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Something funny and a warning.

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Re: Something funny and a warning.

KoNNaN;1855125 said:
I stopped playing OSI when it stopped being fun, it has nothing to do with money. Hybrid has the UO play style closest to what I remember.

That's fair :) Better than most peoples answer I'm sure.

Better than "It's not stealing blah blah blah" :)
Re: Something funny and a warning.

Dr Zoidberg;1855036 said:
So your entire argument for "technology will be our undoing" is "i once knew a hacker, he hacked stuff"?

Since youre so interested in the futurism of technology i will assume you have read Singularity by Kurzweil.

I'd like to know what you thought of it, and how it relates to your "machines will be our undoing" theory.

nah man i just didnt think this was my debate class so i stated one of the funny but ironic stories of how stupid we are to put so much faith in something that has so many faults. sorry ill do my research next time i speak for your sake and fully list out all the points i want to address as well as the points i think youll make and go ahead and prove how that is just stupid too.


Re: Something funny and a warning.

Identity theft is a crime used to refer to fraud that involves someone pretending to be someone else in order to steal money or get other benefits. The term is relatively new and is actually a misnomer, since it is not inherently possible to steal an identity, only to use it. The person whose identity is used can suffer various consequences when he or she is held responsible for the perpetrator's actions.

I really don't know if this has anything to do with e-identity.


Re: Something funny and a warning.

Dr Zoidberg;1855006 said:
So, because im curious.. Is that taken out of your ass or is that something you have a valid basis for saying?

Are you an antagonist or an asshole? Sheep is actually correct, although slightly vague. The downfall of man will be technology-driven. Look at global climate change: The driving forces are machines, be them cars or Coal Burning Power Plants. Look at the overpopulation in the world: Driving force behind it - Technology increasing the length of life, sterility, lowering of the child mortality rate, etc, etc.

Maybe before you insult someone, you could just wikipedia it. I'm sure at your level of education it is acceptable for you to cite it in a paper.


Re: Something funny and a warning.

Jeezy;1855719 said:
Identity theft is a crime used to refer to fraud that involves someone pretending to be someone else in order to steal money or get other benefits. The term is relatively new and is actually a misnomer, since it is not inherently possible to steal an identity, only to use it. The person whose identity is used can suffer various consequences when he or she is held responsible for the perpetrator's actions.

I really don't know if this has anything to do with e-identity.

Yes, it does.

Sadly, in the case of this "Adam" character, the FBI does not take interest unless $10,000 or more worth of goods is tampered with. His name will only be stored in a database until some day when he may have to get a federal background check.

If someone really wants some action taken, they can try to go to their local Sheriff's department and see if they have the know-how to sift through the IP reports.
Re: Something funny and a warning.

I'm sorry but that is complete bullshit.

The downfall of man will be driven by man. Our technologies will not destroy the world on their own, it is our reluctance to invest in more expensive but less environmentally harmful technologies that will destroy us. But again, that will be due to the inherent fault of mankind for feeling superior over the world we live in.


Re: Something funny and a warning.

At first i thought what he did was just a funny new scam, but then i saw he just went way too far. If this guy was a polish or a turkish real hacker you guys would be really in trouble, but since he's american you can do something about it if you get his info.


Re: Something funny and a warning.


I was thinking at least he coulda redirected to the real forum post after submitting your user/pass to his form and he'd probably still be in business.

I wish the webmaster would post his ip address.....


Re: Something funny and a warning.

Dr Zoidberg;1855036 said:
So your entire argument for "technology will be our undoing" is "i once knew a hacker, he hacked stuff"?

Since youre so interested in the futurism of technology i will assume you have read Singularity by Kurzweil.

I'd like to know what you thought of it, and how it relates to your "machines will be our undoing" theory.

Why would you assume the he has read Singularity, that book isnt very well known, and your request for his opinion on it was entirely pointless, other than maybe to show off your reading level. The book wasn't that great anyway, a lot of repetitive information, I lost interest half-way through it. Now, Age of Intelligent Machines and Age of Spiritual Machines, those are very good books which serve to provide fundamental knowledge for The Singularity is Near. If you jump to Singularity without a complete understanding of the Law of Accelerating Returns, the book makes absolutely no sense at the very core.


Re: Something funny and a warning.

LongustheEwok;1855737 said:
I'm sorry but that is complete bullshit.

The downfall of man will be driven by man.

1) Our technologies will not destroy the world on their own,
FALLACY 2) our reluctance to invest in more expensive but less environmentally harmful technologies that will destroy us.
FALLACY 3) But again, that will be due to the inherent fault of mankind for feeling superior over the world we live in.

^^^ Reorganized for ease of disproving this idiot.

1) What causes the current global climate change? Our technologies and our ability to sustain large populations of livestock (per technological advances).

2) It is still our technology destroying us. You simply pointed out a fault in capitalism and the human psyche.

3) About the human psyche.

Please, if you want to argue me, I offer the same to you as I did the last guy. I give you permission to research your debates over the downfall of man on Wikipedia articles as they may be acceptable at your level of education. I'll stick to Lexis Nexis, and I won't lose. But please, before you try to debate me, please watch "Thank You For Smoking" and do the opposite of whatever it tells you, as it is based solely on Fallacies used in Debate. Fallacies only work on people dumber than you, so find a new target, prick.
Re: Something funny and a warning.

namlamina;1855981 said:
^^^ Reorganized for ease of disproving this idiot.

1) What causes the current global climate change? Our technologies and our ability to sustain large populations of livestock (per technological advances).

2) It is still our technology destroying us. You simply pointed out a fault in capitalism and the human psyche.

3) About the human psyche.

Please, if you want to argue me, I offer the same to you as I did the last guy. I give you permission to research your debates over the downfall of man on Wikipedia articles as they may be acceptable at your level of education. I'll stick to Lexis Nexis, and I won't lose. But please, before you try to debate me, please watch "Thank You For Smoking" and do the opposite of whatever it tells you, as it is based solely on Fallacies used in Debate. Fallacies only work on people dumber than you, so find a new target, prick.

Technology will be our doom, eh?

Please explain how meteor strikes, massive earthquakes, the sun expanding, ect. will not possibly lead to the "downfall of man".


Re: Something funny and a warning.

Amazing Hector;1855986 said:
Technology will be our doom, eh?

Please explain how
1) meteor strikes,
2) massive earthquakes,
3) the sun expanding
, ect. will not possibly lead to the "downfall of man".

Want to take it to all theories of global catastrophe? How about the newest theory of the extinction of the Dinosaurs: Gas Expulsions from the Salt Lakes of the world. Or how about SARS or some other super-virus?

1) Almost infinitesimal chance that an asteroid large enough to wipe out all human life on our planet will hit us. There is technically no evidence that an asteroid even hit our planet to wipe off the Dinosaurs, it is all just theory. Yes, huge asteroids have hit before, but just because you saw that Ben Afleck was in a movie about it, doesn't mean it's going to happen soon or ever.
2) You mean like the San Andreas fault actually knocking LA into the ocean? I hope you're right, I hate So-Cal. Again, just another wild theory with no actual models to suggest that it should/will happen on a large enough scale to wipe out humanity.
3) Haha. Maybe you should read Digg, you are close on that one, but it should definitely not be happening within the next 100million years, so it is nothing to worry about. A large enough solar flare like the one recorded in the 1800s could knock out the power grids of every country, thus leaving places like the US without power, refrigeration, health care, and the ability to transport fuels. It'd take years to get back on line, in that time millions of people will have died. The researchers said "Imagine Katrina but across every Developed Country".


Just found this BBC article on Digg. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7974995.stm
About our world being overpopulated currently. Overpopulation of this magnitude has only been made possible through technology, and it is this overpopulation and its resulting over-consumption that are fueling global climate change. The next world war will be over land and water because technology has enabled us to live beyond the natural sustainability of the planet (Sustainable Growth Theory is now physically impossible).
Re: Something funny and a warning.

namlamina;1856113 said:
Want to take it to all theories of global catastrophe? How about the newest theory of the extinction of the Dinosaurs: Gas Expulsions from the Salt Lakes of the world. Or how about SARS or some other super-virus?

1) Almost infinitesimal chance that an asteroid large enough to wipe out all human life on our planet will hit us. There is technically no evidence that an asteroid even hit our planet to wipe off the Dinosaurs, it is all just theory. Yes, huge asteroids have hit before, but just because you saw that Ben Afleck was in a movie about it, doesn't mean it's going to happen soon or ever.
2) You mean like the San Andreas fault actually knocking LA into the ocean? I hope you're right, I hate So-Cal. Again, just another wild theory with no actual models to suggest that it should/will happen on a large enough scale to wipe out humanity.
3) Haha. Maybe you should read Digg, you are close on that one, but it should definitely not be happening within the next 100million years, so it is nothing to worry about. A large enough solar flare like the one recorded in the 1800s could knock out the power grids of every country, thus leaving places like the US without power, refrigeration, health care, and the ability to transport fuels. It'd take years to get back on line, in that time millions of people will have died. The researchers said "Imagine Katrina but across every Developed Country".

I would like to point out that despite the remote chances of any of the natural disasters I put forward occurring, the chance of them occurring still exists. Hell, we know the issue with the sun expanding will occur. Any life on the planet when that occurs is pretty much well and truly fucked.

namlamina;1856113 said:

Just found this BBC article on Digg. BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Earth population 'exceeds limits'
About our world being overpopulated currently. Overpopulation of this magnitude has only been made possible through technology, and it is this overpopulation and its resulting over-consumption that are fueling global climate change. The next world war will be over land and water because technology has enabled us to live beyond the natural sustainability of the planet (Sustainable Growth Theory is now physically impossible).

That article assumes that technology related to food/energy production will not keep up with population growth.

However, let's say, for the sake of argument, that technology isn't able to keep up.

When the inevitable starvation/plague/war/whatever occurs, what happens when the global population drops back to sustainable levels?


Re: Something funny and a warning.

namlamina;1856113 said:
There is technically no evidence that an asteroid even hit our planet to wipe off the Dinosaurs, it is all just theory.

Haha, date back millions of years... Something hit us.

Why did everything die? Hmm.

Oh look, an impact with FOSSILIZED DINOSAURS IN IT

Why is the Atlantic plate only 200 million years old (or so) ? What could have started the shift in plates in the earth?
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