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MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

Raserei;2042730 said:
Well, frankly, two years ago I did not go by this name, therefore you're making shit up. I do remember dueling your entire clan at your little white waterfront house in uh, moonglow? Would you like to put a wager up, any ruleset you wish?

You was definitely raserei with parliament and slip n break of dawn 2 years ago


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

elohdee;2042771 said:
You was definitely raserei with parliament and slip n break of dawn 2 years ago

Meh, I got on DSL 2ish years ago, maybe a bit longer, but not too much.. I met break right when I got on DSL.

All I know is I was on dialup when Pancho Villa wanted to recruit me, and I killed their entire guild. I didn't have this name until after I got on DSL.


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

Raserei;2042793 said:
Meh, I got on DSL 2ish years ago, maybe a bit longer, but not too much.. I met break right when I got on DSL.

All I know is I was on dialup when Pancho Villa wanted to recruit me, and I killed their entire guild. I didn't have this name until after I got on DSL.

all i kno is i got screenshots of u folks 2 years old !!!!!

Van Dam

Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

DeathShadow;2042711 said:
Making us sound bad. We do have a handful of skilled PvPers

well Odb was implying you were bad so i was pointing out that if your bad ( if you are or not is irrelevant ) odb is that much worse for losing to you.


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

Raserei;2042947 said:
post dem plz

ok in sec

little off but heres one


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

That's Sept, few months before that you were rolling with break and parliament in the noob guilds like ___


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

I delete my screenshots, so you'll have to post you dying for me, ok? :(

Pretty sure the guilds I was in with break and parliament lost very few times on the field.


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

I did find some old ones on the forums, not really what I was looking for, but..
Killing Slip and Spaceman 1vs1 back when I was on dialup.

EQ/MS dying 3vs21

Killing minax 3vs10 @ snowy, I died once and came back in stat. They gated out once they lost 5ish

For the laughs, found a thread of Heavy accusing me of cheating even back then.
Blacula-;1522261 said:
This is for you heavy smoker.

XoriaN UOG (1:09:38 AM): lets cry hax
XoriaN UOG (1:09:40 AM): why dont we
XoriaN UOG (1:09:40 AM): ;[
XoriaN UOG (1:10:36 AM): lol
Progmasta5566 (1:11:22 AM): One of them are you?
XoriaN UOG (1:11:00 AM): im hibernation
Progmasta5566 (1:11:37 AM): kk well you cheat like hell
XoriaN UOG (1:11:12 AM): na
Progmasta5566 (1:11:44 AM): Yeah actually you do.
XoriaN UOG (1:11:20 AM): not rly
XoriaN UOG (1:11:23 AM): but thx for ur concern
Progmasta5566 (1:11:58 AM): I've been playing uo 8 years I know when I see someone cheat.
XoriaN UOG (1:11:40 AM): u say my shits macros
XoriaN UOG (1:11:43 AM): and its all manual
XoriaN UOG (1:11:44 AM): ?
XoriaN UOG (1:11:45 AM): lol
Progmasta5566 (1:12:13 AM): It is...
XoriaN UOG (1:11:50 AM): want the video
Progmasta5566 (1:12:20 AM): You macro lightnings and put pauses in them
XoriaN UOG (1:11:59 AM): would you like
XoriaN UOG (1:12:00 AM): a video
Progmasta5566 (1:12:31 AM): nope

Progmasta5566 (1:12:38 AM): You can use easyuo with no problem
Progmasta5566 (1:12:47 AM): Heal party is np...
XoriaN UOG (1:12:30 AM): rofl, its all manual bro, just cuz u cant rly drop us
XoriaN UOG (1:12:33 AM): doesnt mean its scripts
Progmasta5566 signed off at 1:13:58 AM.
progmasta5566 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
Progmasta5566 signed on at 1:14:21 AM.
XoriaN UOG (1:14:32 AM): cry hax more
XoriaN UOG (1:14:32 AM): pls
XoriaN UOG (1:16:22 AM): nice dies 2v3 tho
XoriaN UOG (1:16:23 AM): bye
Progmasta5566 (1:16:54 AM): cya
Progmasta5566 (1:16:56 AM): gf;s


Video for you.


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

must suck when your friends take so long to get there.. good thing sallos is here eh?

A remind of how bad uDa was

Must suck dying 1vs4, LoD


Sup Decadence?

My best friend Dey Dey

Only pictures regarding Ck6 I could find had to 404 error.. :(


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

Raserei;2043103 said:
I delete my screenshots, so you'll have to post you dying for me, ok? :(

Pretty sure the guilds I was in with break and parliament lost very few times on the field.

u guys did lose very few times on the field because we played very few times hahahah



Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

yea cuz sallos takes pictures of MYSELF

and in dat last pic i survived ANYHOW

on a side note i found dis old lod guild getting worked