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Problem with Reds in town.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

Yea make a guards macro, then you can be like every other sissy blue, run in town. Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee Vendor buy bank guards I ban thee

Dont attack someone thats with guildmates,they can throw G heals all day.


You've been ramb0ned
Re: Problem with Reds in town.

I don't think I should have to g-heal myself when I take damage. It should just fix itself automatically.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

I don't think murders shouldn't be in a guarder area, does that make things better for you Rambone? Or is that too much for little old you?


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

If you're fighting a GROUP of reds - you should expect them to help each other. It's as simple as that. Being in the guard zone isn't any sort of a free pass to attack one red in a group...

There are many ways they can help, without getting guard-whacked. This has been around for a loonnng time.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

Xaelian said:
You can’t say guards in the middle of the fight, with someone at redline, you’re going for the kill and his mates jumped you. This has nothing to do why can’t someone just call guards, but has everything to do with the freedom reds are given. I have a red, I know what it’s like, and frankly, there is more of a plus side of being red then blue. They’re allowed in town, which to me seems to defeat any struggle a red player should face. Status loss is extreme, I won’t even try and push my suggestion about no reds in town, because more then half the reds on this shard are so babied they won’t be able to handle it. So I’m suggesting that if a red attacks a blue in town, a guard should come, even if no one calls guards.

what else did you want on this silver platter you're requesting? rambone had a good point which you just completely dismissed. you can't do that to valid points sorry. while we're on the subject of realism, since murderers should be jailed, how about the ones that haven't gotten caught yet can run around with blue names because as we all know, serial killers tend to look like the average neighbor and you never suspect them until it's too late. yeah let's get realistic in a fantasy role playing game. rambones point was common sense. yours just sounds like typical whining.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

This has been around for a looooooong time...longer then reds not being allowed into town? I don't have a problem with reds having a way to help reds, but I have a problem that reds get babied by being allowed into town and they have ways to get around being ggwhacked.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

PillaR said:
what else did you want on this silver platter you're requesting? Rambone had a good point which you just completely dismissed. you can't do that to valid points sorry. while we're on the subject of realism, since murderers should be jailed, how about the ones that haven't gotten caught yet can run around with blue names because as we all know, serial killers tend to look like the average neighbor and you never suspect them until it's too late. yeah let's get realistic in a fantasy role playing game. rambones point was common sense. yours just sounds like typical whining.

I want something on a sliver platter...Are you kidding me? All the reds on the shard have things on a sliver platter. Get your facts straight buddy, or at least open your eyes. Oh, and I didn't bring up the subject of realism bud...you can thanks "Rambones good points" for that. Moron. And yes, since we are on the subject now, because you so stupidly brought it up, no more magery...at all, pets should be faster then their owners, a big axe should be a one hit kill if someone doesn't have amror, no more hiding and so many other things. please stfu mr.realism.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

exactly my point. rambones post was more common sense related than realism. your stupid bullshit post however attempted to capitalize on rambones post and failed miserably. here's the gist of the situation:

you got ganked and as far as i can tell, nobody cares to hear your bitching on the issue. make a guards macro.

next time don't sit there and allow somebody to lead you into a trap. if you have a brain, use it.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

Omg this is so unfair. I hear that just by killing a few people you can get your name to change into a very sexy shade of red. Can anyone confirm this? If its true then it must be some sort of exploit that needs to be fixed asap.
Re: Problem with Reds in town.

Xaelian said:
There was a guild with four Reds in town, and I started attacking one of the reds, the fight was going well. The red I was attacking moved a bit further into town with low health, I followed him. He had three of his guild mates waiting in the middle of town for me and all of them casted on me, thus killing me. The problem I see with this is, no guards came to whack them, and by the time I got resurrected (Which was no long) and came back guards could no longer be called on them. Now I believe one of three things has to happen.

1) Reds are no longer allowed in town
2) If a Red attacks someone first in town, they get guard whacked right away.
3) If a red attacks someone in town that person can call guards on the reds for at least 2 minutes.

No this isn't a rant, and it isn't about "Stay beside vendors that call guards for you." I honestly thing something has to happen about the abuse of red characters. Nothing extreme, but at least one of the three options I suggested. Any input would be greatly appreciated

I dueled these reds on my roleplayer and beat them. Nubs like these don't deserve being reds.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

johny[nad] said:

It was pretty funny. I'm not saying Love is the worst pvper but he isn't the greatest either.

He dueled each of those guys and killed them. That was right after he won the rp Champion of Britania (not that that was hard, there was only what 4 people there?).
Re: Problem with Reds in town.

Xaelian said:
And Balron, you're a fucking idiot as well, where did I drew any confusion? I explain exactly what happened, and I knew why they didn't get guard whacked, because there was no NPC around. I'm suggesting something to be done. God, no wonder things are fucked up in t he world, people like you are alive. =/

So this thread is basically you whining?

Xaelian said:
I want something on a sliver platter...Are you kidding me? All the reds on the shard have things on a sliver platter. Get your facts straight buddy, or at least open your eyes. Oh, and I didn't bring up the subject of realism bud...you can thanks "Rambones good points" for that. Moron. And yes, since we are on the subject now, because you so stupidly brought it up, no more magery...at all, pets should be faster then their owners, a big axe should be a one hit kill if someone doesn't have amror, no more hiding and so many other things. please stfu mr.realism.

Don't throw a temper tantrum.

PillaR said:
exactly my point. rambones post was more common sense related than realism. your stupid bullshit post however attempted to capitalize on rambones post and failed miserably. here's the gist of the situation:

you got ganked and as far as i can tell, nobody cares to hear your bitching on the issue. make a guards macro.

next time don't sit there and allow somebody to lead you into a trap. if you have a brain, use it.


EDIT: Xaelian: If you don't like the consequences then don't attack reds in town in future.
Re: Problem with Reds in town.

Terron said:

