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The Orb in Luna...


Bug Hunter
Re: The Orb in Luna...

OMG why did i look at this? When i first came to play here this thing was already up and running, so i left it thinking someone would solve it soon. Since then i had forgoton about it's existence untill this thread appeared on the first page again.

So i decided to look into it..........

That was a mistake as it took nearly three hours to read all the posts about it. I have tried saying a few things to the orb but none of them worked.

when it was dots and dashes only it made no sense apart from the ideas about the date 8,31,2006. has this date got anything to do with the launch of the 9th anniversary collection?????

the clues:

the first one i'm convinced has to be p or u

the second one i'm not too sure about.

the third one well "like end" is demise which seems to make sense take away the fifth you get demie?????? or has it got something to do with the five worlds eg. without tokuno?????

All i know for sure is that i had a lot of trouble sleeping last night!!!

why did i look at it?

Carlton III (BAD) GM Fisherman
Monaro(BAD) elder smith & stonemason
@Hythloth forge


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Man, this thing is crazy... can't believe i've read the whole thread (yes, I've read every word from page 1 to this point). After reading all the ideas, psz and ASayre making fun of us for not having solved it, I got an idea that i just can't let go... I think all those dots, dashes and slashes are a code to a song... maybe a chorus of a song, or a famous guitar solo or something... and the answer would be the title of that song. I am a musician, but I haven't had the time to take a closer look at it yet, but as soon as I can I will try to translate it into music to see if I can figure it out.

That way, if the dots and stuff are actually a song, it could be solvable from day one, 'cause it already had a small part of the song. When ASayre realized that nobody could figure it out, he added more verses of the same song, and after that he added the verses, maybe to give us a hint about the title of the song, or maybe it's lyrics...

Few questions for ASayre (if you would be kind to answer them =D)
1- Did you create this puzzle yourself? Or was it told to you by someone else?
2- If you say yes to #1: Are you a musician?
3- Again, if you said yes to #1: What kind of music do you listen to? (rock n' roll, pop music, rap, classical music?)

Not sure if I'm in the right direction... this is just another theory among many others that have already been posted..... :confused:


Re: The Orb in Luna...

well i just wasted a whole 3 hours and some odd minutes reading every damn word in this thread from page 1....god....water...water...peace...war..water...and as for the idea of the lyrics or tabs perhaps from above....perhaps, not likely, i play guitar, i seen pzs post about it may be a song...i dont think so though, becuz asyare continuiously says "its so easy blah blah blah" and pzs say "you will kick yourself when you find out the answer" to which comes to me as a "your a f***ing dumbass........." :sigh: i'll be at the orb if needed.....once i get my game back up and running....BOOO LOL LOL GIVE US A CLUE ASAYRE PLEEEEEEASSSSEEEEEEE word or phrase...lyric or tab??? pleeease
Re: The Orb in Luna...

I didnt waste my time reading the thread im wasting my time trying to figure out this damn ORB
i asked a gm and they said it was very easy and u get a prie/reward for answering it soooo im determined to get it solved


Re: The Orb in Luna...

as am i....i sit here with no UO for 3 days solid...im going crazy...i NEED to figure this out.....just to say "I KICK A**" for about 2 days then go on playing my game.....egh...that would make my year....


Re: The Orb in Luna...

I said it was a song? *confused*


Actually, it might be, now that I think about it ^_^
Re: The Orb in Luna...

psz;276185 said:
I said it was a song? *confused*


Actually, it might be, now that I think about it ^_^
its either
A: A song
B: ur trying to mislead us who knows but i SWEAR ill be the one to answer it


Re: The Orb in Luna...

shiftydaclown1;276213 said:
its either
A: A song
B: ur trying to mislead us who knows but i SWEAR ill be the one to answer it

Actually, it was never my intention to imply a song (I really DON'T remember claiming that before)


After I'd read that post, it clicked off an old memory, and I *THINK* there may actually be a song, but I'm not sure.

No, I'm not bothering to double check, I just think it may be a song afterall

I will say this: Song or not, it doesn't make it easier or harder. (Just one of those random coincidences)

Of course, everyone will read way too much into this post, so I'm just gonna stop now while I'm ahead :-/


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Yep don't read into that.... as it told you nothing. Think about how many one word song titles there are out there, or phrases because we don't know if it's a word or phrase. Also if psz is struggling to remeber if it is a song title or not then it could be even more random.... Also Asayre said anyone could answer it.... that means it would not be written music as not everyone can read music (nice idea though):) It's simpler than that..... I guess we are just not simple of mind.....

Back when I was trying to solve this I even tried blurring my eyes to see if that would bring something out. Just incase it was a puzzle you could only solve drunk.... lol


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Ulrich;276446 said:
Back when I was trying to solve this I even tried blurring my eyes to see if that would bring something out. Just incase it was a puzzle you could only solve drunk.... lol

Must test all variables. I will test this variable myself, by promptly getting drunk. Maybe I'll have to test this many many times just to make SURE...


Bug Hunter
Re: The Orb in Luna...

Has anyone tried giving drink to the orb?

PSZ's comment about a song i think means, if say the answer was cheesscake (which we know it isn't) maybee there is a song about cheesecake. I think thats what he means?

It would be nice to know if those 8 dots mean it's an eight charachter answer.

Carlton III (BAD) GM Fisherman
Monaro (BAD) Elder smith & stonemason


Re: The Orb in Luna...

No, actually I meant that I think there's a song with a very similar name to the answer. (Not the same, I don't think)

Still looking for it so I don't feel dumb when it's answered V_V


Re: The Orb in Luna...

theres no way it is a song for the fact that asayre said its so easy anyone can get it, and i belive pzs said you'll kick yourselves in the face when you know the answer...which tells me, that IF it was a song (which i doubt) it would have to be a very well known one, one that EVERYONE should know...but that cant be because everyone doesnt listen to the same music. therefore i rest my case on it being a song...theres no way...plus i just researched for about 3 hours on songs, guitar tabs...etc.. waste of time lol...im about ready to rez einstein and ask him LMAO....:p


Re: The Orb in Luna...

He never said it was a song, just that it might be.

Also just because anyone can get it doesn't mean that it can't be a song title. There are probably enough song titles to cover half the english language/phrases, if not more, from non-popular bands. Just that he thinks it might be a song name really doesn't take from the fact that anyone can know it.