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MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

Van Dam

Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

im harrrrdly raging rofl and i dont sit on my lawnmower i walk behind it =) sure beats picking craw fish out of a river. the fact that you are even bringing RL into this just shows that your angry lol


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

i dont crawfish anymore meany im in school for commercial electrician and i got 3 semester left lol

Van Dam

Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

ok craig im going to stop being a meany lets not argue any longer and we can settle this on uo next time i can get anyone else online.
Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

Hey, now. Landscaping makes alot of "green" I wouldn't knock it. My dad owned one and he made alot of money on it. Who fucking cares what other peoples jobs are ffs. It's a game if you have to bring it to irl issues, like jobs and looks you've already lost.


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

lol odb thats not our calling u fucking toolbox i called on u 1 time first when u were trying to eq like a fucking failure then proceded to chase u down and kill u since u stay on screen so much as u say


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

daddytouchedme;2042083 said:
death shadows lies and slander u no namer

Well Pictures Dont Lie

1st One MdK On Run 4v4

2ed Opps We lost one

3rd Now Notice We Lost One To a Good Sync And Another to a phone call we are now 2 v 4

4th Now Notice by now Everyone Has Been Droped Besides ODB Some Resed By Healer Just Notrth

5th We Where Done Gated Out They Wanted More So We Droped 3 in a 4v4 And ODB took off for the hills.

Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

Why not point out the fact you were house hiding in the house next to the screenshot. You would only come out loaded and as soon as a reflect bounced that guy would run in the house lol. We still dropped like 4 of you fags and u kept resing in the house.

Only trash posts house hiding screen shoots.


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

Ol Dirty Bastard;2042619 said:
Why not point out the fact you were house hiding in the house next to the screenshot. You would only come out loaded and as soon as a reflect bounced that guy would run in the house lol. We still dropped like 4 of you fags and u kept resing in the house.

Only trash posts house hiding screen shoots.[/QUOTE

How did you drop 4 of us fags when there was only 4 = Dont know shit
Yea when is was a 2 v 4 we did hop in the house because you guys where resing just to the north at the blue healer.

Also How do you explain coming throw are gate and getting raped again.. Pictures dont lie so stop trying..


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

Wait here some more pics of us outside are house (which we ran to because are forth was logging off)

And still got alot more of Fair town fights where u got whooped
Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

I'll be nice and expalin it for you. Lets see we kill 1 u run inside res, we kill another you repeat the process.

Lol hahahhahaha hahahahhaha, kid I respect you less than the trash i put down daily. You used the house the whole time like lowly rats.

Then you have the balls to lie. Your just mad cause, you tried out for MDK failed to get in. I then scammed your dumbass from 300k. lol chump.


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

ur bad bro 2v2 3v3 4v4 setup anyday aim me tcraig45/

plus yall ran 4v4 bucs side died from stuns and then resd in house lol house hiding owns bro
Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

The ones at bucs was 3 of us vs 6 guys . Which is why you dont even have our bars. We got a 4th to log on, you guys had 4 instead of 6 that time and ran to ur house like pussies.


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

Within the last week you have downed only two of us. SO dont know what you talking about. FYI you were the one running to the healer over and over again near that house. We lost one. Learn count corpses


Re: MDK 2yrs absence - Immortal falls

You are the best faction guild...you shouldn't drop to some lowly rats just saying