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The Orb in Luna...


Re: The Orb in Luna...

ok so im not going to read all this thread again from the posts. but i think a gm said it cant be forced....
does that mean u cant keep guessing like u can guess only once per day????
or does it mean u cant force it by one word as in its a sentence. ?


Re: The Orb in Luna...

z0diac;246311 said:
ok so im not going to read all this thread again from the posts. but i think a gm said it cant be forced....
does that mean u cant keep guessing like u can guess only once per day????
or does it mean u cant force it by one word as in its a sentence. ?

I took it as you can't sit there with dictionary and go from aardvark to whatever the last word is and solve it. I think the answer is unique to the riddle, so its not a regular/common word or phrase.


Re: The Orb in Luna...

ok i wish u can tell us if its a "phrase" or a one word awnser....
if u awnsered this once before i appolagize


Re: The Orb in Luna...

ok so this is what "I" thought of and thought it was right but guess not..

Second in "aqua" but reversed would be "p".
Just like "each" would add "each" to give you "peach." Minus the last character would give you "peac."

Perhaps "the fifth" refers to E, the fifth letter. If you add this you have "peace."

but i went straight to luna and tried this FIRST TRY of the day and was wrong. heh. So fustraiting :"(
" Tear "


Re: The Orb in Luna...

I would prefer that no hints were given in the first place.. it only compounds your thought processes.


Re: The Orb in Luna...

I've been thinking about this orb riddle for a long time. I've read every post, line by line, character by character and I can say that I'm fairly certain I have discovered the answer. I've come to the conclusion it's:

As much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


Re: The Orb in Luna...

z0diac;248377 said:
ok so this is what "I" thought of and thought it was right but guess not..

Second in "aqua" but reversed would be "p".

problem is, if it's written as AQUA it would be the Q and if you turned it upside down/reverse you would get a symbol which doesn't make sense.


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Oaks;248391 said:
problem is, if it's written as AQUA it would be the Q and if you turned it upside down/reverse you would get a symbol which doesn't make sense.
yes true, but leaveing this out of a riddle tords giveing all the info, is stupid. they said q so it should be q. as in lower case. if it was Q why dident they put it. i dont know dude, all i know is that this thing is driveing me insane.. =/ insane............INSANE I TELL YOU!!!

Windows Dark

Re: The Orb in Luna...

I figured out mom

Second in aqua (Aqua, musical band) would be their second album "My Oh My"

Each word except the last, M o M
And Reverse :p


LOL :'<

Sale Bot

Re: The Orb in Luna...

Cannot be solved don't waste your time. Having the answer and sitting on it is very simple im sure i could do it to. If you value your time you wont pursue this endless endever. I've had people look at this that have solved einsteins riddles and so on, and so on. They have told me specificly it's not solvable because the format is incomplete or it's not writen properly, obviously this has to be the case because it's been in the wild for now 6 months, riddles are riddles. They are not impossible to beat, this guys is impossible. You can slam me all you want but int eh end im right because you havn't solved it after 6 months of very very inteligent guess's infact when i first tried i came up with all your answers also.

Dont waste your time, just drop it.

As a word to those who get inspired by how i said it's impossible, it's impossible so dont even try to prove me wrong, your wasting your time and it really didn't make this post for you to do that. So please no one try to solve this it's a massive waste of time.
Re: The Orb in Luna...

Sale Bot;248431 said:
Cannot be solved don't waste your time. Having the answer and sitting on it is very simple im sure i could do it to. If you value your time you wont pursue this endless endever. I've had people look at this that have solved einsteins riddles and so on, and so on. They have told me specificly it's not solvable because the format is incomplete or it's not writen properly, obviously this has to be the case because it's been in the wild for now 6 months, riddles are riddles. They are not impossible to beat, this guys is impossible. You can slam me all you want but int eh end im right because you havn't solved it after 6 months of very very inteligent guess's infact when i first tried i came up with all your answers also.

Dont waste your time, just drop it.

As a word to those who get inspired by how i said it's impossible, it's impossible so dont even try to prove me wrong, your wasting your time and it really didn't make this post for you to do that. So please no one try to solve this it's a massive waste of time.

Hehe. Nice try.
Not only did you manage to work in calling yourself "very, very intelligent" which, in itself seems rather prideful to me, despite the fact that you have yet to solve it, and provide no proof that you came up with some same answers as some of these folks. The thing is, with not really anything to go on, there's no way to tell how intelligent the ideas proposed really are...

So, are you basicly trying to get people to stop trying, to give you more time to figure it out? That's sort of clever, i guess.... selfish, but sort of clever.

I say to people.. DON'T GIVE UP ON THIS THING!


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Sale Bot;248431 said:
Cannot be solved don't waste your time. Having the answer and sitting on it is very simple im sure i could do it to. If you value your time you wont pursue this endless endever. I've had people look at this that have solved einsteins riddles and so on, and so on. They have told me specificly it's not solvable because the format is incomplete or it's not writen properly, obviously this has to be the case because it's been in the wild for now 6 months, riddles are riddles. They are not impossible to beat, this guys is impossible. You can slam me all you want but int eh end im right because you havn't solved it after 6 months of very very inteligent guess's infact when i first tried i came up with all your answers also.

Dont waste your time, just drop it.

As a word to those who get inspired by how i said it's impossible, it's impossible so dont even try to prove me wrong, your wasting your time and it really didn't make this post for you to do that. So please no one try to solve this it's a massive waste of time.

Is that you Asayre (on your player forum account) ???? Is that maybe a clue ???? :eek:


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Nah, his forum name is *thud*


Please disregard this message. -- ASayre


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Absolute Hatred;256208 said:
maybe we can hurry up and build a palace of golden hairs from a magical alpaca too while were at it.

i think this task would be easier.