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PlayUO Update


Re: PlayUO Update

i think a question that needs to be asked is

if you make it so you can see so many screens around you, does that have any change on targeting?

can you target farther? or will you still be limited to the basic screen size

I Tame

Re: PlayUO Update

Jayooo;1499586 said:
i think a question that needs to be asked is

if you make it so you can see so many screens around you, does that have any change on targeting?

can you target farther? or will you still be limited to the basic screen size

your still limited to the basic range.


Re: PlayUO Update

Jayooo;1499586 said:
i think a question that needs to be asked is

if you make it so you can see so many screens around you, does that have any change on targeting?

can you target farther? or will you still be limited to the basic screen size

i'm pretty sure the server limits you


Re: PlayUO Update

damn 18 tiles?

hmm.. thats the normal?
i think mine in razor is set to 12 tiles and thats exactly on the edge of going offscreen from me
Re: PlayUO Update

Jayooo;1500070 said:
damn 18 tiles?

hmm.. thats the normal?
i think mine in razor is set to 12 tiles and thats exactly on the edge of going offscreen from me
Sorry, I should have been more specific. The server will send you update packets for mobiles/items within 18 tiles of your location however you can only target items/mobiles with a spell if its within 12 tiles of your location.


Re: PlayUO Update

sliskig;1499866 said:
Isn't seeing screens away a bit Supah Dupah?

Wow... that's totally going to ruin this game.

I guess I don't really know untill I try it out, but why is it when people change games they always want to make them easier? Am I seriously the only one left who sets the console games to the hardest level possible (ie Expert/Suicide mode) before playing them?

Eventually a new online game will be made where it's stressful, difficult, and your items never safe. Then I won't have to go on about how all MMORPGS are gay and how much I miss the '90s.
Re: PlayUO Update
