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Looking to join a faction guild


I love Tanis

Son you never could count.

It was 7 v 5 Bud, you brought the fight to us, good for you I respect that.

Don't complain about numbers, you had been happy to come back 4 or 5 times to have a go, and I thought PF (PR) loved fighting numbers, your good at that right!

Dropped last night thou :(




Point Farming

Tanis, Elton John has always muled his points has he not, lets not talk about points, you will get owned!!!

Just be on PR and lets fight!!!



We love fighting numbers. Just don't talk shit about owning us when you know full well you had at *LEAST* twice our numbers




I will make this clear for you bud

Since you are simple

7 Death guys


5 PR guys

We had more numbers is that good enough for you!

You want me to but it in CAPS!


I'll make this clear for you:

If you come up with the name of our 5 members, I'll give you everything I have in UO and quit.

Because we very simply did not have 5.


5 Players

Don Juan (Black Ranger)
Dan Daly (Orange Ranger)
Leon (Purple Ranger)
MutinY (White Ranger)
Pepper (Pink Ranger)

Your accounts Please!


5 Accounts

Quote "If you come up with the name of our 5 members, I'll give you everything I have in UO and quit."


I suggest you go play wow or Everquest 2


wow, talking to you is like trying to teach a down syndrome kid adding.

you said it was 5v7 last night, I challenged you to name the 5 members.

I'm done talking with your nigger ass

That is all.


Ol Dirty Bastard said:
We dont recruit moron, if we dont find 2 people worth recruiting. Thats why we have had the same roster for like ever.

Yes we do pass up, good pvprs if more than 4 are up for grabs. We recruit the best we never seen 4 good pvpr available we lucky to see 2.

Thats why we pretty much maintain the same roster. we aremnt D3, we dont recruit newbs or average pvprs.

You were caught point farming,90 percent of the guilds have the only one I know that not 1 member has point farm is MDK.

We peaced to switch minax(D3 had like 13 and I was only tb on), we asked you constantly to please war us but you turn us down. everyone in your guild are horrible no names, they rn 1v1 and call for help.

No worries, since you wont war us 3 more days till we out of tb and join Minax then your all gonna quit guaranteed.

Everyone whos fucked with MDK has gotten aced. Except IC, since no one can beat a 40 member guild half being tamers.
Funny the members that quit your guild asked to join mine. Also said that you guys suck and were tied of dying the the D3@7H 0|\| 7H3 8@771F!31D...


You cannot count

Your just simple, this is what I said :-


It was 7 v 5 Bud, you brought the fight to us, good for you I respect that.

Don't complain about numbers, you had been happy to come back 4 or 5 times to have a go, and I thought PF (PR) loved fighting numbers, your good at that right!

We had 7 you had five, is that cleared up!


Tanis said:
Oh, Lament, you got some kill points from us big woop, we came back 4-5 times

there was 3 of us and 6-8 of you

we still came to fight

you gotta respect that.. You'd never do something similar.
Recount homie. MUTINY, PEPPER, DON JUAN AND LEON. Can a single person on these forums fucking count and stop lying. Im wasnt saying that we outpvped you, but since you wanna talk back to me then yes we did.
Dude we hate pf but seriously D3 is numbers, everyone knows that.The best guilds in shard are MDK,DJ's,PF outside of these three guilds, there is no talent. No one in these three guilds recognized D3 as good.

Fact is your making yourself look stupid in forums, you try to act hard but the best pvprs and best guilds are laughing at you.

Theres not one good pvpr in your guild. In fact as soon as one of your guys die they come back a second later to rejoin the fight, and you ALLWAYS outnumber every guild.

You guys are trash. Stop coming into our vent channel spamming MDK sucks, like PF did on our teamspeak,just shows us how much you sweat our nuts.


Ol Dirty Bastard said:
Dude we hate pf but seriously D3 is numbers, everyone knows that.The best guilds in shard are MDK,DJ's,PF outside of these three guilds, there is no talent. No one in these three guilds recognized D3 as good.

Fact is your making yourself look stupid in forums, you try to act hard but the best pvprs and best guilds are laughing at you.

Theres not one good pvpr in your guild. In fact as soon as one of your guys die they come back a second later to rejoin the fight, and you ALLWAYS outnumber every guild.

You guys are trash. Stop coming into our vent channel spamming MDK sucks, like PF did on our teamspeak,just shows us how much you sweat our nuts.
Im pretty sure that puts down every single thing you just said, but incase it doesn't.
Dont hesitate to ask for another =)
Name the members from our guild in your guild. Please do. As I told passtheweed who I recruited because he was sponcered by gunslinger. He didnt even last a week, He got booted as a recruit. He didnt make MDK.

Thats the only guy ever to try out for MDK thats in yuor guild.I told him myself he sucked,in fact whole guild though so. He didnt leave on his own accord.He got booted for sucking.

Every MDK is witness to this. Ask his friend gunslinger, I told him staright up pass me the weed was horrible.

Hes perfect for D3's run evn numbers and 1v1 massive gank squads. Its what hes good at. out side of that kids brain dead.


If a 3 year old with a rubber hammer banging on a keyboard is talent then you my friend are michael jordan.
BTW: D3 is not our guild name. We have NO abb. just death on the battlefield.