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The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

i support this 100%, but i cant use razor or kuoc anyway because .net framework crashes my comp every time i try to install it, i wish they could make one that doesnt require the framework
Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

um i dont think i have anything to worry about, but all this talk about auto macro's with razor has raised my curiosity, you see, the only reason i downloaded razor, was to make one simple macro.

that is

cast spell recall
target my runebook

i got really sick of lame ass reds killing me at ogre lords, so i made this to avoid that, and works pretty well, i haven't died in a couple of weeks

but since i press one button only, it casts, targets and gets me out of trouble real quick, i just wanted to check if this kind of macro would not be allowed?

im pretty sure it would be fine, although,
its better to be safe than sorry.

Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

Wrath Child said:
so how about this then.. since the one is going take em all out make everyone play with the stuff that comes with your disk.. no scripts no clients just pure unraped UO.. make people have to click on their targets and double click their spells.

i really dont see what is so big about them anyways.. yeah i used razor but majority of the time i didn't use either.. connected to UOG: Hybrid through uogateway and played like that.. i was playing the game like it was ment to be played.. why can't everyone else?

are ya'll that bottle fed that if someone took away your toy you would scream "not fair!" " I Quit!" or the other sensless dramatizing bullshit whines and gripes that i have seen thus far?

meh whatever this will end up being like speaking to a brick wall..

there is a macro system built into the client. i'm not talking about that. and yes, you should have to click your target. one they're on last target, then you can hit your last target macro. just like OSI. you used a dagger or something to put a player on target.
Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

hoglegs said:
Only EasyUO and *MODDED* versions of Razor and KUOC/PlayUO are illegal here as far as I have gathered.

Yes, but even normal KUOC and Razor have "features" that shouldn't of ever been put in that completely change how much skill it takes to play this game. Noto targeting is basically like using an aimbot in a FPS. It's allowed because it's a "feature" in Razor/KUOC. Never saw newb bullshit like this on OSI with UOA.


Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

Ryan said:
It's been quite the source of controversy... "what are you going to do with KUOC" is all I've been asked over and over again for the last 12 hours.

The people who are worried about this are the ones who insist staff members cheat with KUOC which is in fact a LIE. The staff of this shard are responsible for writing AI that could play this entire game all by itself. We could have our own scripted PK's running around out there with mathematically perfect setups that would destroy everyone they ran into, but we don't. There's no reason to it takes the FUN OUT OF THE GAME.

We don't support scripting, we never have and the staff of this shard do not use scripts to aid them in their PVP'ing. It's a fact. I wouldn't sit here and type it if it weren't.

I have been listening to the bitching, whining and moaning over and over again about what Krrios does and what Bob does and blah blah blah.

RHY wrote a script that cheats. Krrios and Bob did not. RHY released the script to the public, Krrios and Bob did not.

RHY is the problem, Krrios and Bob are not.

I'm tired of all the bullshit... I'm tired of the people who are running around blatantly saying shit which they CANNOT PROVE. I can prove it. I know how Krrios plays this game, and I know how to beat him. I suck at PVP but I've beat him before.. so his scripting is either non-existent or sucks... and well... Krrios's code is perfect so there is no scripting.

KUOC as you know it will be no longer soon enough. There are plenty of ways to tell if you're using this 'cheat plugin' or any derivatives that are running around and you WILL BE DELETED FOR DOING SO.

Tonight alone I deleted 21 accounts, firewalled 40 IP blocks and banned 70+ accounts. I'm no longer in the mood to tolerate this shit.

This game is supposed to be fun, and the MAJORITY of you play that way, the minority, the shit hole users who mostly infest this forum with their retarded bullshit are the ones who suck at this game and have to cheat to win and we don't need you.

Krrios is nearly finished with his integration of PlayUO/KUOC into Sallos. Sallos is a multiplayer gaming platform that will allow our users to play using KUOC if they wish, in a manner which we can detect and ensure there are no 'cheats' in it. We will be releasing this soon.

We did some testing tonight of an automated detection system and found a small flaw in it that gave about a 2% "wrong" detection and we prefer to not expose our legitimate PlayUO users to that level of error.

Krrios and I will be working together tomorrow to tie up the loose ends on the automated detection of cheats/plugins in KUOC and DELETE the said accounts. Please NOTE AGAIN... this WILL NOT BE A BAN IT IS A PERMANENT DELETION OF SAID ACCOUNTS.

At this point and time we are able to run a manual check and any accounts found to be in violation will be deleted. I said DELETED.

If your account gets deleted DO NOT COME TO ME COMPLAINING. If you don't want to chance it DO NOT USE KUOC. If you cant play the game without it perhaps you should go play Nintendo.

I will continue to update you as we move forward.

For the time being if anyone accuses the staff of cheating on this forum, I will be banning them, and deleting their UO accounts. I have no time, nor patience for it.

This thread is staying open. If you flame in it you're deleted. If you bitch in it you're deleted. If you continue to cheat you're deleted.

This shard is NOT a democracy.

In essence you're being given the rope to hang yourself... if you do it... dont expect to be resurrected.
It might be alright if you deleted teh right accounts :/, most people know i only use razor, but hey... that might be illegal now to..


Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

hey Ryan all those dude that god banned when can they play again?


Master of the Interweb
Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

DasSchaf said:
Thats what i thougth too and knowing Ryan dont likes such people, i think this is quite accurate.

Have you asked Terron if you're allowed out of the 1,000,000 thread?


Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

_Choru_ said:
Have you asked Terron if you're allowed out of the 1,000,000 thread?
Hes not here so i thougth i migth stray around and see if i find some flamers or bitching people in some threads, especialy here...

Now back to the topic plz :>


Master of the Interweb
Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

DasSchaf said:
Hes not here so i thougth i migth stray around and see if i find some flamers or bitching people in some threads, especialy here...

Now back to the topic plz :>

Ok back to the topic we go.

Permabanning people who use this plugin is the only option I think, as they got warned of what would happen, so they clearly value a cheap kill over their account, tough luck on them I guess.


Legendary Member
Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

I disabled my scavenger agent on razor for picking up cotton, I just wanna be carefull. I'm still gonna macro the looms though :p .


Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

u dont need to worry with razor...

make a list of the people who got banned/deleted so everyone can see who are the script0rz
Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

I just don't see why everyone is so enthralled by this KUOC Client. It is the same as Razor and there is no reason all of this is needed sure the plugin shouldn't be allowed but razor does the exact same stuff...


Re: The future of KUOC/PlayUO.

Man it seems like everyones walking on eggshells..... AM I STILL ALLOWED TO USE MY BANDAGES MACRO :eek: :eek: :eek:
Ryan isn't part of the Third Reich...... he's just fair!