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P F =|

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PhireHawk said:
But the second you talk about my wife, or those I love; make sure you're sitting behind a computer.. far...far...away.

yea, that was me... :D .... im not afraid of you in game or IRL, so i'll talk all the shit i want, and your posts dont scare me......

"far....far... away....." ....... how far away do i have to be?..... i mean....do your internet punches only go a set distance?.... because i know your not talking about REAL LIFE....

An Old Lady

Reality of it is it's so sad to shit talk rl life looks over an internet game. Why don't we keep the bickering in game. To say people are "fat or ugly irl" is just stupid, so is getting into rl fights over UO rivalries. Mr phirehawk, NO ONE is scared of your internet tough talk. Threatening people irl over the forums means shit. Matter of fact if you want you can drive up here and I'll say whatever I want to your face about you and your loved ones. What are your trying to prove your not tough, calm down your a fucking father now grow up. If you hit someone you'll end up in jail or with charges. Either way thats no way for a parent to act, and you'll risk loosing your son to protective services. Just a little bit of RL advice grow up, your a parent act like one.
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