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Problem with Reds in town.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

Annok said:
Wow.. I can't believe people are missing the most important advice for this guy..

Make a "Guards" macro.

Didn't he already answer this one? He can't call guards until they land their attack on. And they sync-insta-killed him. So at what point could he have called guards? Now if a ghost calling guards work, cool, but if not there would be no opportunity to call guards even with a macro.

dems da brEAks I guess....

[Edited] Cause im stupid


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

even if you do get pked in town, if you are not grey to them. They can't loot you anyway. Just run to healer and res and come back.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

why couldn't they loot? I've been looted alot of times, and it never stopped them, the fact that I was blue. They are already red, and in a no-NPC zone, they do not run any risks... so: YOINK!
Re: Problem with Reds in town.

ok to be honest im drunk and if u look at the time its late.. i read about 2 sentences...all i got to say (with out flaming is)....stop whining. you have a gz and we dont so stop crying (i would have expressed my deep hate and anger towards blue newbs more but i am trying to maintain a strong conviction on the forums with out breaking any rules thus i regret to express deep sympathy as we all feel when we die in a game that we show such ummmm...anyways im out of english ummm what ever i forget what i was talking about)


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

Your afraid of reds in town?
Dude, we run like hell every town we travel. If any group of reds stands their ground in a town, know they have plenty of man power behind them to back their precense (excluding skara, and bucs). That or they just own. If you got ganked by town savy reds then 2 words, bub... "tough shit." Everyone bitches about pk's and how we don't have any setbacks for being murderers. Realize, when us reds get attacked (at any time) its either fight or run, no gate or recall (which also happens when we attack some one, outside of town or not). Shit, we can't even res eachother without going criminal. I accepted that when I turned red, along with the fact that I can be attacked, anywhere, anytime, for any reason. Blues in this game have the edge. You can pick your battles. Thats non debatable. So get a hotkey for gaurd calling and quit the bitchin'!


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

~XCepturX~ said:
I accepted that when I turned red, along with the fact that I can be attacked, anywhere, anytime, for any reason. Blues in this game have the edge. You can pick your battles. Thats non debatable.

No, this is bullshit. Blues can also be attacked anywhere, anytime, for any reason. It isn't exactly hard for a group of 3 reds to have a flamestrike scroll on all of them and sync on a person. In TIL we are constantly ganking people in town (cue "lol miners") with explosion mainly since by the time the explosion goes off you can be outside of town.

There really is next to no penalty for being red, and it irks me when a red complains how bad they have it. I've never played any MMO where you're free to kill people in town (excluding exploits), much less get away with it.

~XCepturX~ said:
Realize, when us reds get attacked (at any time) its either fight or run, no gate or recall (which also happens when we attack some one, outside of town or not).

You may not be able to open a gate of your own but you can certainly have someone open a gate for you. Usually there is at least someone in the party who can cast a gate. Besides, even if you are on your own, massively outnumbered and you can't recall out, it isn't hard to just turn away and run provided you have a few trapped pouches and you don't get stuck on terrain.

Heh, I just saw your name as I'm typing this, but I'll still post it. Living as a red is ridiculously easy.


Re: Problem with Reds in town.

Skywing said:
No, this is bullshit.

I don't believe in any of my previous posts that I said blues couldn't get attacked any where and anytime. They can be attacked in town by anyone, but that's what a gaurd calling hotkey is for. I myself (while blue) have been attacked by other blues while in caves farming gold. But what I do? I faught or recalled. All I was saying is that reds don't have that option of easy escape. Which can give blues an edge. Is that not true? Therefore when a blue gets killed in town by reds is pretty much there own fault, unless they just don't know any better (i.e. miners). I think you need to read into what I was trying to say, instead of assuming I was bitching. The way you responded in that post seems like you were having a bad day.
Re: Problem with Reds in town.

Xaelian said:
There was a guild with four Reds in town, and I started attacking one of the reds, the fight was going well. The red I was attacking moved a bit further into town with low health, I followed him. He had three of his guild mates waiting in the middle of town for me and all of them casted on me, thus killing me. The problem I see with this is, no guards came to whack them, and by the time I got resurrected (Which was no long) and came back guards could no longer be called on them. Now I believe one of three things has to happen.

1) Reds are no longer allowed in town
2) If a Red attacks someone first in town, they get guard whacked right away.
3) If a red attacks someone in town that person can call guards on the reds for at least 2 minutes.

No this isn't a rant, and it isn't about "Stay beside vendors that call guards for you." I honestly thing something has to happen about the abuse of red characters. Nothing extreme, but at least one of the three options I suggested. Any input would be greatly appreciated

I agree, murderers should not be allowed in *most* towns. At least Ryan should give us ONE fucking town that is true blue! I guarentee most blues will move to that town. Make Del true blue.