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The Orb in Luna...


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Eskeshehir;299856 said:
Too bad nobody really gives a shit about the orb anymore.

i'm working on it right now =D
Maybe I should write the riddle on my car's windshield to read it while I drive, on my notebook to read it while I'm at college, and on my desktop to read it while I'm at home... this way i'm sure I'll figure it out in a few years :D


Re: The Orb in Luna...

So yeah....what was the first part of the riddle? And the answer to get to the second part....does anybody know?


Re: The Orb in Luna...

I believe the first part was a part of the first line (not the entire line). I think this is what the riddle used to be:

......../... ./..__......

This and nothing else. And later it changed to what it is now.
Also it is said that ASayre once said this at the mirc:
"dashes are pauses in time, the first one about a half-hour, the second, some 5 minutes, and the third, about 10 minutes."
Not sure if this is really a clue or just an attempt to mislead us though.

jrhather said:
And the answer to get to the second part....does anybody know?
Don't know what you're talking about. I'm pretty sure the entire riddle is shown as you double-click the orb. This is what the orb says:
Luna Orb said:
......../... ./..__....../.__.. .._...__[]
. . . . . . . ./_.... . .../.... ..../........[]
..../. ......./..__../.__...____[]
_______..../._.. ./........_/........
Second in Aqua, but reverse.
Just like each word except the last character.
Just like end without the fifth.

The [] are those squares at the end of the first 3 lines.


Bug Hunter
Re: The Orb in Luna...

Ok so i have a new train of thought on this orby thingy.
here goes:
The other day i watched a film called "Lara croft tomb raider the cradle of life" Anyway in this film she finds a "mysterious orb" in a "luna temple" the orb she finds needs decoding. the code is represented with a series of dots which turn out to be translated into sound waves. Unfortunatly the sound seems to be unrecognisable.
The orb found in the film is a map or a device that behaves like a map. This map leads her to the cradle of life where she finds "Pandora's box"
Once i had seen the film i rushed staight there and typed in pandora's box so that dosn't work but,
pandoras box fits here in the first line,

second in aqua but reverse is "P"
Pandoras box starts with "P"

Just like each word except the last charachter.
Does this mean "and/or"

PSZ said that there is a song with a similar name to the answer. There are quite a few songs called "Pandoras box" but the on that i noticed is on an album by Aerosmith. Strangley the Album is also called Pandoras box.

In the recent staff aplications there is a part which jokingly says that the answer is "cheesecake" If you look at the Aerosmith Album "Pandoras box" there is also a track called cheesecake.

This may just be one of those coincedences But it seems to fit too well. The only part which dosn't make sense is the pauses in time part. Thats if that was realy a clue at all. Also i cant seem to do anything with the last part of the clue:
Just like end without the fifth.
All i can say there is that "Demise" is a word like end but without the fifth makes "demie" which makes no sense at all.

Anyway thats the best i have for now, so have fun trying and if it helps anyone i want half:D

And if the staff think its close enough pm me the answer:p

Carlton III (BAD) PV?
Monaro (BAD) Elder smith & Stonemason
Surprise (BAD) GM Fisherman


Bug Hunter
Re: The Orb in Luna...

repiovesana;300250 said:
I don't think they would ever do that... "Close enough" for them would be "exactly correct" ;)

Yeah i know, but isn't it frustrating. I just want the thing to dissapear.

Carlton III (BAD) PV?
Monaro (BAD) Elder smith & Stonemason
Surprise (BAD) GM Fisherman


Re: The Orb in Luna...

uome;300140 said:
Ok so i have a new train of thought on this orby thingy.
here goes:
The other day i watched a film called "Lara croft tomb raider the cradle of life" Anyway in this film she finds a "mysterious orb" in a "luna temple" the orb she finds needs decoding. the code is represented with a series of dots which turn out to be translated into sound waves. Unfortunatly the sound seems to be unrecognisable.
The orb found in the film is a map or a device that behaves like a map. This map leads her to the cradle of life where she finds "Pandora's box"
etc, etc, etc....

Best idea yet!


Bug Hunter
Re: The Orb in Luna...

jrhather;300261 said:
Best idea yet!

I was thinking about making a new thread with this idea, but then someone bumped the old one:rolleyes:

Carlton III (BAD) PV?
Monaro (BAD) Elder smith & Stonemason
Surprise (BAD) GM Fisherman


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Actually, what I said was I THINK there's a song with the answer in the title.

I have yet to find said song V_V

BTW: I hated the Tomb Raider movie... My co-workers dragged me to it in the theatre. It was almost (not quite!) as bad as Queen Of The Damned. Sorry, random tangent. I need to see Balls of Fury to erase the Tomb Raider crappiness from my mind.


Re: The Orb in Luna...

psz;300352 said:
Actually, what I said was I THINK there's a song with the answer in the title.

I have yet to find said song V_V

BTW: I hated the Tomb Raider movie... My co-workers dragged me to it in the theatre. It was almost (not quite!) as bad as Queen Of The Damned. Sorry, random tangent. I need to see Balls of Fury to erase the Tomb Raider crappiness from my mind.

Its by the Village People, I can sense it.


Bug Hunter
Re: The Orb in Luna...

psz;300352 said:
BTW: I hated the Tomb Raider movie... My co-workers dragged me to it in the theatre. It was almost (not quite!) as bad as Queen Of The Damned. Sorry, random tangent. I need to see Balls of Fury to erase the Tomb Raider crappiness from my mind.

Agreed it was awfull. I was just channel surfing when i heard talk of an orb so then had to watch it as i needed an answer.

Carlton III (BAD) PV?
Monaro (BAD) Elder smith & Stonemason
Surprise (BAD) GM Fisherman