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P F =|

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P F =|

First off: Phontain if your going to duel me, then don’t leave your house when ur about to get your ass whooped in front of your entire guild.
Second: If your going to have 4 P F members plus Kaare [tamer w/ 2 mares] waiting outside it for me, then for gods sake plz kill me. I mean shit guys, im begging u!

The only reason i post shit about you guys is because of the diluted image you feed the people in these forums. You feed them straight up bullshit all day long
and unfortunately when you get beat no one knows cept for jeebas.
Do not bother flaming me, i probably wont even return to this post.

P.S. Phontain plz duel me ASAP and not with pots like your ghetto house arena.



It was mage 7x. cant chug.
how can you say you were going to whoop my ass if u dumped several times without getting me lower then half? i was ejected from the house and theres nothing i can do about that. ill duel you anytime. just set up the duel anytime you see me. if youd like, we can place money on the duel with a gm holding the gold.
continue to swallow my dilluted image im feeding you lacky.

its simple.. either stay the fuck out of our way or get the fuck outa our faction.


Phontain said:
It was mage 7x. cant chug.
how can you say you were going to whoop my ass if u dumped several times without getting me lower then half? i was ejected from the house and theres nothing i can do about that. ill duel you anytime. just set up the duel anytime you see me. if youd like, we can place money on the duel with a gm holding the gold.
continue to swallow my dilluted image im feeding you lacky.

its simple.. either stay the fuck out of our way or get the fuck outa our faction.

Stay out of your way or you guys will do what? Embarass yourselves again like today? Be my guest. I've allready proved I can play this game than any of u guys, so show some respect.
for christs sake why am i even replying? all it comes down to is you were stunned with 15 life......

FYI: Your guildmate ejected you because he didnt want you to embarass yourself.


seriously.....you say noone cares about P F....yet look at all the threads about them on this forum

and you all say the same about IC and ODB and MDK but look at all the threads.....this forum would be nothing if people didnt post about them

oh and by the way lament every time ive seen you on my dexer ( torment) you just run or recall and im in pf so.....stfu cause id roll you over with my pots and weps and everything because im prepared better and i own you


Jin-Roh|akuma said:
Stay out of your way or you guys will do what? Embarass yourselves again like today? Be my guest. I've allready proved I can play this game than any of u guys, so show some respect.
for christs sake why am i even replying? all it comes down to is you were stunned with 15 life......

FYI: Your guildmate ejected you because he didnt want you to embarass yourself.


So will you except my cash duel?


Larson said:

seriously.....you say noone cares about P F....yet look at all the threads about them on this forum

and you all say the same about IC and ODB and MDK but look at all the threads.....this forum would be nothing if people didnt post about them

oh and by the way lament every time ive seen you on my dexer ( torment) you just run or recall and im in pf so.....stfu cause id roll you over with my pots and weps and everything because im prepared better and i own you

First off: i have never recalled against a group of 2 or 1. period.
Roflz. I have seen u on this game probably 5 times at most. Never without a group smaller than 4, so before you start talking shit, try soloing at least once before you come in here with lies about how u own me. Last time i saw u, I was gm of MNX and as i recall you were first to drop as we proceeded to embarass the rest of your guild. [have your bardiche at home to prove it]


Phontain said:
So will you except my cash duel?

Heres an idea...
How about you pay me the money NOW and give yourself a good kick in the ass before you embarass yourself again.
You guys fucking ask me to war your guild when i have but myself as the only active member. How bout you guys get out those videos [that i know you have] of MNX whooping the shit outta you fools, post them on here, then just stfu.



"How about you pay me the money NOW and give yourself a good kick in the ass before you embarass yourself again."

that makes me lol irl. now, if you guys do duel for $$, and he happens to win ... you're going to look like the biggest fucktard there is. gg.


.. Would like to make a note that Kaare (the tamer) has no association with P F

thank you that is all.

btw phont will own u 1v1 =]

An Old Lady

Tanis said:
.. Would like to make a note that Kaare (the tamer) has no association with P F

thank you that is all.

btw phont will own u 1v1 =]
then why did his guildmate eject him right before Lament killed him?


... this is one of those things that could go back and forth for days but I was there and ill tell you as soon as we realized we could eject phont and then jack lament we did,

As I recall phont had 75+ when we ejected lament though :(
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