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The Orb in Luna...


Re: The Orb in Luna...

I don't play this game, nor have ever played it on this server.. But this "Rizzle" was brought to my attention and I have tried quite a few times to solve it.. But of course while I can't get ahold of the one who brought it to my attention I am thus posting it here.. Can someone try for me Pacman?


Re: The Orb in Luna...

I want the answer like an addict needs their fix.

Anyone up for a BT whilst pondering the mysteries of the orb? ;)


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Soooo ASAYER...how about another clue? Something to enable us degenerate lowlifes and sub-humans to work out the riddle....


Re: The Orb in Luna...

That would require ASayre being available.

(And I'm not allowed to offer any more clues, as I have "gone well beyond the limit of hints" for this riddle)


Re: The Orb in Luna...

what was the first part of the orb message, and what was the answer to get the 2nd part of the orb message?


Re: The Orb in Luna...

bzk90;298767 said:
trading the answer for Orny/HoM/Gloves of Sun/AoF

I've got a new theory about the riddle... I'll try it out in a minute... if it works, then maybe we can do business =D


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Sure I can repeat them! By pointing out they're all still in this thread ^_^


Re: The Orb in Luna...

Feersum Endjinn;299808 said:
psz, are you allowed to repeat the clues given?

just to put us all on the same playing field...

Stay Safe

psz said:
Sure I can repeat them! By pointing out they're all still in this thread ^_^

I guess he really didn't feel like looking through 70 pages of discussion to find out all the clues that have been given =D But I did a while ago, and I can tell you... nothing really worth the few hours you'll waste doing it ;)