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Looking to join a faction guild


Im from euroland and i know what a dolt is, not being american/english/australian might explain it a bit, but is no excuse : )


=\ who fucking cares tbh.

In my opinion of there was a fair fight, MDK would drop 31D. But usually there aren't fair fights, so who gives a fuck =<


lament, black, zappa imo, old ladies are have to much osteoperosis to be in fair fights :< i mean someone could just steal her medicine the night before! Boom, total sabotage!!!


eh I am very very sorry sires to jack yer thread but now that u know its off topic u can skip over it besides bitching about it? thx.

An Old Lady

Tiens said:
SO are we gonna keep telling MDK how much they suck or is this topic gonna die, I don't mind it either way

MDK you suck irl.... I'm all for keeping this one going.. Cmon guys help me out.

MDK sucks
ODB is a hobo
Yeah i still want to join a guild! lol, Search Ripped under my uogamers and you get my character :) uhm since this forums was fucked, email me if you are interested in me, its tedious for you but forums keep gettin jacked. thx