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The Orb in Luna...


Re: The Orb in Luna...

well it's not right in front of me..... that would be the orb itself the bookshelf or the Bank, so much for the simple aproach.:D


Re: The Orb in Luna...

not to flame the orb in luna but its just impossible. its like asking in what country did john bibop was born or like how many tigers are there in a water lilly. i dont think in my opinion people are going to get this not unless a clear clue is going to be given. I dont event think a genius can solve this riddle.


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Actually, as I've said before, when it IS answered, people will be kicking themselves numerous times for not getting it sooner.


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Nottheking;150933 said:
<ASayre> see, if I release the answer, then there'll be no puzzle to solve
<ASayre> and that'll end it
<ASayre> but if I don't, then peopel may lose interest
<ASayre> and that woudl end it
<ASayre> :(
<ASayre> Someone should hurry up and solve eet
I think one of these has happened already. Heh heh. The problem, the thing that makes this so frustrating, is that no hint whatsoever is given about what to do with the dots and slashes and such. Yes, yes, I know, it's supposed to be a puzzle. But there's really no idea, in the player's mind, how or even IF they're associated with the clues below. Off the top of my head, here just three of the possible things it could be. A very confusing 'fill in the blank'. Something that can be translated by solving the below clues. Some sort of ascii art meant to act as a hint. Now, all of those have certainly been mentioned in this topic already. But that's the problem -- it's very easy to go on a wild goose chase when one knows so little about what is supposed to be solved. There comes a point, eventually, where every single person looks at it after hours of chasing dead ends, and goes "I have no idea what those damned dots are supposed to be." PSZ -- you mention that you were close. While this is nice for you the problem for us is that in the act of trying to selve it, no one ever knows whether they're close or not. It may be that someone had the right idea fleetingly but it was abandoned when immidiate results weren't found. So those trying to solve it live in what is basically a vacuum, never having any idea whether they are closer or farther away from solving it. This is a big part of the frustration of the puzzle. I understand completely that you want to keep the riddle intact and difficult to solve... but surely after six months, the person who thought up such a wildly confounding puzzle you can come up with a hint vague enough to revitalize interest, no? Because it seems that interest has waned to the point of nothingness.
Re: The Orb in Luna...

i think i may be able to speak for a lot of people, but i alone have been working on this riddle for 3 months, and i am sick of it, i honestly dont care anymore though you say we will kick ourselves when we find the answer though that may be i and a lot of people think there is not enough information there, we cant solve it and were getting angry i honestly gave up though i really wanna know the answer its not worth wasting my days over trying to figure it out,i dont even care about the prize anymore i just wanna know the answer, so when an answer comes about please PM me



Re: The Orb in Luna...

Well, actually I just passed the orb and did not ever really stop by. Until I saw this riddle on forum today. Hope it remains there some more time as I wanna try this next weekend solving it, too.

And perhaps desperation will engulf me afterwards.....


The Beef

Re: The Orb in Luna...

Ive been working on it for a while and I have no idea if Im making progress because it is very vague....one thing I dont want, is for additional clues to be given, because that will cheapen the whole thing....and i hope that when someone does solve it, the admin recognizes how difficult it was, how many people tried and failed, and rewards the solver with some serious items....


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Iceman-demise;245826 said:
i think i may be able to speak for a lot of people, but i alone have been working on this riddle for 3 months, and i am sick of it, i honestly dont care anymore...
you will care when somebody is strutting around luna in a shiney new pair of inquis =\