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P F =|

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An Old Lady

awesome, glad to see you guys still dont back up your shit talking. I don't really care about rl shit on an online game but phriehawk seems to bring it up alot. I could care less but if you wanna talk about rl then lets talk. I'd prolly own you in every aspect, just an fyi. What do you wanna flame over me school, sprots, gf's? keep it in game, atleast you may be able to back your shit talking there.

Might i also add that none of pf has posted thier pics so whose fat and ugly irl?
oh yeah one more thing, It's realy easy to talk shit on the internet, thats all you pf faggots do, which is why i don't like you. I'ts a fucking game, get over yourselves. I'm betting you nerds wouldn't disrespect anyone if it came face to face. Your internet tough guys, nough said.


because we don't take UO seriously enough to bring RL into it... (only jokingly) Obviously some people can't take a joke around here. But you will find my pic on this forum somewhere if you look

No idea where..
uhh, I'll post a pic, I don't give a fuck.

This is me, my wife (going to give birth to my first son tomorrow), and our family ride.

Flame away.


Tanis said:
because we don't take UO seriously enough to bring RL into it... (only jokingly) Obviously some people can't take a joke around here. But you will find my pic on this forum somewhere if you look

No idea where..

Phirehawk: Which in turn, makes you fat and ugly irl.


An Old Lady said:

I probobly am more attractive than you'll ever be and lets not talk about being in shape cause I ATF squat twice my body wieght as well as dead lift and bench press atleast 1 1/2 x more than i weigh. Soooo pussy how about you post your pic?

You SEXY mother fucker......


PhireHawk said:
uhh, I'll post a pic, I don't give a fuck.

This is me, my wife (going to give birth to my first son tomorrow), and our family ride.

Flame away.

I dont know if its just the blur in the picture or somthing... but your GF looks a little..... retarded.....

prolly just me..... her mouth looks all sideways.... big ass jaw like jay leno too.... :eek:

An Old Lady

I won't flame your pic as you've had the balls to post it. I give a shit what you look like, cept every other comment out of your mouth is "fat ang ugly IRL". For the record it's an onlione game "PF" look at yourselves, your argueing over how good at a 7 year old mmorpg. meh...
An Old Lady said:
I won't flame your pic as you've had the balls to post it. I give a shit what you look like, cept every other comment out of your mouth is "fat ang ugly IRL". For the record it's an onlione game "PF" look at yourselves, your argueing over how good at a 7 year old mmorpg. meh...

An Old Lady said:
I probobly am more attractive than you'll ever be and lets not talk about being in shape cause I ATF squat twice my body wieght as well as dead lift and bench press atleast 1 1/2 x more than i weigh. Soooo pussy how about you post your pic?
An Old Lady said:
Easy to be tough on the internet isn't it?

I don't have to talk about how much I can bench, I don't have to talk about how big my trapesius maximus or whatever is...

But the second you talk about my wife, or those I love; make sure you're sitting behind a computer.. far...far...away.

An Old Lady

I never said anything about your wife or kid, that was phantom. I don't take kindly to disrecting people irl, sir you do. As for talking about my physical abilities, you brought it up not me, I just ran with it. I have nothing to ashamed of phisically irl. Your soooooo SCARY OH NOES!
just wow someone for the love of god delete this retarded shit

not lock it delete it

this is absolutely the worst shit i have ever seen on this website
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