5 times to have a go, and I thought PF (PR) loved fighting numbers, your good at that right!

We had 7 you had five, is that cleared up!

we dont currently have 5 active members

dan daly = phirehawk and i gurantee u if he was still playing he would be in this thread 10x over

he is busy with his newly born boy and work

so no its not cleared up

you had 8 we had 3 most of the night and 4 for 2 fights is that cleared up!

goodnight to you im done talking to u dipshits ur worse then mdk


Quote Tanis

Tanis Quote "If you come up with the name of our 5 members, I'll give you everything I have in UO and quit."


This is what Tanis asked I replied with the correct number that are in your guild, tell him to meet me at brit bank to discuss account transfer.

You guys need to learn to understand English, he asked the question I answered I wait your accounts!

Can you not understand something in the context of a sentence, or discussion? He OBVIOUSLY meant 5 members present during the fights you fucking dolt.

An Old Lady

omgoogles i went through the first ten screenshots in my mdgay folder. NO WONDER THEY PEACED US!!!!!!!!!!! roflorloflroflroflrofl
wow cropping out screenshots,they were all ganks for one. second we would have 100 pages and mad vids of our wins if we taped them. You beat us once even odds we won every other fight. The rest were massive ganks+tamers.

You guys werent even a challenge. I peaced to access stone, now you wont re war sad. Peaced and we going Minax, you make no sence.

An Old Lady

SIgh ODB you got your boxxors roxxord irl, just admit defeat. Kthnx gg gg MDGAY for teh loooose irl

oh yeah you peaced us to access stone cause if you tried to go into brit with out peacing us youlda been kerpwned irl.


Ol Dirty Bastard said:
wow cropping out screenshots,they were all ganks for one. second we would have 100 pages and mad vids of our wins if we taped them. You beat us once even odds we won every other fight. The rest were massive ganks+tamers.

You guys werent even a challenge. I peaced to access stone, now you wont re war sad. Peaced and we going Minax, you make no sence.
I dont know how many ppl you think are going to read this, but ill let you know that lying isnt worth it bro. We are better at this game than you. i cant stand ppl lying, i really cant.
How phreakin old are you? Go to school, get a damn job you hobo.
You know what newbs stop posting about us, fact is you dont matter. Stop coming into our vent channel. You are non existant. I'm done replying, everytime you guys feel like giving MDK a blowjob.Stop sweating our nuts, we dont recognize you.


From now on we will just post every video of us fighting you. So we can show yall how good we deepthroat.


MDK are trash.
From my experiance, MDK's tactics are have Gunslinger ask for 1v1, then have some more people recall in to gank. Yes, real talent. You guys usually play with 5 people or so, that's enough to survive most any gank if you coordinate, but you can't do that for shit, so you just die. Something i strongly sugest you all do irl.

Congrats to Phire Hawk.
If Phontain was there, you certainly had 5 people, he's too fat to be considered a single person :D .


Ol Dirty Bastard said:
We dont recruit moron, if we dont find 2 people worth recruiting. Thats why we have had the same roster for like ever.

Yes we do pass up, good pvprs if more than 4 are up for grabs. We recruit the best we never seen 4 good pvpr available we lucky to see 2.

Thats why we pretty much maintain the same roster. we aremnt D3, we dont recruit newbs or average pvprs.

You were caught point farming,90 percent of the guilds have the only one I know that not 1 member has point farm is MDK.

We peaced to switch minax(D3 had like 13 and I was only tb on), we asked you constantly to please war us but you turn us down. everyone in your guild are horrible no names, they rn 1v1 and call for help.

No worries, since you wont war us 3 more days till we out of tb and join Minax then your all gonna quit guaranteed.

Everyone whos fucked with MDK has gotten aced. Except IC, since no one can beat a 40 member guild half being tamers.

Its a shame that MDK gets owned 50% of their time by 'nonames' I'll get back to this for ya.


its not the fact that they suck. I mean i can deal with ppl that suck. Its just when noobs dont know their place and they running around talking shit that they just CANT back up...


Hrmphh that doesn't seem fair. I just read every post, and I guess I'm some "noname" Because I'm not in one of those guilds? I like to solo, that doesn't mean that I suck at pvp. I can take a 2 on 1 most of the time, and there's only 1 time I beat a 3 on 1, and no it wasnt vs blacksmiths...