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Teach me how to fight.

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Re: Teach me how to fight.

When your younger and still in high school - You feel as if you really have to fight, that if you walk away - everybody will look at you as a pussy; You think because you don't fight, you'll lose the girls - And the respect among many of your guy peers.

But honestly - Justify the fight. If you can walk away, walk away. I've spent my fair share of time in the principals office, being questioned by police, and the drama to follow fights that I even won - In the end, it wasn't worth it.

If somebody talks trash, let him talk trash; You'll look a whole lot better brushing it off and not letting it bother you - or even speaking about it - Then to actually throw words back. Because as soon as you give them your time, they win - That's all they want, is your time, your reaction.

Now if they come up in your face, go ahead - Fight them. But people carry guns, and knives now - And when people's reputations come on the line, they'll do just about anything to win. I know this...The guy I last fought told the police that he didn't know what came over him, that he just wanted to kill me...Scary, huh? A normal fight, a fight provoked by those around us, turned into something so serious as other people pulling out knives and jumping into it - People who had no part of the fight.

As for how to fight, you won't find the answer to that online. That's like learning how to dance on-line...Good luck finding that out. I luckily, in this situation, was born as a twin - Who we did nothing but fight :) Plus being small, I had my fair share of bullys to take care of, hah.


Re: Teach me how to fight.

Kuuru is right. try to walk away if possible.

but to be on the safe side, BUY A PAIR OF DOC MARTENS!


Re: Teach me how to fight.

Just go out there and fight like a psycho, your aim is not to injure or scare your opponet, fight to kill and you will most definatly win. If you are only trying to injure your opponet you might hesitate and that might be your biggest mistake...

P.S. When they lie knocked out on the ground, you can stop fighting, you don't necessarily have to kill them when you have already won lol xD

Edit: Btw Euphorbia, i'm disappointed in you, he should kick their asses not walk away. But if he is a kicker Doc Martens are the best choice >=)


Re: Teach me how to fight.

Let them make the first move then just counter or grab there shirt and start pulling them and punching them in the face at the same time
Re: Teach me how to fight.

Raf;1498178 said:
4) Drop kick em while they dont expect it. You might need to practice this a lil cuz you need to land good and aim good + get over the fear of completly trowing yourself on someone. But if you're tall you can get good hight on em and totally fuck people up with the drop kicks

Pretty much worst idea i've ever heard. Give up your footing and stance for an ineffective kick?

Listen to me, don't do that WWF bullshit. It don't work.

If you're going for the win, win it. Bricks, sticks, any foriegn object will do. A head smash will slow them down.

Also, yell and scream bloody murder. Not only are you breathing and upping the oxygen in your body making you last longer, but you're freaking them right the fuck out.

Also, don't show fear or pain. Be confident, take the hit like a man. That will unnerve them.

Also, try not to bleed too much or get yourself broken or killed.

Never fight white trash or more than 1 black guy. That's what gets peeps killed.

watch some UFC. A kamora is a wonderful thing. Also, if you can catch a slow punch, twist that shit and bring your other hand down through their elbow. Haven't seen anyone keep fighting through that.

Kick ass. Then go fuck their sisters.


Re: Teach me how to fight.

If your aim is to humiliate them, rape them tape it and tell everyone they now. They will get scars for life, you can fuck their girlfriends and sisters later...

btw TheTalentedMrZing, but don't watch UFC, Visualizing doesn't give you shit. You can watch it for fun but not to learn how to fight cause then you will end up dead. The only way to learn how to fight is to fight alot.

And one last thing, if you feel that your opponet is stronger then you when standing up, he getting all the punches etc. Try to bring the fight to the ground, wrestle him a little, try to break his arm, strangle him or something. always keep track on where his head is, and keep it in front of you.


Re: Teach me how to fight.

Make some IRL bolas, punch a dummy for a while till you feel your tactics are up to 30-40ish, then bring about 10 bolas with you, throw them at your opponent (aim high) and you should be able to punch him in the face when he's off his feet and on the floor due to a severe blow to the head.


Green Jelly

Re: Teach me how to fight.

Hands in front of your face, go for the head a few times when they put their arms up hit them in the stomach then when they bend over/cover their stomach knee/elbow them in the face. Always works for me but if they fall on the ground give them a knee drop to the neck/face/stomach.

Edit: honestly dont waste your time on blinding/grabbing.


Re: Teach me how to fight.

Most important is to protect your face and keep your hands up so you can "block" their hits and avoid bunches to your face. Be confident, and try to hit them when they dont expect that. One good hit to their face will get them down.

Also, remember that if you hit them and they block your hits, it will hurt their arms also. Your knuckles are way more harder than their arms. Forget the kicks. If you're not martial artist, the kicks just doesn't work lol.

If you get them down dont start kicking their face or anything, cuz it means just trouble to you. Or if you get them down you shouldn't think like "well i kick his balls so hard as i can one more time so he will never annoy me again".

Keep your hands up to protect your face + try to hit them before they hit you (no matter if they block that cuz it will hurt them anyway) + when you get them down and they're harmless, just leave.


Re: Teach me how to fight.

Best way out of a bad situation is to not get into it in the first place.

While a good ass kickin might seem like a whole lot of shits and giggles my money says the minute you damage any of the little darlings you'll wind up with an assault charge. Spent 5 years in the clink because I thought I'd show off and be a tough guy. Don't go there, look for other options.


Re: Teach me how to fight.

Kitchen_;1499473 said:
Make some IRL bolas, punch a dummy for a while till you feel your tactics are up to 30-40ish, then bring about 10 bolas with you, throw them at your opponent (aim high) and you should be able to punch him in the face when he's off his feet and on the floor due to a severe blow to the head.



Re: Teach me how to fight.

Kitchen_;1499473 said:
Make some IRL bolas, punch a dummy for a while till you feel your tactics are up to 30-40ish, then bring about 10 bolas with you, throw them at your opponent (aim high) and you should be able to punch him in the face when he's off his feet and on the floor due to a severe blow to the head.


Green Jelly;1499500 said:
Also talk some smack when they're down.

yea, something along the line: L2PVP, owned etc...
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